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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 39 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Did he fuck get a call for the club :lol:

    he shared a screenshot of his phone ringing and had the number saved as ‘the club’ on his phone. 

    looks like he’s deleted it and no wonder are we supposed to believe he’s in the middle of doing a podcast and the club phones him and before he answers it he takes a screenshot.


    what a fuckin roaster 






    Did you watch the show? I mean, I'm no fan of him, but he definitely took a call off someone just before 8pm. 

  2. Just watched the Wraith show and Patterson did seemingly take the call from the club about 5 mins before the statement was released. However he then came back to go on a rant about how fans need to "rally" again because "if the PL manage to stop the case from going public then the takeover might not happen". Backtracking again from just a few days ago when he told people to "let the legals handle it".


    I hope this guy is just being used by the club because as soon as he opens his mouth I instantly feel less confident. Because if victory somehow depends on a public hearing then that doesn't really say much about what Ashley has in terms of evidence.


    The Wraith show really is a bit of a shambles. They just let Patterson ramble on and never really pull him up on anything he says.

  3. Just now, Thumbheed said:

    Also, whilst they're right about Ashley's hypocrisy, I don't think now is the time to provide an alternative narrative to the club's statement, when it should be laser focused on what's at stake, imo, of course. 


    Exactly what I thought. The last paragraph was a completely unnecessary bit of point scoring. All it shows to the PL is the chinks in our armour.

  4. It was noticeable that De Marco tweeted about the statement last night. Remember, it was him a few months ago who said he always advises clients to come to an arrangement before arbitration goes ahead because it can be a lottery. I think the statement was a call to the PL to accept an arrangement that has been offered to them by the club.


    The main reason I think the PL are resisting is that they have come too far down the line to be seen losing face by backing down before legal proceedings. More importantly though, if they lose then they can go back to their six overlords and say "we tried lads, but the law took it out of our hands".



  5. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Ashley is a grade one cunt, however he is the exact type of grade one cunt required to push every angle to push this takeover. He will throw every dirty trick there is and does not give a shit who he upsets. Honestly think he will be fully prepared to release incriminating evidence also if he has to. The bloke doesn’t give a fuck if his assets are being threatened  or undermined. Personally think that statement today is a deliberate warning shot across the bows. The fact it mentioned the Super League was quite noteworthy.


    Agreed. The statement glaringly references the government, transparency and the ESL. 

  6. To me the statement reads as one of frustration rather than desperation. For a few weeks now I have been of the belief that Ashley has offered the PL a deal to make the legal stuff go away and it looks like, so far, the PL have resisted this. Ashley seems exasperated at this as he obviously thinks he has his tanks surrounding them with no way out. This statement is another message to them to think of the consequences of going all the way down the legal path. He just wants the deal done now, without having to wait for a resolution potentially for another 8 months down the line.

  7. 1 hour ago, TRon said:

    Luke seems rattled. Why is he even considering whether the owners and directors test will happen before the start of next season when he has always insisted there's no takeover imminent? 


    We don't mind waiting an extra month if the endgame is in sight Luke. We've waited this long, a couple of months more won't really hurt that much. Not as much as it will hurt you if it ever goes through. 


    Yep, he is showing his true colours now. I will admit, his tweets have left me feeling demoralised in the past but now I just ignore them, safe in the knowledge that he is nothing more than a WUM. He's the professional equivalent of Burnsie.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Inferior Acuña said:

    Okay he's not alongside those names, but Rafa's place at NUFC is much bigger than what happened on the pitch. He brought some dignity to a soulless club, and fought for it like nobody else with any power has since Keegan.


    And that is why he should be fondly remembered. Nowhere near legendary status though.


    I will remember him for standing up to Ashley's bullshit, recognising the club's huge potential and openly talking about it in public.


    I will also remember going into every game being fully confident that no team would ever give us a hiding, such was the defensive strength he'd instilled in the side. It's just a shame he never got to build on that.

  9. 8 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Im conflicted. On one hand I hope he proves them wrong and on the other hand I’d hate it as the Everton fans don’t deserve success under him 





    I'm not conflicted at all. I hope he fails spectacularly. Nothing against him but I cannot stand Everton fans and it will be galling to see them succeed, bearing in mind how much contempt they have for us.


    Benitez is simply another part of NUFC history now and should be fondly remembered but absolutely not revered. An excellent manager for us but nowhere near being a legend. Legendary status is reserved for a very select few. Kevin Keegan, Joe Harvey, Jackie Milburn are NUFC legends. Rafa Benitez isn't.

  10. Rafa went to China, probably in the full knowledge in the back of his mind that it wouldn't work out and he wouldn't be there for long, but would make a fortune in the process. There was also no obvious job available in the UK that would match his ambitions at that time so it was a no brainer.


    The Everton job is on another level altogether. A consistently big English club that has ambition, money to spend, a new super-stadium on the horizon and in his home city. As long as he gets off to a decent start his LFC connections will be quickly forgotten. Football fans are massively fickle and Benitez knows this.

  11. There's also the very real chance that Benitez would still have taken the Everton job over the Saudi-owned NUFC job. Let's not forget that even if the takeover goes through it's not going to be another Man City situation so the Everton job would still be every bit as attractive to him. They are currently are a bigger club, have money to spend, have a better squad and are in his home city. There's every chance he would have still rejected us if both positions had been available at the same time. The idea that he "loved" NUFC is sentimental tosh, he simply recognised the potential of the club. But that potential is also there at Everton, unfortunately.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Everton’s probably the dream job for someone. Normally when you get a non-top 6 job you’re going into a situation where an overhaul is needed, etc. He’s going into a club that’s ran well, had a top class coach before him, and where he’ll get the backing to have a stab at trophies and Champions League football.


    Exactly. It's not difficult to see why Benitez is sticking his fingers in his ears to all of the outrage.

  13. The worst part about this for us NUFC fans is that, despite all of this abuse, Benitez will be great for EFC. And when he has them properly challenging for a top four place, and maybe wins them a trophy, all of this harassment will be conveniently forgotten about...."never happened" etc.

  14. I can't deny that I'm feeling dangerously hopeful about this right now. Could be misplaced, but might as well indulge in positivity for what must surely be the final straight. If it collapses for good this time I really don't think it could sting as much as it did last July.

  15. Just now, HTT II said:

    I think with good money, he’d have us playing the best football we’ve seen since Sir Bobby which wasn’t always attractive remember, and would give us a good chance of silverware. 


    Again I agree. I never had a problem with Benitez's pragmatic approach and would be happy to see us be like that again. Not sure if the entire fanbase would though. Depends on what the new owners' approach to transfers and short-term targets are.

  16. 10 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Rafa is exactly who a new owner would/should want in terms of restructuring the club bottom up given his expertise in almost every area, regardless of what goes on on the pitch. I mean Rafa with decent KK meh, would deliver in the pitch anyway!


    I agree. But if he does end up back here I don't think he will be held on a pedestal like he was the first time around.

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