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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. WIth Rafa gone there is no obvious candidate now though. If we got Willock back on loan, have Jones there to keep Doubtfire in check and make a few extra signings, even loanees, then we can consolidate for another few months at the very least.

  2. Just now, TRon said:


    I have already mentally wrote off next season anyway once the takeover dragged on into late summer. I can take another season of shite as long as I know there's light at the end of the tunnel. If the takeover gets done even by October we can use the January window to buy players, and no doubt Bruce will have us struggling near the bottom 3 so should be fairly easy to sack him when we've got a decent manager lined up. 


    Yeah I think it's highly likely that Bruce starts the season. If we get taken over in September then the whole feel good factor will probably be enough to carry us to at least Xmas. They could then consider whether to peddle him at Xmas or next summer.

  3. 7 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:

    Would it necessarily need to be a fresh ODT or can they speed things up by recycling any original papers etc. Its just a joke everything needs doing twice or fresh etc.


    I just want the PL to say what their issue is compromise like AS has said, and push this through in rapid time to just please all and put it to bed.



    They would surely apply the old test rules and resume from where they got bogged down.

  4. 1 minute ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

    Shouldn't we know sometime this month if it's happening or not if arb only takes a week?


    Or like by August 6 if it starts on July 31. 


    Why are people going on about September?


    I don't have a clue what's going on.


    Arbitration will likely be concluded by the end of the month. But even if we win it, then the Saudis have to come back to the table and complete the ODT. Which means late August/early September is likely to be the earliest that change of ownership is complete.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jackie Broon said:


    My completely unqualified opinion is that the O&D test is worded in a clear unequivocal way that it applies from when a declaration of a new director/owner is submitted by the club and requires that those directors are immediately disqualified if the PL believes that a director/owner has not been disclosed in the declaration/s.


    But the PL went about it a different way, saying the O&D test doesn't start until they are satisfied that all of the owners and directors have disclosed, and the arbitration probably won't consider whether they were right to do that or not because it's just dealing with the definitions in Section A rather than the test in Section F.



    Yeah, this issue will be handled by CAT then. Stalling tactics and allegedly collaborating with other parties to block the takeover from ever happening. The PL surely haven't got a leg to stand on in trying to stop the CAT from happening.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

    But that's the thing, the PL are the ones making the takeover decision and abiding by their own rules that they set out. If they aren't 100% confident in their own decisions then that's a serious problem for them.


    The buyers are 100% confident that they've done everything by the book, yet the PL can't find a valid reason to reject it. 


    The PL are arguing that the ODT got paused and they couldn't even get to the point where they had to make a decision, as they didn't agree with the Saudis' statement that their government will NOT be a shadow director. Arbitration is going to answer that question.


    The CAT case, if it goes ahead, will determine if the PL deliberately tried to cook up a situation, in conjunction with other parties, where the aim was to block the buyers from ever getting the takeover through.

  7. Another excellent interview there by Staveley.


    We simply are not doing enough as a fanbase and a region to force this through. Our MPs are a fucking disgrace. Why are our local Labour MPs not hammering down Starmer's door, telling him to get involved? Does he want to win back the North East or fucking what?


    Dare I say it, but there should be a separate thread on here dedicated solely to action that is to be organised by the fanbase to force this through.  And a good start would be to organise repeat demonstrations outside the Premier League's HQ. I've never been one for getting involved in the anti-Ashley demos in town because they were a waste of time. But I'd be up for one outside the doors of these scumbags.


    What the fuck are NUST doing right now man? They really need to get their fucking shit together, and do more than write a few polite letters. It's time they got militant.

  8. 14 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    They definitely do. With everything going on at our club over the years, we are the most placid, pliable bunch of supporters that just sit back and let any old shit be thrown at us. We definitely need stirring up to get off our arses for once.


    Aye, I reassessed my statement as soon as I posted it, lol.


    I still don't understand why she has left it so late to do this. If she had gone public a month ago that would have given plenty of time to whip the support into a proper frenzy before arbitration starts. And more time to work on the government getting involved.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Truly believe that one day Amanda will be running our club. Not sure who the backing will come from, but good days will eventually return. She clearly wants us. We want her. It's a match made in heaven.


    Won't make any difference to me personally. If we are denied this then I am gone. No idea how any NUFC fan could still be invested in football when in the full knowledge of who runs the game and what they denied us 

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