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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 16 minutes ago, Misa said:

    I feel that their primary target or targets are either unavailable or unwilling. Therefore they are trying to see if Graeme Jones has it in him to keep the club up as they do not wish to compromise. Ideally they want to wait till summer and see if any of their top target is available. If Graeme Jones is able to show signs that he can keep the club up, the job is his till end of season. If the club is still in danger by december, they will be forced into making a short term appointment and look into paying him off after he keeps Newcastle up and make a long term appointment in summer.


    The last two games have already answered that question. We are going down under Jones.

  2. I'm sick of hearing about Benitez to be honest. He's not coming back and I don't really want him to now either. The circumstances in which he were to come back would be very, very awkward and I don't think it would rub off on us very well at all.

  3. People are panicking because it would be the most NUFC thing ever to seemingly hit the jackpot and then get relegated, making the Saudis lose faith and sell up. We've seen so many false dawns and the club clutch defeat from the jaws of victory that, historically, it's just the type of thing that could realistically happen to us. 2008 when KK came back then 8 months later it all falling apart in disaster is a perfect example of this. I think relegation is a very serious worry for us in all sorts of ways. Call it bedwetting if you want but that's what I think.

  4. If anything could sum up their hilarious overreaction to the takeover it's the comments that the illustration on the flag yesterday was a mosque, rather than the Spanish City. Desperately clutching at anything that might paint a negative light. It's truly beyond sad.


    What these dumb fucks can't bring themselves to admit either is that Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside & South Tyneside are all part of an unofficial "Greater Newcastle". You can add parts of Northumberland and West Durham in there too. We've all got the same accent and class Newcastle city centre as "the town". When someone from South Shields says they are going into town they don't mean that they are going into Shields town centre.

  5. Just now, The Prophet said:


    How come?


    Because it would have been entirely avoidable.


    Also, there is no knowing how a relegation would affect the thinking of the Saudis. Add to that, God knows what shithouse new rules the PL bring into place while we are out of the league. Relegation could really ruin everything.

  6. 18 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Other teams are picking up points, if we are 6 or more points behind 17th come January, then it may well see a struggle. We are already 6 points off 16th and I can see that increasing with the run of fixtures we have between now and January. Only hope I have is that we get a manager AND COACHING STAFF, that will pick the correct team, set the correct tactics and motivate the players. 


    If we are cut adrift come January, then I think we will struggle to sign the quality players required. I know going down would probably be only a temporary setback, but it would be so furstrating.


    I have had some depressing moments as a NUFC fan of 36 years but being relegated as the richest club in the world, when the takeover happened with only 7 games played, would top the lot. It doesnt even bear thinking about.

  7. 20 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    This is my worry with everyone's favourite. Rafa might not try to change too much from today. He'd use the same plan with tweaks and I'm not sure that'll do enough for the players right now.


    It's a moot point anyway. Benitez is not coming back here.

  8. They have been handed a total shit show, but by next weekend the owners will have been in control for a month. A new manager needs to be decided NOW. Fonseca or Favre...make the choice and then live or die by it. But the guy has got to be in place by next Saturday.

  9. Get Fonseca in this week. His defensive record might be a worry but if we go down then at least we will do it fighting. 


    Martinez with Jones as his assistant and we are down.

  10. Got to go. Seems like a nice guy but completely uninspiring. This has to have been his last game as manager. The new guy needs to be at the very least directing from the stands against Brighton.

  11. 1 minute ago, reefatoon said:

    Why the fuck is Charnley doing the interviews? [emoji38]


    Thats fucking terrifying.


    If its true then they really don't know what they are doing. It can't possibly be though. Can it?

  12. It's going to be Martinez isn't it. [emoji38]


    I suppose he should be good enough to avoid relegation and get us into a comfortable mid-table position, so if he does that he will have done a decent enough job. I'd be very worried going forward after that though, giving him a chequebook. The money we have to spend in these early years needs to be spent incredibly wisely and I could see us wasting tens of millions on garbage like Ross Berkeley under him.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Menace said:

    Imagine if someone told you beginning of the season the takeover will go through and Bruce will be gone come October, you'd tell them they'd been smoking on spice. New consortium have barely been here a month, already people were moaning they took too long to sack Bruce, taking too long to find a manager. Jesus christ man.


    It's an indicator of what we are going to have to put up with when the club aren't signing Mbappe/Haaland/Salah within the next few years. There is an element in our support who unfortunately do live up to the deluded Geordie stereotype. Thankfully I think they are amongst a very small minority.

  14. Don't understand the angst on here about that Athletic article. It's perfectly fine IMO.


    I can't make my mind up about Hurst. He gets a lot of negative feedback on here but on most occasions I've heard him speak I find myself agreeing with him. The guy has an ego though, no doubt about that.


    What I definitely do NOT agree with is the narrative coming from some supporters that we "had no say" in this takeover. That is utter bollocks, we actively campaigned for it to happen for 18 months FFS. I went on record many times on here, stating that the PIF takeover was the only one that I wanted, and now that it has happened I have no regrets about taking that stance. The shitstorm that has ensued over the last 3 weeks has certainly been an eye opener but I'm still comfortable about the direction we are now travelling in with this consortium. I just pray that we don't get relegated because the celebrating from many quarters will be unbearable.

  15. 3 hours ago, et tu brute said:


    It's totally anti-competitive and would be thrown out of court. I really hope the other clubs do try and block PIF as it will open the powderkeg on everything.


    These fuckers have been running a multi-billion pound industry like a country club but that's coming to an end now. These fucking amateurs have no idea what is coming to them when this ends up in court. They will be wishing that they had kept their mouths shut and not rocked the boat.

  16. I like how they are keeping numerous elite managers dangling. Reinforces the message to the lucky successful candidate how big the job is and what will be expected of them. Sky high standards at NUFC. What is this sorcery? 

  17. 25 minutes ago, cosmic said:

    Mancs keen on Fonseca, Farve & Gerrard too?


    Nah, but the likes of Rodgers and Ralf Rangnick being mentioned, as well as Ten Hag. But it seems that Conte is the one that they want most of all.


  18. Looking on Red Cafe, they seem confident that Ten Hag could be going there. In fact their preferred manager list is pretty similar to ours. Imagine saying this a month ago. :)

  19. 3 hours ago, HawK said:



    Feel sorry for them tbh, they've definitely got the 'Everton' complex, where they've been born into the shadow of a bigger club and there's really not much they can do apart from being bitter, jealous and angry about it. But I'd rather they were in the PL so we could actually play them regularly, those are fun times :) Don't think kicking them while they're down is the thing to do.


    A prosperous Sunderland football club indirectly helps Newcastle, if only to show prospective players that there's more than just us this side of Burnley/Leeds in the country.


    Not a fucking chance. NUFC do not need that lot doing well in way, shape or form to assist our progress. Personally I hope they stay in the 3rd Division forever and we never play them again.


    And anyone thinking of feeling sorry for them, have a read through last year's thread here, at the point when the Saudis appeared to pull out of the deal...  https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/june-to-july-2020-nufc.1519229/post-32095731

  20. The simple fact is that, while we are all pinching ourselves to be sure that this amazing thing has really happened to our club, they are all slapping themselves in the face in the hope that they can wake up from the nightmare that is seemingly unfolding in front of them.....their most hated rivals becoming the richest club in the world with the resources to become one of the biggest in the game. They are collectively in a state of complete shock as it dawns on them that the relationship between the two clubs might just have changed forever, and not in their favour. Only time will tell if that does happen, but the fact that this possibility is giving them mental trauma is hilarious to watch. [emoji38]

  21. That thread will never leave the top of their board now. This has utterly consumed them and it's going to be like that for a long time. To be honest I don't even click on the thread now because it really is toxic. The bitterness, hate and envy just makes it completely unreadable. There is zero rationality & they have completely & utterly lost their marbles over this. Some of them seem to be teetering on the edge of an online nervous breakdown over it man. [emoji38]

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