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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. I honestly haven't met a person who's better at sounding like a dick. Not even on this message board
  2. Any body is a good body for us. I'll believe it when I see it. Still plenty of time for it to "fall through" like all this paper talk does.
  3. No doubt Ashley and co. will somehow manage to epically mismanage this so that we lose Krul for peanuts in the winter. Hell, he'll probably do us one better and figure out a way to sell Harper at the same time too.
  4. There's really too many random variables involved in the knockout rounds to say that anyone is a "clear favorite." England could be heads and shoulders above everybody else in the world (which they're not) and it would still be ridiculously difficult for them to take the cup. Heck, for all we know at this point, South Korea could win it.
  5. It wouldn't be the same if Mexico weren't always in the way. You need that local rival. I imagine the world would implode if we ever met Japan in a knockout round. Thankfully, we're both shit enough for it to not happen. Ever.
  6. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    http://www.abluescreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/0906-nigerian-prince.gif I must have missed the part where I've signed up my life earnings to Sillius. Damn, I knew there was a catch somewhere. What exactly have I got to lose by believing the chap, except for being a miserable t***? You encourage him to come back again later and start spouting this shit all over again.
  7. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Neither. There's nothing for Llambias to deny.
  8. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

  9. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Tell me who's attention seeking when nothing happens today and you come back with more of your pathetic "today's the day" cryptic bullshit in a week or so.
  10. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Look at your avatar I was referring to the attention-seeking pantomime you've been perpetrating on here for days despite knowing absolutely fuck all.
  11. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Why do we continue to put up with this complete and utter bullshit.
  12. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    You're giving him too much credit.
  13. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Encouraging him should be a ban-able offense.
  14. You really don't want to start this conversation. Hee hee. Oh go on. When you've finished that one we can talk about the Olympic boxing... I have a bad feeling we're going to get around to gymnastics and speed skating as well...
  15. You really don't want to start this conversation.
  16. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Fuck me, I would pay good money to see that.
  17. I hardly think it's an overstatement to say that we'll walk the CCC if we had the current squad all season. It gets more interesting in February when we've sold half the team and bought/loaned/signed nobody though.
  18. Hiddink at Newcastle Every club in Europe with a vacancy (and no doubt some without one) will be after him when he leaves Russia. We've got about as much chance of appointing Hiddink as we do of signing Messi. Nice wet dream though.
  19. The only reason I want Hughton to stay on for now is because he's better than all the realistic alternatives. Give him the chance to make another appointment and Mike Ashley will make sure he screws it up. Actually, I wake up in a cold sweat at night these days thinking that the only reason he hasn't given Hughton the job permanently is because he sees him as a placeholder until Kinnear gets back to full fitness...
  20. We should see whether Butt actually starts or not on Saturday before we decide where to bury him and how deep.
  21. oldtype

    U23s & Academy

    I hope so or is he away on international duty ? He's in Barcelona finalizing pre-contract negotiations.
  22. Work slow at the moment then? Bit of a hiatus on the relationship front? Weather shocking and nowt on the telly? Lets see how productive you are when you're staring four months of basic training in the face then. I wouldn't worry, you'll last about a week Hard at work preserving your status as forum asshole, as usual.
  23. Work slow at the moment then? Bit of a hiatus on the relationship front? Weather shocking and nowt on the telly? Lets see how productive you are when you're staring four months of basic training in the face then.
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