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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. If Howe doesn't now start picking up wins in the next 6 weeks then Benitez will be here before the end of February. Bookmark this.


    Some people might think that relegation this season will be a mere inconvenient setback but, believe me, the Saudis wont see it that way. If we are not showing any sign of surviving within the next month then Howe will be gone and Benitez will be back. 


    As crazy as it sounds, I think Howe is fighting for his job already. A look around the various NUFC forums over the last 24 hours has shown an incredible amount of vitriol directed at him and the shadow of Benitez has just made his job that bit harder.

  2. I

    1 minute ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    I’m really unsure, tbh.


    I really want Howe to do well and wouldn’t advocate sacking him at all. I also worry Rafa is coming back to us after two really poor jobs and failures at both.


    But I know what Rafa can do at this club, I’ve see it with my own eyes.


    I think Benitez would keep us up this season but long term I doubt he'd do anything for us and within a season or two we'd be back in a similar position to where we are now, albeit a bit higher up in the league. I think he's probably done as a top level manager.


    I like Howe as a person and I think the guy is a very decent manager but at the moment it looks like this job is too big for him and I highly doubt he will bring trophy-winning or CL-qualifying success for us in the future.

  3. He will be shocked to the core at the press and social media he gets this week. As has already been mentioned, he looks like he as aged in just two months of being here. He has nowhere to hide now and he has simply got to toughen the fuck up, drop the wasters like Lascelles and Shelvey and start getting wins because this could get really ugly for him.

  4. Just now, Geordie Ahmed said:

    If we got relegated and they sold us they'd make a massive loss, why on earth would they do that? 


    Even if we accept they don't intend on chucking lots of money at us and it is indeed a sensible investment which they are seeking a return on, then how is taking a big loss in less than a year on the club fit within that investment? 


    Fair point. But they might just think its better to take that loss when considering all of the factors that are going against them. The entire PL hate us and will attempt to do even more stuff to prevent our progress while we are out of the league. The Saudis might just cut their losses based on that.

  5. Just now, et tu brute said:

    Maybe harsh, but the Saudis won’t let it keep running the way it currently is. The club’s PR is secondary to what happens on the pitch, and I personally see very little/no improvement in that area.


    She deserves till the end of the season though at least. She has simply got to get another 4 players in this month though, including a top class striker.

  6. He has got to beat Norwich. There can be no excuses. Absolutely none.


    I can't deny that yesterday has raised a potential red flag against him for the long term for me, in terms of delivering results when the expectations are high. That game was an absolute gift and a chance to really get morale sky-high. Instead, the opposite has happened and the club is now a laughing stock for the next 7 days at least.

  7. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Staveley looks like she is shitting herself every time the camera zooms onto the directors box. She could well be on borrowed time if things don’t start improving very soon, as I can’t see the Saudis being very happy at current events. 


    I think it would be really harsh to give her the boot based on what has happened so far. Mistakes have been made, and I don't think she has been ruthless enough, but she has transformed the club's PR and that cannot be underestimated. She needs to put a rocket under everyone at the club now though, and that includes Howe because that result yesterday was completely unacceptable.

  8. Relegation will be a disaster, but if it happens and it's enough to make PIF want to get shot of us then it would show that the "we are patient investors" stuff was just bluster and they just saw us as something to improve for a bit and then flip for a profit. I hope that isn't the case but there is that nagging feeling that if the worst happens then they might just look to move on. It would be so NUFC for it to happen too.



  9. 1 minute ago, OpenC said:

    Were we ever actually linked by anything other than He Needs To Go And Newcastle Have Money To Spend speculation?


    Nope. This will be the kind of thing they cling to for comfort from now on though. Mo Salah signs for Madrid/Barca/Bayern in the next 12 months? ....... "hahaha, the Mags tried but Salah doesn't want to go anywhere near Newcastle!!!!"


    Absolute fucking doylems to a man. :lol:

  10. Wanking themselves silly that Coutinho signed for Villa. Naturally, its assumed its because we tried to get him but he wasn't interested in coming here. These fuckers are totally gone in the head, it's great. :lol:

  11. It's hilarious how they are the ones who are upset that we haven't brought Pep and Salah here already. The bitter, twisted cunts simply don't know how to react to all of this without giving away their fume for all the world to see and its funny as fuck.

  12. Hmm, dunno. I think they might actually find it easier to get promoted back to the PL than they have found it getting out of League 1. Once in the Champo they will become more attractive to higher profile managers and players. While in the 3rd Division though nobody of note will touch them with a bargepole.

  13. 2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Tears of a clown, doesn’t seem to concerned with human rights if they buy someone else.


    God the likes of this cunt have got a lot of pain coming their way, it’s going to be delicious.




    His RTG ban expires at the end of the month so expect the NUFC thread to be back up to its 300 posts per day level. :lol:

  14. Still an 8 for me. It's great that we are finally starting to look like a team but the bottom line is we are continuing to drop points from matches that should have been won. That's the classic sign of a team that gets relegated.


    We need to have players in the door next week. Staying up is truly in the hands of the owners now. We undoubtedly have the right manager but he needs the tools to keep us up, and he needs them pronto.

  15. People got carried away when we appointed him last month, getting giddy after reading a few articles and watching some youtube videos. The excitement was very OTT, but now the doom and gloom from some quarters is also ridiculous. The truth is the guy is a good manager but, until proven otherwise, not top drawer as yet. If we go down then he will probably be the best bet to bring us back up....unless the second half of the season is a shocker.

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