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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 55 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    NUST are in difficult position. They are an official fan group. If they go for a protest and say it was against the club, the club could pull their official status away from them. If they did it against official football authorities, the FA and FSA could pull their status from them. Without it they have nothing and no ability or right to go into meetings with these people.

    They automatically then lose their right to speak on behalf of the supporters.

    As I have said, we have had numerous groups in the past who’s only objective is to protest, many of them who had the same people running them as NUST has now and in the past.

    The people behind NUST have backed these groups but cannot do that under the NUST banner.


    Yeah, because with their "status" they have made a world of difference to matters at the club, haven't they?


    This is the problem with that lot. Obsessed with their status and therefore dancing to Ashley's tune, and now the PL's too. 


    What I'd like to know is, if the takeover is not in their scope, then what gave them the right to speak to Masters last year on behalf of the support? Do they just pick and choose when to take part in it, or is it just when they are invited to cosy meetings with the authorities to make them feel like they have "status".


    There is nothing that the NUST have done that a well run supporters club could do equally well or better. The whole fan ownership thing is a fantasy and would only antagonise owners, rather than getting them on board.


    And say what you like about Wraith, but he has done more work highlighting the problems at NUFC than the whole of NUST put together. And he is only one individual.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Why weren’t NUST involved with this?


    Because they are too busy pissing about & wasting people's money on a hare-brained 1% fan ownership scheme that will have zero effect on how the club is run or it's success on the pitch. It will make them feel ever so important though.

  3. 36 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    Buses left the stadium around 5am. No matter how we might talk down on them, it's a whole day commitment that they've volunteered (and paid £30 for tickets) to do, can't fault people making an effort for the future of the club even if it amounts to nothing


    Whilst the self-styled "voice of the supporters", the NUST, did the square root of fuck all. Utter joke of an organisation that now has a limited life-span IMO.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ankles Bennett said:

    Correcting a spelling mistake in a legal document can sometimes alter the intended meaning so entering (sic) after the mistake means this is an unaltered spelling from the original draft!  


    Jesus. Was he half cut when he wrote it then? Doesn't bode well after all. :lol:

  5. Just now, Ankles Bennett said:

    Beloff will be completely impartial as he has a reputation to uphold.  He will apply the rules as they are written.  These QC's are Wordsmiths, in other words Masters of the English Lanquage.  I have spent the last 30 years of my long career dealing with High Court judges and the correct/incorrect  interpretation of legislation.  If the O&D test has one word in the wrong place it can completely alter its effect, regardless of the policy intention behind the drafting of the O&D tests.


    Well if you are correct we shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Jordan got her totally rattled and she lost her composure, don't think there's any doubt about that tbh. Still can't help but be enthused by her passion and her commitment to getting this thing done. Jordan's shit-eating grin immediately after she dropped the call told you everything you needed to know about his intentions during that. He was trying to to bait her and succeeded. 


    She went on the show on a whim, they weren't expecting her. Therefore she wasn't prepared for Jordan's baiting. Once she came to terms with that she regained her composure completely.

  7. 1 minute ago, Jackie Broon said:


    She avoided it because their public position is that they are out.


    Exactly. There's no way they are putting themselves in the spotlight to be humiliated once again. They come back to the table when there is a cast-iron, legally guaranteed invite to buy the club.

  8. 10 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    Haven’t listened to the interview, but I see Luke Edwards has labelled it a “car crash” which is a lot different to what’s been said on here…


    He's a prick and is finally showing his colours.


    With regards to the Saudis, of course they aren't there. At the moment, the status with them is they are waiting to come back once given the green light.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    These interviews don't come across as confidence in the arbitration ruling to me. They feel like a last ditch attempt to influence something. I hope I'm wrong.


    They don't trust Beloff, it's as simple as that. The media interviews are simply designed to apply scrutiny to him in particular. I don't think we have anything to worry about with the other two but Beloff is a significant worry.

  10. It seems a lot of people are preparing to divorce themselves from NUFC and the game itself if this does not go through, so I wonder how SJP crowds will be reflected by that, bearing in mind that, very often, social media is not an accurate representation of the "real world".


    Considering that we had already lost 10,000 paying customers in the previous "normal season" I think that the club might lose another couple of thousand at most. But that still means Ashley will have to find a way of filling 12,000 empty seats.


    One thing is for certain though, the atmosphere at SJP will be even more subdued than it has ever been.

  11. 1 minute ago, et tu brute said:

    Lot of money to be spending mind if they want it. Sorry I disagree I think it’s the exact opposite and the Premier League are dead against it.


    Aye maybe.


    But like I say, it may be that they have no choice but to go down this route, what with the six having so much control, and added to all of the piracy stuff that has gone on over the years.

  12. Just now, HTT II said:

    They are not going to intervene, but they are fully in support of the Saudis I know that much, but can’t be seen to be advocating or getting involved, in public anyway.


    I'm clinging to that idea too. To be honest, I think the PL want it too, but are so far deeply in the pocket of the dirty six that they have to be seen to be challenging it. Hopefully they know there is no legal chance of this being stopped and can therefore go back to the six and say "we tried".

  13. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    I've never felt this thing would hinge on government intervention tbh.


    'Our' side are just trying to apply pressure with stuff like the TV appearances from Staveley and whipping-up activism on the terraces, including MPs and what-have-you. It's potentially helpful but not critical; the ultimate test will always be whether or not they can prove/disprove whatever fundamental point the PL have issues with. 


    It's a bit like the ESL, in that, yes - the government made comments and the public were whipped into a frenzy, but those aren't the reasons why we got the outcome we did. We got the outcome we did because of a fundamental flaw in the planning and delivery of the ESL. 


    It's the same here. Whether or not our takeover happens will hinge on the legal battles being fought and won. No amount of extremal pressure will force victory if our arguments aren't strong enough. 


    I completely disagree with that. They backed out once the government warned them of the legislation that they would be hit with. And they knew that the government were not bluffing either.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Bishops Finger said:

    And the other positive is that Ashley will be stuck with a club he doesn't want or will have to sell cheap. There's no one else out there willing to pay him over £300m for that club I'm sure. So the greedy fat bastard will will with us


    Yeah I was think that recently too. The days of being demented about Ashley still owning the club are finally coming to an end, one way or the other. He can keep it forever for all I care if this doesn't go through.

  15. 4 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    Hope that kills you isn't it? If it sounds too good to be true it probably is and £250m in the squad, the area over a few years is far too good to be true when we're against the establishment fighting against it 


    To be fair, I can understand the caution/pessimism at this stage from anyone planning on continuing to follow NUFC, post-failed takeover. But if you aren't, then where is the harm in thinking positive at this point?

  16. 1 hour ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

    Do people think we will win arbitration?


    I don't have a clue but i'm gonna say no.


    This is Newcastle.


    I'm feeling optimistic actually. But then again, at this point in the game there is nothing to lose for me. If we lose then I won't be hanging around to wallow in the misery so might as well go out in a blaze of hope.

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