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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 16 minutes ago, GWN said:



    You have to question wtf does our club and takeover have anything to do with the weird cunts? They are 2 leagues away , we don’t effect anything to do with them so why the constant daily regurgitation of fewm? 

    They alone simply can’t change anything about our future or the Saudi owners so why the fuck are they still discussing us to this level of obsession? 

    They can’t see they are ruined , I haven’t looked today it’s absolutely boring as fuck . 


    Because, unless something dramatic happens, it's all they have left of the rivalry. Spending every day, trawling the internet in search of a few twitter dickheads amongst our support who might embarrass themselves. The "real world" stuff like who is the biggest, best, richest and more high profile club...and whose future is the brightest, is a debate that has now been settled for seemingly a very, very long time. Maybe even permanently. So, carry on Mackems, keep on trawling the net for meaningless shite that absolutely nobody outside of the online Mackem echo chamber cares about. [emoji38]

  2. 46 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

    "Gerrard chooses Villa over Newcastle" I don't believe that I'm afraid. Gerrard would have taken just about any job in the PL if it was offered to him including us. There's no way he was offered it before Howe. 


    I reckon that they may have spoken to Gerrard informally before Howe but it went no further than that. Gerrard may turn out to be a top class manager but he wasn't right for NUFC at this moment in time. I imagine that both parties realised that after their discussions 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    4 years into League One and these fuckers are still deluded enough to think that they are big enough to postpone their games, despite it biting them in the arse at the end of every season so far.


    They postponed the game themselves? How is that even allowed?

  4. 3 hours ago, Gordyola said:

    Cheers and agree, we have the Keegan connection with his magnificent brand of football as well it was a huge disappoint that the rags slipped in and won the league that season
    We now have the bond of having hugely rich owners and the rest are against us, led by the yank clubs Like I say, get set for a bumpy ride, at least we had the honeymoon period when they thought Mansour would get bored when they realised City were are threat then the attacks started. Its amazing how many of the pet journalist developed a keen interest in human rights 


    Yep, we are finding that out very quickly. And especially from our not-jealous-very-much neighbours 12 miles down the road.

  5. We absolutely should not be accepting anything less than being able to match the current maximum sponsorship amount for each relevant deal. Won't the incoming independent football regulator have an authority on this kind of stuff stuff too?

  6. 1 minute ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

    I dunno what bairns these days are like but when I was a kid growing up football was the only thing in the world that mattered. There was fuck all to do except go outside and play football anywhere that was flat enough. Everyone played football, everyone talked football, it was all we did until we worked out how to finger lasses. Even now I think of all the people I know in my life, the ones I played football with are the ones I know the best. 


    It's the manner in which it is expressed that rattles me. I was the same, growing up. Completely obsessed with football & NUFC, as were my mates. I am still like that now, as are those same friends. But the idea that NUFC is the only thing going on in our lives is frankly ridiculous. I have loads of hobbies and interests outside of my NUFC obsession, which is why I was able to pull myself away from it all over the last two desperate years. I'm sure there are some people out there who literally don't have anything that interests them except football, but the idea that most Geordies are like this is total nonsense. There is a difference between having the club at the centre of life in the city, and actually having nothing else in your life if that club isn't worth supporting.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Gordyola said:

    From my experience as a City fan you need to get use to it, guys it will only get worse Wait to you get success and become a real threat to the "established" lot, your achievements will be ignore at best Your majority owners will not get cold feet, they didn't when  there was amble opportunity to do so and they certainly wont now, a proud people and they wont be brow beaten they are here to stay Remember we were told, wait to the Sheikh gets bored well he's now head of a global football empire with 3 of the clubs currently champions of their leagues. Enjoy the ride it will be a bumpy one but the bumps will come from external 


    Cheers for that. I've spent a lot of time lurking the forums of the other big teams and I have to say I've found City fans to feel like comrades in arms against the "red shirts" as they are known on the Blue Moon forum. I'd like to see more City fans on here tbh. Very similar club to NUFC both before and after our respective takeovers.

  8. It really boils my piss the way he perpetuates the "Geordies only have football in their lives" bullshit. It makes the region look like a bunch of simpletons and, now that we are very high profile,  coming out with that bollocks in the media will do nothing to make NUFC more attractive to players considering coming here. Shearer was a magnificent player but I just don't rate him as a pundit as he simply speaks in clichés and platitudes. There's a strong whiff of insincerity too whenever he opens his mouth IMO.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    Post history only lets you see his last 200 posts....195 of them are in the NUFC thread. He's such a loser. [emoji38]


    Actually, I tell a lie, you can see his entire post history. 2851 posts since 2019 and pretty much every single one in their NUFC thread. Remarkable.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:


    All on Newcastle last i checked. Every single post. Gave him the benefit of the doubt and loaded up another page of 'more posts' to see if he ventured anywhere else. Nope. 100% all on Newcastle.  Was a bit like seeing the first page of Jack Nicholson's typewriting in the Shining, then seeing it repeated on more pages and deciding to back away in terror to avoid having to deal with the thousands of other pages.





    Post history only lets you see his last 200 posts....195 of them are in the NUFC thread. He's such a loser. [emoji38]

  11. Loved that press conference. The difference between Bruce and this guy is off the scale. He's intelligent, lucid and has a calm air of authority about him. Bloody marvellous. Let's all give him the time and patience that he deserves to turn this around.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

    £300M purchase plus 1bn to settle piracy over EPL coverage and folk are suggesting PIF are getting uneasy already and may be ready to splash out close to 1bn to purchase Inter. 

    Nonsence, the start of something new, especially with everyone ganging up against you is always going to be tough. The consortium know this, PIF aren’t just going to walk away, Staveley already said we’re a good 5 years away from being anywhere near ready.


    They may or may not pump some money into Inter but the EPL is the place to own a club, they’ve picked their horse and they will back it. Settle in and enjoy the race we’re not even in the paddock yet.


    Nice post. I don't mean to be cautious/pessimistic but that's what nearly 40 years of following NUFC does to you. Always waiting for the next disaster to come around the corner. We've been a "nearly club" for my whole life and I'm desperate to see that washed away, once and for all.

  13. Just now, Dokko said:

    If pif bottle job it our other investors will get 1st refusal and theyll either go it alone at a cut price, work a deal with PIF on chuck or find another backer. She's been here before and come back with others. No way she let's this club slip through her fingers now her bum is through the door. 


    That would be fine for me, and I hope you are right. I'm still very edgy about how this progresses though, not gonna lie. Seen too many false dawns to start shouting the odds about all of the great things to come.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    Still hoping they get bored and just give it to Amanda and the Reubens. What's 300 million to these people?


    They don't want to own us on their own. If the Saudis sell up then the likelihood is that the partners would go with them.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    Id happily see them go without or without relegation. Ashley has gone, that was key. Next up Amanda on board. RB a bonus, PIFs money is the least of the wants from me, quite happy it’s sold on now Ashley’s gone. Makes no difference to me. 


    I don't agree with that at all. I want them to stick around long enough so that they build world class training facilities, academy and maybe extend SJP to 60K so that if/when they do sell it will have to be to someone who is wealthy enough to afford the club and further the investment. If we were to be sold within the next 12 months that would just leave us vulnerable to another chancer like Ashley. Or worse.

  16. Just now, Fantail Breeze said:


    That’s the same reports from the same journalist that the mackems were getting all excited by on RTG.


    Reality is, he doesn’t appear to get much right (particularly about this takeover), if you look at his Twitter feed.


    Oh, I'm not saying that I believe the story. Was more about pointing out that the press will take any opportunity going forward to unsettle the club with tales of how NUFC aren't meeting the owners' expectations, with it being the club's geographical position that is hindering progress.

  17. I'm assuming people saw this article yesterday. PIF apparently "disappointed" with the purchase so far. :rolleyes:  https://www.football365.com/news/pif-disappointed-unattractive-newcastle-united-they-want-another-team


    This is the kind of stuff we will have to put up with forever now. As soon as there is a setback of any kind, it will be that the club isn't meeting the Saudis' expectations and that they might be looking to sell.


    Mind you, I'm still not convinced that they wouldn't consider selling up if we go down. Which is why it's crazy to think that relegation "won't matter".

  18. 21 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    He confirmed he’s going to be joint no.2 with Jason Tindall.


    Erm, how will that work?


    I wonder if Jones hasnt been binned because Ashley gave him a ludicrous deal with a massive payout clause if sacked?

  19. Very early days but you get the impression that he is going to thrive on the scrutiny that comes with being manager of a big, high profile club. That's reassuring. He's giving off a vibe that his batteries are fully recharged after 18 months off too. Really looking forward to the press conference tomorrow.

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