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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. We can't change the squad anymore. We can change the manager. The squad may be weak but just having a competent manager that doesn't alienate the players and isn't a raving lunatic would improve things a thousandfold. We need to take that step to save the club.
  2. OK, I realise people are pissed off, but why has the finances thread been forgotten? The club is losing £20m a season. How exactly is Ashely pocketing cash? Fair point. He's not attempting to asset strip our club. He just happens to be a woefully incompetent piece of shit.
  3. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    That's not even possible he only has 56 Wigan appearances. Tranmere fan? Or, more likely, just taking the piss.
  4. Won't it basically just end up being a real-life version of the transfer thread after 5pm? Wouldn't be looking forward to that.
  5. Sure your not talking from personal experience, a strange justification to make indeed. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx7X4cgh3qI Seen it, quality. mackems.gif That's the best one of those I've ever seen! Giggs and Rooney in 40 years
  6. News. Sort of. Fabio Zambalera moves on loan to Sampdoria with a view to a permanent move at end of season.
  7. i'd also say they have a pretty coherent game plan, a settled/balanced side and a manager who knows what they are doing. we all know stoke city are s*** but they have certain strengths that they play to and they make a half decent fist of it. we have more quality (when players are fit) but there's no overall vision, our squad is an unbalanced mess, a hodge-podge of signings from different managers or even scouts that doesn't really amount to a team. Stoke have tactics. Yes, they're really horrible to look at, but they have a game plan. As do West Brom and Hull. Kinnear is blatantly one of those managers who just whips up a basic 4-4-2 and says "alright lads go out there and do your best!" (As are, I suspect, Southgate and Adams) We're like the noob FM player who just chooses one of the default options and never changes it.
  8. I'll make sure to miss it then, thanks for the heads-up. Could not care less what the miserable t*** has to say. I look forward to forgetting that he even existed.
  9. I'm sorry I agree with everything you say but that just made me keel over and laugh for some reason.
  10. I'm not annoyed we didn't get Johnson in particular but the fact that we didn't get anyone to push Butt out of the squad period. Blatantly going to cost us our premiership status.
  11. Somebody finally came in and told him the meaning of the words "PR" apparently.
  12. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    Just watched a highlight compilation of him playing against us. Jesus, he really does turn into Pele
  13. What's the deal with Guthrie? There hasn't been anything on his injury other than from SSN and physioroom still has him down as coming back at the end of the month.
  14. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    Be very nice to actually have a threat from freekicks around the edge of the penalty area. It's been a long time. Exactly how good is he supposed to be at those direct freekicks though. Only has four goals against us and two goals against Birmingham to show for it after 56 appearances at Wigan.
  15. The other option would be just leaving it to fate. For the record, I voted no. Just thought it would be an interesting question to ask
  16. Because we've gotten to the point where "would you take 17th place right now?" Is no longer an interesting question. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Yo-yo.pnghttp://blog.kir.com/archives/images/question_mark.gif
  17. I see you're someone else who thinks we wanted to sell Given and Insomnia. I'm not defending the lack of players coming fwiw. No I'm not one of the mongs who thinks Ashley is asset stripping if that's what you're implying. But the fact that we had our money in our hands and didn't actually do anything about it is monumentally idiotic.
  18. Colo and Carroll out. I don't believe for a second that Oba will be fit to start. Raylor-Saylor-Bassong-Enrique Geremi-Nolan-Butt-Duff Shola-Loven Disaster.
  19. Miracles? Who the f*** was expecting miracles? We were lacking both quality AND quantity this window, but sorting out quantity would have been enough to keep us up in the short term. We needed bodies pure and simple. Here's the cold, hard facts: our main relegation rivals, Hull, West Brom, Stoke, Portsmouth, and Blackburn have all strengthened majorly in this window or at least made an effort to shore up their weaknesses. We've gone and made a f***ing profit. Idiocity of the absolute highest order.
  20. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    At one point he said Wise was doing the buying and selling. It has been said that Wise has been sacked. Perhaps that explains the shit business.
  21. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    No reason, I just happen to be logged on at the moment. Should be brought up every morning just to keep it topical.
  22. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Direct race between us and Portsmouth. Whoever sacks their idiot manager first stays up.
  23. He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk. Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever. If Kinnears walks then who will take this job. I refuse to answer this question for the 35th time. Because you already know the answer. There isnt a manager in the world or a good enough manager who would take the job. Here's a quote of the 34th time, which, incidentally, is also a quote of the 33rd time. Midds, this one is for you.
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