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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    And didnt think they were safe enough to get by without him this season. True, but that has absolutely nothing to do with what I just said
  2. Obviously there isn't a strict dichotomy between "spend like a f***ing madman and succeed" and "pinch every penny and fail miserably." You make decisions on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances of the club. In our case its fairly obvious that some amount of financial austerity was needed. Mike Ashley had the right idea about the financial end, but obviously his downfall was that he made terrible, terrible, absolutely f***ing insane footballing decisions. I don't think that was controversial enough so here's an extra line: What happened in the past couple of years was terrible, but I would still take the Newcastle United of today over the Newcastle United as it was when Ashley bought the club. Every single day of the week.
  3. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    Blackpool also weren't offered 35 million for Adam.
  4. oldtype

    Joey Barton

    Barton ripped open the interviewer's chest, took out his still-beating heart, and ate it. Be all over the papers tomorrow.
  5. Alternatively, we could spend 100m and not get anywhere near the title. Oh wait, that sounds familiar.
  6. This thread has officially gone to the place that should not be gone to
  7. Mike ashley isn't a cunt, he's just really, really bad at running football clubs
  8. This part is true. He's good at everything else though. As long as you're not relying on him to be your main goalscorer he'll net about one in three and help the team in ways too numerous to mention. Of course he can run, he's Korean man, where have you left your stereotypes!
  9. no EDIT: unless he's free or dirt cheap, which fits the profile i suppose rather have one of your burgeoning crop of never-say-die midfielder's personally He's the best Korean player right now by a mile. "Never say die" midfielders are a dime a dozen here, but then again they are in England as well.
  10. Any bias aside, we should really get in for Park Chu-Young when Monaco go down. Was absolutely unstoppable for us against Hondruas today.
  11. What is it that got Johnson so much hype? Was his brief spell at Chelsea or his 6 months of half decent form at Portsmouth? It seems even the LFC fans would prefer Martin Kelly over Johnson. Or is it just that any English player that gets sold for over 10 mil gets into the squad regardless of form? http://www.japanator.com/elephant/ul/12893-620x-THATS_A_BINGO.jpg
  12. oldtype

    Joey Barton

    Because thinking we'll get relegated this season just isn't negative enough anymore.
  13. Glad to hear it. I'm kind of honored that I'm important enough that Dave will dig through my two year old quotes.
  14. Man, leave it to Ronaldo to make judgement calls about other people's career prospects based on a largely non-serious argument.
  15. To be honest, if I won money off Newcastle getting relegated I'd probably feel so bad that I'd burn it or flush it or get so drunk that I eat it or something.
  16. Pace and power in every position Don't forget height! And incisive finishing, don't forget the incisive finishing.
  17. But do you believe he's actually a good Premiership-level midfielder? I don't think he's a liability. Fair play, I probably don't either, at the moment he is offering enough to offset his faults. If I was a Premier League midfielder I would love to play against him though. I think I'd be fairly pissed off after owning him all match then have him score the winning goal off his arse from a set piece.
  18. But do you believe he's actually a good Premiership-level midfielder? I don't think he's a liability.
  19. Given how little credit Nolan gets for just about anything, I could easily see the Pissi bet being repeated at the beginning of next season.
  20. I guess on some level I can understand the "OMG we went down once and it hurt so much, I don't think I'd be able to bear going down again, so I'll just have a super negative attitude to begin with to soften the blow just in case it actually happens" attitude.
  21. I wasnt aware Kinnear worked for the Journal, considering the club have said nothing on this subject it would be nothing like that buffoon Thank you, I was missing my daily dose of pedantic.
  22. This whole "two international players" jazz brings up really, really bad memories of Kinnear.
  23. What the fuck man, I walk into a bar in Jakarta for a nightcap, and what are they playing on tv? Highlights of this fucking match, that's what
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