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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Has anyone else heard the rumour that sales are currently 10K down on this time last year?


    So the word that I got last week was seemingly accurate. To be honest, 10,000 still isn't enough. 15k+ would really be a lot more significant.

  2. Yeah, this is looking like Staveley all over again. Unlike her though, BZG need to hang Ashley out to dry and describe in detail exactly what has gone on.


    Looking like this fucking criminal has decided to stick rather than twist. He must surely have accepted relegation already but will just think he can get us immediately promoted again and then the cycle can continue.


    There's years & years more of this torment to come. Not for me though. Once the announcement of no takeover is out there that's me done with football for good. No watching games on TV, won't read forums, social media or newspaper columns. Total blackout of the game. When I started following NUFC in 1985 we were a nothing club owned by parasitic owners and Liverpool were winning everything. Here we are 34 years later and it looks like LFC will start to become a powerhouse again with NUFC still slumming it & in the hands of a parasite. No way am I hanging around to watch that all over again.


  3. The entire thread isn’t about making comparisons man, yes, some do but it’s not.


    Of course it is man. They are our neighbours, the auld enemy, and in this thread every positive/negative event that happens at their club is subliminally used as a comparison to the ongoings of our own. We are just fortunate that for nearly 40 years, or to be precise since KK arrived in 82, we have lorded it over them and have been much higher profile whilst they have largely slummed it and given us numerous moments of hilarity. If this thread is not about making comparisons then why the fuck do we talk about them so much? It's not like they are an interesting or high profile top six club making waves, they are a nothing club who never achieve anything of note and yet this thread is always near the top of the board.

  4. Why does our future depend on what they’re doing?


    Where did I say that it did? How about you read a post before commenting on it?


    I simply said that under Ashley we are headed for being exactly the same kind of club as they currently are, if not worse. Something that has not happened in my NUFC supporting lifetime of 34 years. And in that time they could rise out of the ashes and become bigger than us. It's really not rocket science to understand the concept.

    They have not bottomed out. their finances are in an appalling mess and they desperately trying to cut costs. Financially Mike has us not competing where we should but we are not in an appalling mess.


    Jesus Christ.  :lol:


    Have you missed the last 10 days or something?


    Remember three years ago when they stayed up and "sent us down"? If you think that a similar reversal in fortunes for the two clubs cannnot happen in the same timescale then you are completely in denial.


    Simple fact is NUFC's future is on a total knife-edge. We get taken over and everything is rosy. Ashley stays and the next 5 to 10 years will be hell. And in that time the Mackems could very easily get their shit together.


    Right there.


    I have no idea what point you are trying to make here. This entire thread is about making comparisons between the two clubs, hence the "hahaha they are in the 3rd Division" comments. I am simply stating that both clubs are currently a shambles and the two divison gap is of little consequence and is something that can and will change if Ashley is still here next month. The superiority complex that we have justifiably held over them for decades will evaporate as we finally sink to their level as a club. Or worse.

  5. Are folk still seriously being strung along by this horseshit?


    "A fee has been agreed"


    "They're going through the Fit & Proper person test"


    "A statement will be released in the next 24 hours"


    "No wait, in the next few days"


    Just one load of garbage after another from random 2-bit "journos", ITKs and fucking dentists and radio hosts  :lol:


    Honest question here, at what point do you accept this is all bollocks? How many days? Another week? Two? Deadline day?


    Think only 3 or 4 people on here still think it’d going to happen to be fair


    I still there’s a fair chance


    Same man. Far more likely than Ashley staging an elaborate hoax, involving arabs and Companies House, that he didn't need to stage


    Yep, that’s full on tin foil hat territory


    Nobody actually believes that it's a hoax/setup etc, just that there's no way Ashley is going to sell.


    Exactly. Complete straw man. Over the 12 years of Ashley's ownership there have been numerous seriously interested parties, and they have all been disappointed in the end by Ashley moving the goal posts. Ashley or his PR goons don't have to create smoke and dagger scenarios of interest in the club to help alleviate the pressure on them, because the interest is genuine and has always been there. It suits them to keep the media and fans in awaited suspense while they obviously have no inclination whatsoever to go through with any sale, or at least not until somebody puts in an offer that is too good to refuse, because whilst this is the case they can get away with leeching the club for their own interests whilst simultaneously running it into the ground for everybody with a proper affinity towards it.


    Hopefully though this time he has dug himself into a hole he cannot get out of. If he pulls the plug then BZG need to hang him out to dry.


    Like he’ll give a fuck.


    As far as the fans are concerned there’s a decent minority who think Benítez is a mercenary.


    You can forget any big protest about 3-4 games in, as usual


    True. But if nothing else it will finallly destroy the myth that nobody has put in a proper bid. He won't be able to lie about that anymore.

  6. Are folk still seriously being strung along by this horseshit?


    "A fee has been agreed"


    "They're going through the Fit & Proper person test"


    "A statement will be released in the next 24 hours"


    "No wait, in the next few days"


    Just one load of garbage after another from random 2-bit "journos", ITKs and fucking dentists and radio hosts  :lol:


    Honest question here, at what point do you accept this is all bollocks? How many days? Another week? Two? Deadline day?


    Think only 3 or 4 people on here still think it’d going to happen to be fair


    I still there’s a fair chance


    Same man. Far more likely than Ashley staging an elaborate hoax, involving arabs and Companies House, that he didn't need to stage


    Yep, that’s full on tin foil hat territory


    Nobody actually believes that it's a hoax/setup etc, just that there's no way Ashley is going to sell.


    Exactly. Complete straw man. Over the 12 years of Ashley's ownership there have been numerous seriously interested parties, and they have all been disappointed in the end by Ashley moving the goal posts. Ashley or his PR goons don't have to create smoke and dagger scenarios of interest in the club to help alleviate the pressure on them, because the interest is genuine and has always been there. It suits them to keep the media and fans in awaited suspense while they obviously have no inclination whatsoever to go through with any sale, or at least not until somebody puts in an offer that is too good to refuse, because whilst this is the case they can get away with leeching the club for their own interests whilst simultaneously running it into the ground for everybody with a proper affinity towards it.


    Hopefully though this time he has dug himself into a hole he cannot get out of. If he pulls the plug then BZG need to hang him out to dry.

  7. I think the reason Ashley desperately wanted Rafa to stay was precisiely because he really, really does not want to sell, and as long as Rafa was here he knew he would always have a mid-table club, thus allowing him to stay on the gravy-train. Rafa eventually realised this and stopped communicating with the club. Ashley realises he has "lost", spits out his dummy and promptly "sacks" Benitez by releasing the statement without telling Rafa it was happening. Now he is in a postion where he has 1 month to find a manager, sign new players and try to steer through a media shit-storm and supporter revolt as he has allowed the takeover story to rumble on without comment.


    If Rafa had signed that contract we would have been taken off the market, I am certain of it. Now that he is gone though I think the chances of us being sold to BZG have increased. It just depends on if Ashley can use the logical side of his brain or if his inner man-child will once again run riot.




    Every dog has it's day.  :lol:

  8. Why does our future depend on what they’re doing?


    Where did I say that it did? How about you read a post before commenting on it?


    I simply said that under Ashley we are headed for being exactly the same kind of club as they currently are, if not worse. Something that has not happened in my NUFC supporting lifetime of 34 years. And in that time they could rise out of the ashes and become bigger than us. It's really not rocket science to understand the concept.

  9. The mackems are in a terrible mess mostly of their own making, but at least they had an honourable owner who held their hand up for their mistakes and gave up the club whilst taking no money out and footing most of the bill of their own failures. They are in the gutter but they can start looking up again. Meanwhile we are owned by an evil cunt who will happily destroy the club for his own benefit as he has done over the past 12 years and continue to leech it until he pops his clogs. By the time that happens we'll be lucky to be where the mackems are now, and we have much more frustration and anger to look forward to before we get there. Hell, by that time a large number of us may well not even be around anymore. This empty shell of a club could be the NUFC we know for the rest of our lives. Three years of Rafa working his magic may well have blinded a lot of fans, but before long we will be back to the dark days of someone like Pardew or Carver insulting our intelligence whilst stealing a living on our dime.



  10. I think the reason Ashley desperately wanted Rafa to stay was precisiely because he really, really does not want to sell, and as long as Rafa was here he knew he would always have a mid-table club, thus allowing him to stay on the gravy-train. Rafa eventually realised this and stopped communicating with the club. Ashley realises he has "lost", spits out his dummy and promptly "sacks" Benitez by releasing the statement without telling Rafa it was happening. Now he is in a postion where he has 1 month to find a manager, sign new players and try to steer through a media shit-storm and supporter revolt as he has allowed the takeover story to rumble on without comment.


    If Rafa had signed that contract we would have been taken off the market, I am certain of it. Now that he is gone though I think the chances of us being sold to BZG have increased. It just depends on if Ashley can use the logical side of his brain or if his inner man-child will once again run riot.

  11. They have not bottomed out. their finances are in an appalling mess and they desperately trying to cut costs. Financially Mike has us not competing where we should but we are not in an appalling mess.


    Jesus Christ.  :lol:


    Have you missed the last 10 days or something?


    Remember three years ago when they stayed up and "sent us down"? If you think that a similar reversal in fortunes for the two clubs cannnot happen in the same timescale then you are completely in denial.


    Simple fact is NUFC's future is on a total knife-edge. We get taken over and everything is rosy. Ashley stays and the next 5 to 10 years will be hell. And in that time the Mackems could very easily get their shit together.

  12. It

    We are absolutely in no position to gloat or take the piss out of these anymore. In fact their future is lot rosier than ours right now. Yes, they are in a hole at the moment but slowly they will climb out of it and find their feet again. We however are lumbered with a criminal who is being allowed to vandalise our club and the only possible way to get rid of him is to head down the path that Sunderland have taken over the last couple of years. In our case though, we will probably need to suffer a lot longer than they have to have any chance of getting rid of him.... and we may never actually be truly rid of our cancer anyway as Ashley may always have some kind of a stake in NUFC, even if he is not the owner. And of course, once this Gallowgate development is complete there will always be a bricks and mortar reminder of his legacy standing right next to SJP. In my 34 years of supporting NUFC I have never felt threatened or inferior to SAFC but for the first time in my lifetime I think within the next 5 years they will be the biggest club in the North East.

    Always winter in your life. they are and will always be a shit club with shit fans. even when they were in the premier league for 10 years they regularly fucked off at half time if they were losing. Hounded every manager out. they have a couple f 2 bit chancers in charge now and they have not got any money to put in. they gambled on going up and 'flipping' the club to pay short. the gamble has failed hence having to get rid of players.


    You have got your head in the sand. If there is no takeover happening then believe me we are firmly on the path to becoming the exact same kind of club as them. This superiority complex that we have over them is currently based on fuck all. In 12 months its highly likely that we will be in the same division as them.


    Quite ironic that this board is full of people slagging off the people who continue to attend SJP for "not seeing the big picture". If you can't see where NUFC are headed and the fact that the Mackems have now bottomed out and can only start to go up then you are guilty of exactly the same small-mindedness.

  13. We are absolutely in no position to gloat or take the piss out of these anymore. In fact their future is lot rosier than ours right now. Yes, they are in a hole at the moment but slowly they will climb out of it and find their feet again. We however are lumbered with a criminal who is being allowed to vandalise our club and the only possible way to get rid of him is to head down the path that Sunderland have taken over the last couple of years. In our case though, we will probably need to suffer a lot longer than they have to have any chance of getting rid of him.... and we may never actually be truly rid of our cancer anyway as Ashley may always have some kind of a stake in NUFC, even if he is not the owner. And of course, once this Gallowgate development is complete there will always be a bricks and mortar reminder of his legacy standing right next to SJP. In my 34 years of supporting NUFC I have never felt threatened or inferior to SAFC but for the first time in my lifetime I think within the next 5 years they will be the biggest club in the North East.

  14. This really isn't good news for the takeover happening. If Benitez had any inkling that it was happening soon he would have stuck around so it really does sound like it's miles off/not happening.


    And even if it's true that he has gone to China because he knows that BZG don't want him then we will be getting new owners who know fuck all about football. Great stuff.

  15. Someone on TOTT reckons..."there has been some financial activity at companies house indicating a sale in progress. Fingers crossed it's still on."


    He is a bit of a wally like.


    Anyone know anything?


  16. This is why it's so important that people cancel their season tickets. It's clear as day now that this deal is on a knife edge and Ashley is looking for a reason to pull out so if he sees that 45K+ season tickets are renewed after letting Rafa go he will know that he can stay here for as long as he wants without repercussions. If however he sees a fanbase in total revolt and the club about to completely implode as the new season is about to kick off he will surely know that the game is up and now is the time to finally sell up.


    The club is literally at the most crucial crossroad in it's history. We are either about to become great again or fall into the wilderness for a generation.

  17. Fake tweet or not, they will be making a statement of some sort soon. And it will be along the lines of "the club can confim it is in talks with a number of interested parties for a possible sale, however since a resolution is still some way off we ask the supporters to get behind the search for a new manager so that we can have the best possible start to the new season".


    They can get fucked. Either sell to BZG within the next four weeks or they can watch the club burn down to the ground.

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