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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 4 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    He was God-like during the mid 90's. SBR was up there, but Keegan had something extra for me.


    No disrespect to SBR, but the Keegan years were ten times greater than those under him. The first thing that should happen if the takeover happens is that KK should be made an ambassador for the club. He will elevate the club's stature to what it was 25 years ago within months, and be able to persuade any player on the planet to come here if he's part of the negotiations.

  2. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    Fair enough. Simply can’t see them being a million miles ahead purely due to exorbitant finances. I’m sure they don’t have to bathe in wheelie bins, after all. 


    City are richer, don't have owners leeching off them, have better infrastructure and are properly investing in the community. According to the lad I spoke to they also have local youth development sewn up and all the youngsters want to go there over Man U. He was pretty scathing about it tbh.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Man Utd fans from Manchester…? ?? (see Froggy). Plus why would they be frothing? They’ve comfortably beaten the Man City record signing amount several times over. 


    Because they are a million miles ahead of them in every way. I was in Manchester not so long, speaking to a die hard Man U fan and he admitted as much.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    It’s tantalisingly close just to think the whole city could benefit from this kind of investment.

    I’d like to think there is some real renewed pressure being applied by govt behind the scenes.


    The short sightedness and utter disregard the PL has shown for the future of the club is criminal.


    How two individuals like Masters and Hoffman can be unaccountable beyond a private arbitration is scandalous.


    A football club like ours has a massive impact on the local economy which should go way beyond these 2 individuals. It’s inconceivable a national institution should be held hostage by a corrupt organisation who currently appear unaccountable to anyone.





     That's incredible.


    I love how City are just dominating Manchester now. Man Utd fans must be frothing at the mouth on a daily basis. 

  5. We have known for months that they aren't happy with the arbitration panel. This feels to me like a message to those on the panel themselves.


    I still don't understand why they have left it so long to suggest that the arbitration be played out in public. I'm guessing it's because they know that has no chance of happening so, at the very least, start venting about it just as the process is about to begin to apply scrutiny to the panel.

  6. 8 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    We submitted evidence contesting the Premier League's jurisdiction claim. The Premier League would usually have 1 week to reply but they wanted an additional week which they've been given to respond to Ashley's counterclaim. Both claims get heard at a hearing later 


    So by submitting evidence, we gave the PL an opportunity to delay the process even further. Marvellous.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    How do we know they filed their evidence? Because a journo posted it on Twitter?


    If this process has taught us anything is that they know fuck all when it comes to this. The only difference between them and us is that they are getting paid to speculate on all this bollocks


    "AND UPON the Claimant filing its evidence in response to the Jurisdiction Application on 28 June 2021"


    That's what it says in the update. 

  8. It's quite possible that Staveley and the club wrote to Crouch simply to make an impression on her, with the message being "remember all of this shit when you come to do your review later this year". Simply another way of nudging the PL by saying "your not getting away with this and you are going to pay a price for it".


    That's why it has made no sense to think they could get the terms of the arb changed at the last moment. This is just more gesturing ahead of the event.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Well the theory is that having hearings in public increases transparency and accountability, that's why the human rights act protects the right to public criminal trials.


    Also, they may have stuff from the disclosure that would be embarrassing for the PL and, if so, it puts extra pressure for the PL to settle before it goes ahead.


    The only private information should be commercially sensitive information for the club and PIF, there shouldn't really be anything that the PL should be worried about being made public; unless they have done something wrong.







    Why have they left it so late in the game to do this though? They should have been on Tracey Crouch's case about this months ago. It makes no sense to leave it this late to get them to fold before arbitration starts.


    It seems fairly obvious too that the club think Michael Beloff is going to side with the PL.

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