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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 1 minute ago, Awaymag said:

    No its not.


    We should have a DOF and CEO in by then.   You nor I have any idea what these owners will be like at signing players!


    Even if we do have all the pieces of the jigsaw in place I still think we will be wrangling over fees etc. Not out of being tight, but more to do with keeping the NUFC "supertax' down to a minimum.

  2. 21 minutes ago, STM said:

    BTW, it's not that I don't think the new guys are being slow. I think they are being slow but I suspect its down to two things. Firstly they are trying to take their time to get things right and secondly they are relatively inexperienced at this.


    I  just don't think it's worth criticism though.


    Its also an indicator of how player signings will be handled. Transfers are likely to be a protracted and quite drawn out affair as its clear that, despite the vast wealth, we are not going to have the piss taken out of us when it comes to fees.

  3. Down to an 8 from a 9, mainly based on cautious optimism about the impact Eddie can have. We still have a massive, massive task ahead though. And it doesn't help that this year's league seems to be the strongest it has been for a long time.

  4. I feel a bit sorry for the consortium here. They know that the lack of communication from the club under Ashley was non-existent so they want to keep fans in the loop and are clearly desperate to give them some hope ASAP. But it looks like they are being a little bit naive in jumping the gun with media leaks when things are not properly sorted. This is all part of the enormous learning curve they are on. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    I'd imagine both Fonseca and Favre or anyone with a shred of self respect will tell us to do one. We would end up with someone like wilder.


    At this point I would actually take someone like Wilder. We just need someone to keep us up.

  6. Edwards would be all over this if true. Mind you, if it does collapse they need to just take the punt on Fonseca. And do it rapidly.


    It does feel like clubs are trying to take the piss for compensation fees etc. It doesn't bode well for January when we are trying to sign players.


  7. 3 hours ago, Joey Linton said:

    Over 1,000 posts on "our" thread in 24 hours again.


    By comparison there are only three other threads on the front page that have over 300 posts IN TOTAL. One of them started on Tuesday, one in July 2021 and one in May 2020. :memelol:


    Nearly 26,000 posts since the takeover news broke on October 6th. TWENTY SIX THOUSAND posts in a month. Compared to 20,000 posts on this thread over a period of 39 months. Someone call a doctor for them.

  8. 8 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


    His whole world is us, lives it in his little one bedroom shithouse with a bucket that he pisses and shits in, because he can't miss a minute in case there is some breaking news on NUFC. The bloke never posts anything on his alleged team, so I'm not even convinced he's a mackem fan. Total fruit cake, they are all bitter, jealous and twisted, but he is on the peak of Everest for bitterness. Obviously something NUFC related in the past has left him deranged.


    He actually claims to have a mate who is a NUFC fan, so I can only imagine that the bitterness comes from that mate giving him hell during the 1990s Keegan era. A lot of them are still scarred by it tbh. 

  9. Welcome, Eddie. Please, please...just keep us up. Do that and you will reserve your own special place in NUFC history. Similar to David Kellly for scoring THAT goal against Portsmouth in 1992.

  10. 2 minutes ago, GWN said:


    He has to be the biggest bitter bastard I’ve seen , the bloke is totally consumed by us it’s disturbing tbh , I can never understand how any of them don’t call him out on it , utter thundercunt


    I imagine they cringe every time he posts but stay quiet out of tribal loyalty. He's an embarrassment to their support, to be honest.

  11. Exile isn't keen on Eddie either. :lol:


    "They'll eat him alive after 3 months and he'll deserve it for totally throwing his principles and morals away to work for the murdering bastards. I hope he enjoys spending his blood money. Twat"




    I'm starting to think Exile needs his own thread on here. I also love the way he shares his anti-NUFC Twitter rants back onto the NUFC thread too, the desperate, needy cunt. [emoji38]

  12. 18 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    I don't think Howe would have touched us under Ashley like. He's far superior to any if the cloggers we'd have previously looked at.


    Yep, people are kidding themselves if they think Howe would have come here under Ashley. I don't think he will come now either after what has happened over the last 4 weeks. No manager with integrity & who rates themselves will put up with being seen as such a short term appointment.


    We are in a real mess and Martinez looks the most likey candidate. Personally I would honestly give it to Keegan now for this season. He still will have enough in his locker to get this lot safe with 6 months to go and money to spend in January.

  13. The more I read of Emery, the less I want him. The guy seems to be made of glass.


    As for the owners, this doesn't bode well for how they will handle bringing in players in January. There is an almighty learning curve going on at the moment and it looks like time will go against us in the fight to avoid relegation.

  14. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


    He's on a meltdown, whilst Crinkly Granny Janey has went deadly silent after days of posting she hopes it's Martinez or Howe. She usually does when there is positive news coming out of NUFC. Her hate for Benitez was something else when he was here.


    They are all piping down a bit, I think. Slowly dawning on them that their momentous internet campaign to get the whole world to hate the Mags as much as they do is quickly falling flat on it's arse.

  15. Exile1968 taking the Emery news with his usual good grace...:lol: 


    "He needs to get off to a good start otherwise they'll turn on him. It's what they do and he will have a nervous breakdown if it happens. He was wracked with anxiety at Arsenal and Villareal are like managing Bournemouth. I hope he falls flat on his face for 2 reasons. I hate the Mags and he's obviously got no morals joining the Prince of Darkness at Genocide United."

  16. 1 minute ago, neesy111 said:

    He spoke English throughout his time at arsenal.


    People took the piss out of his accent with the lisp that a lot Spanish speakers get with speaking English.


    That's good to hear. To be honest it would be a concern if he didn't speak English. I have no idea how it can work when they don't. Maybe I'm just a dinosaur though. :lol:

  17. 14 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Not having this, mind. KK part two was class for a spell, despite the ownership.


    Rafa would be coming back under what should be significantly better ownership.


    What I mean by that is that fate just seems to have a habit of making the second time go badly. Think KK for us, Howard Kendall at Everton etc.

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