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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. The more I think about it the less I think it's a good idea for Benitez to come back tbh. It's never the same the second time around and if we have strong financial backing I think a lot of our support would get antsy about the conservative football.


    I think Rafa got a lot of leeway from the support because of Ashley's penny pinching, together with the fact that he was a big name who was prepared to come to the club, despite the owner.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Toonjam88 said:

    Also on there Tel is a Everton fan that generally winds everyone up so don’t believe him when he says it will be announced in 7 days. 


    The reason the brothers are involved is to develop the city’s infrastructure and real estate around the city. Get ready for a mega stadium taking its inspiration from NEOM, it will be the most sustainable and futuristic arena ever built, the guy I heard speak about it said it will make the Spurs stadium look 100 years old.


    Aye, he's a WUM alright. :lol:


    Munson is a total barmpot & not the full shilling, but is undoubtedly good entertainment value. It doesn't bear think about what would happen on this thread if he camped in here though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jackie Broon said:

    My reading is that he's saying it's just the stuff yesterday about it being published on Friday that was just to see if Burnsie posted it, not the initial stuff he posted at the weekend about the jurisdiction challenge being thrown out.


    Yes, he's confirmed this. But FFS it was still infuriating that he did that. Back to trusting nobody then. :lol:

  4. 17 minutes ago, Toonjam88 said:

    Roy Munson is a lunatic like changes his mind like the wind but is harmless. He will literally say it’s happening 1 minute and not happening the next. 


    Yeah, very true, he's not to be taken seriously. The Sheik guy seems fairly level headed though.



  5. Whitley is definitely not Roy. Whitley is steadfastly resolute in his positivity whereas Roy tends to flip flop a lot. That's the polite way of putting it. Another way of putting it would be "bi-polar". Stay tuned to that forum because if this latest rumour turns out to be yet more bollocks you will see what I mean. :lol:

  6. 1 minute ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Ah, I won't get too excited then.


    What forum was that? 


    I cant remember which one it was that Mimms was getting his info from but it definitely wasnt 606. I know that as I remember making a mental note of it being a different forum to the main two that I read.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Decky said:

    I’m optimistic about the takeover but I’m not taking the word of some random guy on another message board. It could literally be anyone taking the piss.


    Aye, completely fair. I apologise in advance for building up hopes by linking to that board if it all turns out to be bullshit. Like I say though, I have been following that board for 12 months and the poster making the claim never comes across as a WUM.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Is that the same person who Mimms was stealing information from and pretending was his own, or is it a different user?


    At least we only need to wait five days to find out if it’s bollocks or not.


    No that was a completely different forum.



  9. I'd imagine the pay-off would be getting the full £340m through the takeover being passed, together with the PL covering any losses, for example covering the cost of a reduced takeover price together with any loss of business revenue, ie deals that he had set up etc.


    I'd love to know where the PL would find ~£400m from. I doubt that they have insurance to cover that.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I've had that thought too, even if the PL were to go to Ashley to discuss settling he's unlikely to just accept "we'll settle the arbitration if you drop the CAT case". He would smell blood and will want to screw the PL for as much compensation as he can.


    I hope that's a gamble he doesn't take if they offer to pass the takeover right now, tbh.

  11. 1 hour ago, Pokerprince2004 said:


    Remember a few weeks ago whwn Ashley released a statement saying he wanted it all done by the end of june. I'm thinking this was a deadline for the Premier League to agree a settlement by and if not then he is going the whole hog. So I reckon we will either see it settled out of court by end of june (end of next week?) or Ashley wont stop his CAT at all


    I thought the same. And De Marco's "green light' tweet, with the watch and pen on the table, kinda solidified that belief for me.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I don't think the arbitration about the strength of the test as such, in fact it's not about the O&D test at all, from what is publicly known it's about the whether the KSA meet the definition in the PL's rules of a 'person' that would 'control' the club.


    I'm sure I read somewhere that it's the test's actual rules on seperation that are being arbitrated on, rather than the actual seperation itself. Like, was the test well enough written to even ask the question. Might have interpreted that wrong though.

  13. 9 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

    If it isn’t who then decides, CAT, Courts? Remember they can only decide on the O&D test that existed in April 2020 as I believe they now have a more robust test in place.


    Basically if the three arbitrators decide that the test isnt strong enough to hold up the takeover in the way it has, then they have to pass it. And they cant make the buyers stick to new and updated rules either as it would be impossible to say whether the buyers would ever have even attempted the purchase if the new rules were in place back then.


    That's my understanding of it anyway.

  14. 3 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

    Didn’t Ashley’s CAT action include compensation and injunctive relief against the PL O&D test? Does arbitration include agreeing compensation? I assumed, maybe wrongly, that it was whether PIF was a separate entity from the Saudi state?


    From what I have read, arbitration is simply to deternine whether or not the O&D test is robust enough to make a judgement on seperation.

  15. 2 minutes ago, BergenMagpie said:

    "Confirmed" by De Marco. Full surveillance on the PL now:




    I'm saying nowt about that one. [emoji38]


    He seems to have gone as crackers with his tweets as the NUFC fans have in analysing them. It was much simpler when he was posting photos of bread.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Robster said:

    It is most likely bollocks but still, the words on the page are nice to read if not just to dream for just a second.


    Exactly why I posted it. And we will likely know the truth of it very soon anyway. At this late stage in the game I am clinging to anything I can.


    That thread is pretty much like the ones on here, full of extreme optimists/pessimists and lots of nonsense in between. They do tend to flip flop a bit though whereas the mob on here tend to stay entrenched in their positions.

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