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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 3 hours ago, Rocker said:

    With the CAT case likely to rumble on for the rest of the year, within a fortnight we'll at least have some closure with the arbitration.


    If the arbitration doesn't go our way, I won't be actively supporting Newcastle United. I won't watch, read about, listen or talk about Newcastle United. I won't even keep up the CAT case. I'm sure I will hear about it we're taken over.


    So within a fortnight, I can either support my club again or give it up indefinitely. It's black and white, and a mental relief either way. 


    Same here, and it really won't be that difficult either as I had more or less done the same 15 months ago after Rafa had walked. I got dragged back in last April when the takeover took off but I know I can go back to where I was before that.


    Walking away from going to matches, and watching games of other teams is actually pretty easy to do. The hardest thing to give up is the social media side of it as I enjoy the banter and craic. But still, I had managed to do that too, and was visiting forums only once every week at the most.


    The last 12 months will finish me off for good if it doesn't go our way. And, as you say, the CAT won't bring PIF back and that's the crucial thing for me. I'm not interested in NUFC under any other owners, and it's not just down to how wealthy they are. Its more about how we will have lost their planned development of the club & investment in the region down to corruption within the organisation who run the game. My conscience will not let me continue to be a part of that.


    I've got loads of hobbies and interests outside of football so it really isn't that important any more. I've become addicted to the takeover saga more with respect to clinging to the idea that I live in a fair country where justice prevails, rather than just being able to support a club that can compete at the top again.

  2. Bridcutt giving them some hard truths has gone down well. [emoji38]


    "Some of the lads used to hate playing home games, I used to get more hassle off the Sunderland fans then I did Newcastle. When I was there I had fans say to me ‘I couldn’t care if we got relegated, just as long as we beat Newcastle.’

    That was their mentality."



  3. 10 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


    :lol: Get yourself on the news and talk about it then. Has the trust ever said its MO is to just make noise and balance on the edge of credibility? 


    On the edge of credibility? What the fuck are you talking about man? [emoji38]

  4. 17 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    14:54 He says "The Premier League are trying to get the CAT case thrown out... my understanding from the legal team at the club is that has failed, so they haven't got the CAT case thrown out". 





    The PL have been given until the 12th to submit their response so a decision cannot have been made on their jurisdiction challenge. Also, that order makes it clear that there will be a hearing for the jurisdiction challenge, no decision will come on that before the hearing:


    "I am satisfied that the requested short extension of seven days will not prejudice the listing of the hearing of the Jurisdiction Application".


    The PL cannot have failed to get the CAT case thrown out yet. He is demonstrably talking shite.





    Weirdly, he even mentions himself about the extension to the 12th. Maybe he has been told by the club, via their legals, that this extension is a clear sign of a desperation measure and wont work. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, midds said:

    Will a shitload of publicity actually change the facts of the case though? Interviews, as positive as they are, won't change the actual facts upon which the court's decisions will be made though, surely. They'll look at the evidence from both sides presented in court and come to a decision based upon what they're given. 'Pressure' from fans won't matter at all in the court. 


    No they won't change that facts, and nor are are they intended to. The bottom line is that both buyers and seller do not believe the arbitration panel to be completely unbiased. If their judgement, and how they came to it, is there for the public to see, then any potential bias is more likely to be nipped in the bud.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    :lol: Devva eh?


    Oi, Greg and the lads. Get on the tele and shout about the takeover. Fuckin layabouts. Even Wraithy done it. 


    Well said, couldn't have put it better myself. You forgot to mention the bit about "stop pissing about with a hair brained fan ownership scheme" though.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Agree all the parties seem to want maximum publicity at this point. It feels like now or never, we should all be doing what we can and the trust have a role to play.


    Mary Glindon is my local MP. I will tweet and email her this weekend. I tweeted Starmer the other day with zero response. Dowden next.


    Shame the London protest is not on the 23rd as I am in London that weekend.



  8. 2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Appearance by Mehdrad and very positive update on CAT case from Keith.


    Also sounds like NUST will come out shortly and back protest in London.




    The trust need to be pulling out all of the stops to get this story on the BBC and ITV national news. If they can have one target then that should be it.

  9. 49 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Do we even know for certain PIF will be back even if that happens?




    Staveley specifically said so in her two interviews this week.

  10. 14 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Most embarrassing man associated with the fanbase at this point 


    He's done his bit with the CAT case so fair do's for that but he just needs to vanish off social media now as he simply isn't suited for it. And backing a flyover over Wembley for the biggest England match for over half a century just confirms that his judgement and opinions are highly questionable. Imagine if there had been an accident or security incident. It would undo every good takeover-related thing that has happened over the previous 18 months and probably have Staveley considering walking away herself.

  11. 3 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Wraith really doesn’t like (I assume) the trust 




    He's correct on that one though. Right now they should be all over this like a rash. Imagine if this was LFC and what the likes of the Spirit of Shankly group would be doing.

  12. 8 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:

    Then you'd expect it not to take weeks and weeks then? As Staveley said the process normally is 5/6weeks. So with all our documents already submitted, one would assume they could speed things up, (If they wished to).


    Well I guess the beginning of September could be considered weeks and weeks away at this moment in time.


    Really, the key date in all of this is that on which the arbitration verdict is delivered, and that surely has to be no more than 4 weeks away. After that, things could happen very quickly...for good or bad.

  13. 2 minutes ago, deejeck said:

    I mean, that's just not going to happen and even if it did the TV cameras will not take a blind bit of notice of it.  Fucking stupid idea.


    True. But the very fact that he is endorsing it tell it's it's own story. The bloke is long past his sell by date now and just needs to fuck off for good.


    The supreme irony is that the Premier League would be whooping with delight if this happened as the repercussions from it from the general public and national media would be dire. And you could forget about getting any help from the government after that point.



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