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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    There would probably still be ways to extend the Gallowgate even if the Strawberry Place development goes ahead. Well, it's much more likely to be feasible than extending the east stand.





    There will be a dirty big building on Strawberry Place literally across the road from where the current Gallowgate End is. Its a nonsense that the Gallowgate can feasably extended with that there. And even if it could, the nature of the structure would make SJP's stands look even more mismatched. No thanks, if Level 7 cannot be extended to the Gallowgate then its a new stadium on a new site.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Lets see what division we're in next season before worrying about that. It should still be possible to extend the Gallowgate.


    Unless the current office block proposal gets scrapped, it isnt.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    And your reckoning is based on exactly what knowledge of the planning system?


    If Leazes Terrace could somehow be relocated (which is pie in the sky in itself because, even it it were physically possible, and they could voluntarily or compulsorily purchase all the the individual properties, the cost would be astronomical) it would need to be pushed further into Leazes Park, which would harm the significance of the park (which is also listed). Moving the building would also inevitably impact on its significance, it would change both its setting and the setting of the park and would inevitably alter the fabric of the building. Also, it would involve the demolition of St James' Street, which is also listed. This would all also cause significant harm to the significance of the Leazes conservation area.


    There is no redevelopment of Leazes Park that could offset that, there was an extensive restoration of the park in the early 2000s.


    It would result in at least substantial harm to the significance of Leazes Park, Leazes Terrace and the conservation area and complete loss of significance of the listed buildings on St. James' Street. Planning policy dictates that such loss an only be acceptable if it is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh the harm caused. That just wouldn't be the case here. No chance, pie in the sky, end of story.


    Oh well. I guess we are moving away from the current SJP site then.

  4. 3 hours ago, manorpark said:


    Leazes Terrace is FANTASTIC, in my opinion.


    Not sure where they could move it to but if anyone could afford to do it our new owners could.


    However, it would never get planning approval.




    If it could be proved that it could be moved, renovated and rebuilt further back as part of a completely redeveloped Leazes Park then I reckon planning approval could be given.

  5. The point I was trying to make when I inadvertently derailed the other thread was that if Shearer is a legend then KK is something significantly higher. So let's say Keegan is a God. :cool:


    Personally I loved Andy Cole more than Shearer. Maybe that's because he was part of the club's journey from obscurity through to one of the biggest clubs in the country. And even though Shearer was hands down a better all-round player.


    I'm still not having Kevin Nolan as an icon though  [emoji38]

  6. Just now, HTT II said:

    I’m the same, I want even Leeds - who I quite like (I know) - and love Biesla, to be down there. I want Rafa never to fail, however, even if he’s managing Everton. He gave me back my club for 3 years under Ashley and chose to manage us and stick with us, he saw the job through basically, taking us up and keeping us up, until his job was untenable in relation to his own ambitions for our club. You mentioned in another thread we wouldn’t be where we are today without KK, I 100% agree, but we wouldn’t have our new owners without Rafa either.


    Of course, I agree. Rafa coming here essentially secured the takeover and therefore he will always be a special person for us. But if he's a relegation rival for us then sentiment goes out of the window for me. And I cannot stand Everton so there's another reason I cannot want him to succeed there.

  7. Just now, HTT II said:

    It is toxic and he’s a defeat or two away from hell, and never likely to be a win or two away from redemption, but they aren’t going to get relegated with Rafa at the helm, full stop. He’s too good man and yes they have an average squad, even more so considering their spend in recent seasons, but again, they have the nucleus of a good first team and their entire midfield would walk into our team as would most of their first team players. 


    My thinking was that the toxicity could lead to Rafa getting the boot. I agree its very unlikely they get relegated with Benitez at the helm.

  8. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    I watched it last night, and the support wasn't as toxic as I thought it would be tbh. They are pissed off, but they don't seem to know where to aim the anger, the manager or the board. You get wankers like Simon Jordan saying it's all the owner's fault, but they wouldn't have a new stadium without him. If he goes, who better is going to come in?


    I think getting rid of the DOF and giving the reins to Rafa will settle the club down for now. Long term he might not be the answer, but he'll definitely keep them safe this season. They might still go on to finish top 8 tbh, they beat Arsenal yesterday and had two goals chalked off. 


    Probably right. I just want as many teams down there with us as possible and they have definiitely looked like being one. I maintain that their squad is average but, ironically, they have the perfect manager to get a tune out of it..i.f their fans just cut him some slack.

  9. 4 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I did, well done. When I was 8 or 9 or something. If only I was born earlier eh…





    Its not a criticism mate. I'm merely pointing out that you had to really be there pre-1992 to know the difference that KK made to NUFC. He's on another planet compared to Shearer. And, to be fair, Shearer would probably say the same.

  10. 2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    And aye, a hat-trick against the mackems, the chicken dance celebration, championship winning captain/leader. Icons are iconic people in iconic moments surely like Liam O’Brien, Shola the mackem slayer, Tino, Albert’s chip against Man Utd, but aye, Shearer, 206 goals and record all-time top scorers ever, 15m record transfer fee, Geordie number 9, 10 years, just a mere icon… [emoji38]


    Not in my book they aren't. An icon is someone who excelled in their field over an extended period of time. So Shearer qualfies for that with ease. Nolan is just an average player who had one great day playing for NUFC.

  11. 1 minute ago, HTT II said:

    Icon? I’d reserve that title for the likes of Kestbaia, Nolan, Shola even. Shearer an icon? Get to fuck [emoji38]


    I will bet money that you only started supporting NUFC in the 90s. Anyone who puts Shearer on the same pedestal as KK is simply clueless and did not get to have the "experience" of supporting NUFC pre-1992.

  12. 11 hours ago, ManDoon said:

    what? Our 2009 squad was garbage, look at this line up for the final game :


     Harper, Coloccini, Steven Taylor, Edgar, Duff, Guthrie, Nolan (Owen 66), Butt, Lovenkrands (Jose Enrique 57), Viduka (Ameobi 75), Martins.~


    how is that better than what Everton put out tonight? 

    Our 2016 squad was alright but not as good as this Everton squad, no way.  Doucoure and Allan are one of the best CM pairs in the prem. DCL is an elite striker, they have England’s GK. Nah, not having that at all. 




    We will have to disagree, I dont think their current squad is that special. Before yesterday's game our match with them this month was being described on here as one to be won. The result last night is a sticking plaster over their problems. Yes, their squad shouldnt be in a relegation battle but their support is so toxic towards Rafa that it could drag them into one.

  13. 4 hours ago, HTT II said:

    Both are legends, that’s a fact!


    Shearer is more icon than legend. A great player who scored lots of goals for us. KK on the other hand literally single handedly created the modern-day NUFC. Without KK there would have been no Shearer, no Bobby Robson, no 52K new stadium, no Rafa Benitez and therefore no Saudi takeover. KK made the club something that would appeal to super-rich buyers.

  14. 3 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    No, they’ve lost a few games and the fans are protesting, they will be nowhere near relegation. It’s fanciful in the extreme to be thinking in those terms. 


    Bollocks. NUFC went down with a better squad in 2009 and 2016 and the toxicity off the pitch played a big part in that. Never underestimate the feel bad factor and its ability to send a club into a tailspin. All that needs to happen is EFC to go on another bad run, sack Rafa and then get a shoddy replacement for them to get locked into the bottom 7.

  15. 3 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    How have they? They are literally 12th? Do you think Leicester will be “dragged into the mire” they will be absolutely fine and we’re never looking like being part of it 


    Have you been asleep for the last 6 or 7 weeks? Their club is tearing itself apart. Tonight's result just papers over the cracks. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Conjo said:


    Dare you to find one person on here that even implied such a thing post takeover.


    People like Rafa, people therefore want to see him do well. What's so difficult to understand, and why get so riled up about it?


    Because his club have very much looked like they could get properly dragged into the relegation mire. The mire that we will be stuck in for a good while this season. Its not rocket science.

  17. 1 minute ago, kisearch said:

    The team that hasn't been relegated since 1951, has quality players with more to return from injury, with Rafa Benitez as manager, closer in points to 5th as they are to 18th, and with Norwich, us, Burnley, Watford, Brentford, Crystal Palace, and Leeds knocking about? Absolutely no chance.


    Their history is irrelevant. They are the most toxic club in the league with a mediocre squad. We more than anyone know what can happen when you've got that combination.

  18. Just now, kisearch said:


    I don't believe that's more true than at any other club's set of fans, but it wouldn't bother me anyway tbh, being arsed about that stuff is a waste of energy. Everton are going to be absolutely nowhere near a relegation battle, if they were you'd probably have seen different reactions on here. 


    That is just because they seem to big a club to go down, but they aren't. If I could pick one surprise team to get dragged into the mire its them.

  19. 1 minute ago, Chicane said:

    Idk if you've been paying attention but everyone hates us now, not much pointing singling out Everton anymore


    Disagree. Most fanbases have moved on from the Saudi thing already. Only the peasants down the road, Evertonians and the self-styled moral arbitrators of football, ie Liverpool fans on RAWK, are still harping on about it.

  20. 2 minutes ago, kisearch said:

    Probably because people like Rafa and don't think of entire fanbases as having universal opinions on anything, let alone their opinions on other clubs


    I like Rafa too. But he is now at a club where a huge amount of their fans loathe NUFC. A look at the many social media platforms confirms this. They fucking hate us and have done since the mid 1990s when they laughably tagged us a "Sky Team". They shouldnt be anywhere near a relegation battle this season but the toxicity of their fanbase could drag them into one.

  21. 1 minute ago, Dokko said:


    People are that far up Rafa's arse its more important to see him win than their own clubs survival. 


    Agree. I literally couldn't give a fuck about what happens to Benitez now. He's not only history, he is also a relegation rival due to the way their fans are treating him.

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