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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. It's a low attendance but I don't see why we have to be offended about it. That's just what they are as a club and it's largely due to factors beyond their control. I suppose it all just sounds a bit daft to someone coming from a country where the most popular club averages in the mid-twenty thousands.
  2. How many does your local team get per head of population? Oh God, please don't ask that question. What's 15 million divided by 25000?
  3. You are kidding right? 10,000? There are divison 4 (sorry league 2) teams with higher attendances. I just find the practice of looking down on other clubs based on attendance figures to be entirely pointless. Attendance is based on a whole bunch of factors the club has no influence over like geography/population. They're a club in a city of barely 100,000 people located right next to a giant glory-hunter magnet in Man United. 20,000 average and lows of around 10,000 is normal. Bollocks, had we got 20,000 for a cup game it would be all over the back of the Sun. 10,000 is s**** for a team that won the premiership. Yes, because Newcastle is the only club in a city of 300,000, and is also the biggest club in its region. I really don't get why you find this so hard to understand.
  4. Apologies for my ignorance but which position is that? Right wing or CM, take your pick.
  5. You are kidding right? 10,000? There are divison 4 (sorry league 2) teams with higher attendances. I just find the practice of looking down on other clubs based on attendance figures to be entirely pointless. Attendance is based on a whole bunch of factors the club has no influence over like geography/population. They're a club in a city of barely 100,000 people located right next to a giant glory-hunter magnet in Man United. 20,000 average and lows of around 10,000 is normal. Heck, they're probably punching above their weight.
  6. What do we care who anyone else's attendance is. Blackburn's a small town and they have to compete for fans with a bunch of other Premiership clubs. Hardly their fault they're located where they are.
  7. LuaLua at the very least should be getting some gametime considering how weak we are in that position. Should. But won't.
  8. Saying Moyes is the answer to our coaching woes is like saying Arteta is the answer to our midfield woes. Let's think of more realistic alternatives.
  9. Does seem a bit schizophrenic. "Hi, we're NUSC. Our main goal is driving you out of the club. Oh, by the way, could you talk to us please?" Think it would have been good for them to try some engagement efforts before adopting the "Ashley Out" stance. Obviously Ashley was never going to talk to a group who's sole purpose seemed to be getting his head on a pike. It's a shame that this group was only born as a reaction to the Keegan fiasco. Had a similar group existed beforehand, I think they could've done much more good.
  10. oldtype


    Still waiting for Kinnear to figure out how to run a 4-4-2, never mind a 4-3-3
  11. As long as we're talking about random Newcastle staff sightings... I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. About two years ago in the spring, I was walking past a nice hotel in a neighborhood when some middle-aged man wearing a Newcastle tracksuit popped out of the lobby. Thought it could be some random bloke who had bought a tracksuit, but his top was initialed (like the stuff the coaching staff wears on matchday) so I suppose he might have been someone connected to the club. No idea what he'd be doing there. This place isn't really much of a vacation spot.
  12. He's more than proven that he's good enough to be the number one of a Premiership team. I think we'll do just fine with him. I for one am proud to have him between our posts. Bit of a luxury for us to hang on to both for so long, to be honest.
  13. Or maybe realism ? Realistically, (and to use something similar to what someone else said) we don't even have our head in the noose at the minute never mind having it tightened and the stool kicked away. We decide our own fate, and we can certaintly do alot as a club to remove ourselves from this position. I must admit, I myself am far from a realist, I'm an optimist as people have probably gathered by now. However, I am also of the opinion that optimism is a massive factor in what makes us human beings achieve. Where the f*** would we be if everyone said "ah no we just cannot make it" or "that's it, it's a certain failure...no point in trying". True Faith never seem to give any of the positives in these articles at the moment, or even if they do they manipulate it to slate something else. What positives. No, we haven't got our heads in the noose, but so far we've gone from Sitting in the living room eating crisps to standing on a stool with noose in hand. Logic dictates that if we've gone this far, we're eventually going the whole way. In the near future if not this season immediately. We seemed to have stability at this club for the first time in a long, long while for a short period before one little thing started going wrong, immediately triggering a chain reaction that's piled up into a clusterfuck of epic proportions, like a single car breaking down on the highway triggering a thirty-car pileup. You really couldn't make it up. Only at NUFC. We've been flung into the abyss, and while we may not be dead and buried yet, we're stuck into a course that inevitably leads to total destruction. It's like the title of the article: "knife slits water," a feeling of total hopelessness, just watching us slowly die. Watching this club right now is like watching someone who's just passed over the event horizon of a black hole. We all know what's coming next. What? Hundreds of physicits around the world would love to know. It goes without saying that I'm talking about "Star Trek" black holes, not real ones. Shame it's too late to give you the most pedantic poster award
  14. Or maybe realism ? Realistically, (and to use something similar to what someone else said) we don't even have our head in the noose at the minute never mind having it tightened and the stool kicked away. We decide our own fate, and we can certaintly do alot as a club to remove ourselves from this position. I must admit, I myself am far from a realist, I'm an optimist as people have probably gathered by now. However, I am also of the opinion that optimism is a massive factor in what makes us human beings achieve. Where the f*** would we be if everyone said "ah no we just cannot make it" or "that's it, it's a certain failure...no point in trying". True Faith never seem to give any of the positives in these articles at the moment, or even if they do they manipulate it to slate something else. What positives. No, we haven't got our heads in the noose, but so far we've gone from Sitting in the living room eating crisps to standing on a stool with noose in hand. Logic dictates that if we've gone this far, we're eventually going the whole way. In the near future if not this season immediately. We seemed to have stability at this club for the first time in a long, long while for a short period before one little thing started going wrong, immediately triggering a chain reaction that's piled up into a clusterfuck of epic proportions, like a single car breaking down on the highway triggering a thirty-car pileup. You really couldn't make it up. Only at NUFC. We've been flung into the abyss, and while we may not be dead and buried yet, we're stuck into a course that inevitably leads to total destruction. It's like the title of the article: "knife slits water," a feeling of total hopelessness, just watching us slowly die. Watching this club right now is like watching someone who's just passed over the event horizon of a black hole. We all know what's coming next.
  15. Have to say I've got big hopes for this lad. No reason in particular, he just gives off that vibe.
  16. We could be playing Blyth and I'd be happy if the top scorer was out. Oh dear. No no I don't mean like, that's how bad we are. I mean it strengthens our chance of winning. Any advantage is good in my books. I knew what you meant but fit and fighting we shouldn't be thinking to ourselves "s*** Simpson is playing" when he's an average player that shouldn't be worrying us. Similarly we shouldn't be worried by any player from Blyth hence it wouldn't normally bother me if he's injured or not. We should be more worried about our own game. However at this current time we need as much luck as we can get and unfortunately players like Simpson are able to do damage when playing well. It's been a few years since we've been able to be complacent about average goalscorer's from bottom sides. In fact, the likes of Cameron Jerome/Danny Weber/Marlon King have had an uncanny knack for fucking us up.
  17. absolutely spot on. Would've been a big improvement on our squad albeit an overpriced one at that. For someone who is 's****' he'd walk into our team for Saturday. He'd certainly be an improvement on Duff or the dearly departed French c***, but he wouldn't be on Jonas and Jonas should absolutely be playing on the left wing every week. We should have been looking to strengthen other areas instead.
  18. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Paranoid. Nah, you're fine mate, I just don't agree with you on anything. You couldnt agree with me pre-99, cos you know nowt about it. Which is why I don't talk about it. youve had plenty to say about Keegan who left the club in the s*** in 2008. who saved the club , in 1992 People are capable of doing good things at one point and doing bad things in another. (cf. Philippe Petain) And that's the end of this discussion because thread hijacking is bad. And i thought you lot Loved Ping-pong. Man, get your racist stereotpyes right. I'm not Chinese. I eat dog meat by the way, in case you need ideas. What's it taste like? Kind of like pork but chewier and has a better texture. It's extremely expensive though so it's not something you have every day and not everyone likes it either. We're straying off topic again though
  19. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Paranoid. Nah, you're fine mate, I just don't agree with you on anything. You couldnt agree with me pre-99, cos you know nowt about it. Which is why I don't talk about it. youve had plenty to say about Keegan who left the club in the s*** in 2008. who saved the club , in 1992 People are capable of doing good things at one point and doing bad things in another. (cf. Philippe Petain) And that's the end of this discussion because thread hijacking is bad. And i thought you lot Loved Ping-pong. Man, get your racist stereotpyes right. I'm not Chinese. I eat dog meat by the way, in case you need ideas.
  20. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Paranoid. Nah, you're fine mate, I just don't agree with you on anything. You couldnt agree with me pre-99, cos you know nowt about it. Which is why I don't talk about it. youve had plenty to say about Keegan who left the club in the s*** in 2008. who saved the club , in 1992 People are capable of doing good things at one point and bad things at another. (cf. Philippe Petain) And that's the end of this discussion because thread hijacking is bad.
  21. Almost comes here every single window but we always dodge the bullet
  22. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Paranoid. Nah, you're fine mate, I just don't agree with you on anything. You couldnt agree with me pre-99, cos you know nowt about it. Which is why I don't talk about it. youve had plenty to say about Keegan who left the club in the shit in 2008.
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