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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Messi's career will nosedive after we dump them out of the group stages
  2. We need to come down hard on him imo... Getting the right attitude is going to be important if he's going to have a top-flight career and we have to stamp out these tendencies of his when we still can. Taking him out of the first team for a while wouldn't be a bad idea. Shola's coming back soon and relying on him in this division isn't the worst thing in the world.
  3. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    Unsure what you're basing that on, plenty of decent wingers who aren't necessarily the flashiest or most noticeable players on their teams. (Oh boy, do I have to name them now? ) EDIT: you know what, given what the rest of the players were like while Milner was here, he probably was one of the most noticeable players on our team.
  4. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    No, that's called 'fiction,' or 'myth.' I actually do watch the matches.
  5. aye tekke poked him in the eye and they both got a yellow card. Used to be a brilliant player, shame he was too much of a cunt to make it in Europe. Had Figo in his back pocket during that WC 2002 match.
  6. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    Honestly the only specific things I remember is his cross for Luque's goal against Palermo, the belter against Man U, and him looking like the only player who cared when Birmingham embarassed us 5-1 at St. James. Like most people, my opinion about players is formed more by general impressions rather than specific matches.
  7. Random question, but is the Korean lad playing for tom tomsk?
  8. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    That's got to be one of the daftest things I've read on here. As if anyone* can remember who played well in what games over the last 3 years ffs, and as if the inability of someone to recall this will somehow invalidate their argument. I can remember 10 games or more when Robert played well, Solano, even N'zogbia. Wingers tend to stand out with their contribution. Wide players are there to make things happen, Milner didn't, not for us. Honestly? Right off the top of your head? Without looking at a fixture list? I'm not going to fall into the trap of saying that Milner is in the same class as Robert or Solano, but he was a positive contributor for us during his time here. You'll excuse me if I don't necessarily trust "games Ronaldo claims to remember where he played well" as a standard of a player's quality.
  9. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    I'm honestly not going to go through the bother of dredging up five matches where I think Milner played well. I just don't think anyone can dispute that he was a good player for us under Roeder/Allardyce. Especially considering the relative standard of the team during those periods.
  10. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    I disagree, but I'm probably not capable of changing your mind about this am I?
  11. oldtype

    The 'Superfan'

    It may be that actually being there holder offers you a better view of the matches than just watching TV (having experienced both, I'd probably agree with this even...) Still, we can't start assigning different credibility to people based on how they support the club. If we're going to start saying that some people's opinions are inherently better than others, we might as well just close this board down and open a new one which requires a ST for entry.
  12. oldtype

    Danny Guthrie

    Well, let's not jump to bury this one when he doesn't immediately set the Premiership alight then. One of the most insane things I've experienced as a Newcastle supporter was seeing how much Milner was hated. It wasn't even a case of him giving up on him too early when he was struggling, he was actually one of our best players for 2 years running and had an excellent attitude, but some people seemed to despise him because he "had no pace" (the most overused and often incorrect indictment against a player ever by the way) and "couldn't cross." Now I'm not trying to imply that the fans drove him out of the club or anything, I'm fully aware of who initiated that transfer... But still, it's always just struck me as incomprehensible.
  13. oldtype

    The 'Superfan'

    The most arrogant poster on the board just made what is possibly his most arrogant statement ever. It's about how he thinks other people are arrogant.
  14. oldtype

    The 'Superfan'

    That sentence belongs in the irony hall of fame . I was going to spit out some sort of rebuttal but I'm too busy admiring it instead.
  15. He's 22 and playing at a big club for the first time in his career. I don't think it's necessarily the "best" course of action to jump on him like a pack of wolves just because he hasn't settled immediately. Probably costs us very little so I don't see the problem with giving him chances from time to time and selling him in the summer if it doesn't work out. It's not as if he's starting every match.
  16. Deserves credit for not making knee-jerk changes and trusting that our quality would come through in the end. Who was he going to bring on anyway, Nicky Butt?
  17. FUCK YOU shit club who thought you were getting the jammy three points. Carroll!
  18. Then again, let's please not go on our usual "OMG we're getting relegated sack Hughton sell all the players" trips if we lose this one. Terrible performance, but we're having horrible luck and I still think we can get back in this.
  19. Stunning how no one's been talking about the actual match for 3~4 pages now
  20. And the fact we won the game. Stifler in "winning is good" shocker!
  21. Could they not be the crowd for: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,68190.0.html ah, now that would be a happy convergence of priorities.
  22. I've always been a bit ambivalent about nust because they seem more attention-seekers than people who genuinely want to represent our interests.
  23. Awesome if we could get a fund together to buy the naming rights and call it Newcatle United stadium or something to that effect
  24. oldtype

    Phil Brown

    I won't lie, I'm kinda gutted. I want him to be around for me to hate
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