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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 3 minutes ago, Collage said:

    He turned down Barca when Sir Bobby was there. Juve wanted him later, not sure an offer was on the table though. Oh and he turned down Man U twice


    First I've heard of the Barca thing. As I say though, NUFC were a Champions League side under SBR that were not far off being a title winning team. Turning down Man U was a mistake that he no doubt regrets.


    I've nothing against Shearer the player. But I just dont buy into his devotion as a NUFC fan. He's also an incredibly mediocre pundit. And dont get me started on his defence of The Cabbage.


    But the guy was an incredible player and, yes, one of our all-time greats.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Collage said:

    He stayed for 10 years. You don’t think he had opportunities to leave for clubs where he could win trophies?


    When he wrecked his ankle in the pre-season of 1997 he instantly became a lesser player. This put him between a rock and a hard place. Also, we were still an ambitious club, looking to win trophies but Ruud Gullit nearly ruined his career. Then in comes SBR and turns us into a Champs League team. Why would he want to leave NUFC in that time? By the way, its common knowledge that SBR seriously considered selling him.

  3. 2 hours ago, HTT II said:

    If KK and Shearer don’t want to work for the club officially in any (paid or otherwise) capacity, I’d still give them honoury titles. KK the player, the manager, the man, is the single most important part of NUFC’s long glorious history and Shearer, our record goalscorer is our greatest ever player IMO. I’d love the club to do an Entertainers style XI vs whoever exhibition friendly match held at SJP every close season too, to raise funds for the Food Bank and or the Sir Bobby Foundation. KK as manager of course!


    Comparing KK and AS in terms of NUFC legendary status is completely nuts. The two men are literally worlds apart.

  4. 2 hours ago, Collage said:

    Yep. Hard to understand the posts above. ”He’s not Kevin Keegan”. That’s right, he’s not. He’s Alan Shearer from Gosforth who could have played for Man U or Juve and win it all but instead chose to play for Newcastle for 10 years winning fuck all because he loves the club. I mean, come on.


    Sorry, but you are very naive to believe he chose to shun trophies to come back home. Keegan convinced him that NUFC would be more successful than Man U going forward. No wonder he was so pissed off with KK for jumping ship. I would have been too.

  5. 2 hours ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    Bloke could have signed for any team in the world but wanted to come home. Scored 206 goals and saved us from the shit countless of times.


    If he’s getting grief then no one is safe.


    He come because he thought NUFC would win more trophies than MUFC. The decision was completely devoid of sentiment. I can bet you any money that if he could go back in time, knowing what the future held by signing for us, then he would sign for Man Utd. Rightly so too, as time has shown that he made the wrong decision. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

    So do I.


    Shearer has been offered, but wants a bigger salary.


    They should go all out for Keegan - he'd probably do it for free anyway!


    KK wouldn't do it for free mind as he is another who comes with a hefty pricetag. At least with Keegan though you get value for money.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

    What does he want a bigger salary for? Having dinner with people and going to the match?


    Because he's a greedy bastard. Personally I'd have him nowhere near anything to do with the running of the club. Great player for us and that's it. I can think of at least 3 players ahead of Shearer who I idolised more though.

  8. 25 minutes ago, kisearch said:


    Possibly an extreme example, but if the big SD signs in the Leazes, Gallowgate, and either side of Newcastle United are just replaced with Visit Saudi (just for example) that's going to be sound with everyone because it'll be paid for?

    That's hugely eyeopening for me tbh, I always thought the fact Ashley didn't pay for it was a secondary issue to the fact it made SJP look cheap and shit. 





    It was objectionable because a) It's a horrible, cheap and tacky brand whose logo looks awful, and b) because NUFC were not being paid a penny for it. If Ashley had paid for it in the proper manner then people would have tolerated it. Renaming the stadium with the SD name in it was a step too far though, and that was due to the tackiness of the brand.

  9. 1 minute ago, Decky said:


    Keep your head in the sand, if this was a club you didn't support you'd have them dead and buried, everyone would. We have played nearly every other team in the league, four of the five that we haven't played are away to Liverpool, Everton, Leicester and home to City, which are all probably games that we will set up to get a point similar to Arsenal away. Points aren't good enough at this stage now, we need to be finding three points in games.


    We need to beat about 8 teams at least to stay up now, who are they going to be? We can't keep clean sheets and look shot to shit after about 70 minutes. It isn't pathetic to think we're in serious trouble and we're probably going down, its being realistic. 





    No head in the sand here, I am well aware that we are in very serious trouble and look more likely to go down than stay up at the moment. The difference is I am not writing us off. We are in a unique position whereby we can outspend every team in January. If we are still no more than 6 points adrift on January 1st I give us every chance of staying up. I''m not interested in the stats of what has happened in seasons past. 

  10. The fucking defeatism on this thread is pathetic. The manager is learning about these players the hard way but the team spirit will be galvanised by tonight. I am sticking on a 7. The odds are against us at the moment but there is a long, long way to go yet.

  11. Was at an 8 before today and yet now think we are at a 7 after that. Forget the league table, the performance was what mattered. But we are going to need to get points in unexpected places over the next 8 weeks, I think.

  12. 1 minute ago, Chris_R said:

    Bruce was a millionaire already.


    Charnley was like any of us wealth wise, but just working in the box office and got lucky, and he's been elevated beyond his dreams. I'd have taken the job too. I think anyone would. He'd never in his wildest dreams achieve anything even one percent as good as this ever again in terms of salary and profile. He'd be frankly mad to turn it down.


    The two situations are not remotely comparable. Though tbh I don't even blame Bruce for taking the job, why wouldn't he, he's a football manager. I blame Ashley for the fucking ludicrous sacking clause. I disliked Bruce for his incompetence, not for him taking the job. He should never have been offered it mind.


    Both of them took the job in the full knowledge they would be doing Ashley's bidding of talking down the club. I dont give a fuck who else would have taken those jobs in the same circumstances. They both damaged NUFC by their actions and therefore deserve all the contempt in the world for it.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    Unlike Bruce and Ashley, I don't bear him any ill will because to be honest if I was working in the box office of the club I loved and I was offered the job as CEO I'd probably take it too. However low his pay relative to other CEOs, it's way more than he probably ever dreamed his meagre talents could command. What was he supposed to do, say no? Or say yes then jeopardise it all by calling the golden goose a cunt? Neither of those things are realistic expectations. He did what almost anyone would do.


    However I'm still delighted he's gone because he's tainted by association, a symbol of a rotten regime, and a position we can get an obvious upgrade on very easily. 


    Bruce took the manager's job for the very same reasons....a job available to him whose requirements were way beyond his actual abilties... and we rightly berated him for it. So nah, fuck the baldy little cunt.

  14. Just had a gander at their thread for the first time in a week. I just love that all they have left to get any amusement out of NUFC is a few bell-ends on Twitter. The actual football stuff is done and dusted and they have absolutely nothing left in their locker on that score.

  15. Just watched the press conference and he impressed again. He doesn't seem at all phased about the size of the job, club or task ahead. In fact he looks really, really happy to be back in management. Can only be a good thing for us.

  16. Shelvey's ability when he feels like it has never been the issue. It's his completely lazy cunt attitude that is the problem. Drill that out of him and there might still be a player there.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    A poster on RTG saying he has already knocked up a spreadsheet about the transfer Michael Emenalo made at Monaco that shows how bad he is[emoji38]


    I haven't even checked, but let me guess....is it MackemX?


  18. I feel sorry for the majority of people commenting on this thread who clearly must not have been around from 1985 to 1988, because if you had then you would be putting Paul Gascoigne down as your first choice.


    After that I guess Shearer is the obvious second preference.


    Third is a genuine toss up between Chris Waddle, Peter Beardsley and David Ginola. All game changers in their own unique way.

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