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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Ashley's obviously a massive dick, doesn't undo anything, but this is a good move from them.


    Also should galvanize people staying away, obviously shows it's doing something.


    It's short termism, papering over the cracks. A decision made on the hoof without any real thought for the long term implications just like everything else that Ashley does. Does he really think that Steve Bruce's well known 2nd-half-of-the-season magic is going to tempt these people to actually buy a ticket next season? If so, he will be disappointed.


    All this will do now is show people that club will give away freebies if necessary. So they will sit and wait for the next handout.



  2. Just been offered one of the tickets and turned it down flat.  :lol:


    Also asked if I could have it just to make sure that the seat stayed empty. Was also turned down flat.  :lol:

  3. Got to say I'm delighted that the "support the team" lads not only didn't wanna protest, but made the atmosphere that bad that Ashley is giving out free tickets and they're the ones getting punished. INJECT IT RIGHT INTO ME


    :lol: It's fucking poetry in motion. I hope the fuckers are frothing at the mouth.

  4. I’m gone for good if this happens. Regardless of takeover.



    Be in no doubt, the reason for this giveaway has nothing to do with empty seats. It's the non-existant library atmosphere at the place that has prompted this piece of desperation. Empty seats at televised games can largely be ignored whilst a game is underway but games played to the backdrop of players voices being able to be heard from the stands is something that cannot be brushed under the carpet.


    The shockingly quiet SJP atmosphere is now becoming a major talking point in the game. And unfortunately for Fat Man, giving away seats is not going to combat that because those seats will be taken up by yet more customers who contribute nothing to the atmosphere. So Mikey Boy is giving away something for which he will get no return.

  5. NUFC have now fully embraced the Sunderland AFC Premier League mission statement. Circle the drain every season with the sole ambition to remain in the league, with a mid table finish being seen as a highly successful season. Employ journeyman managers, secure key players season after season on loan deals and now give away match tickets to make the stadium look full.

  6. Seeing what these lot are going through, not sure I could stomach it if we ended up the same. Would be equally depressing as having our current cunt of an owner.


    At least our lot (players) seem to like each other, the Mackems are just grim all over.


    Aye, when I see people hope we plummet to get rid of Ashley, I look at these and think fuck that. 18 months ago they thought they’d hit the jackpot. Arsehole owner leaving, ‘debt written off’, etc...they’ve managed to get even worse. Mid-table in The Championship would be embarassing, mid-table in League 1 is literally something I couldn’t imagine.


    They were incredibly fortunate that Short wrote off their debt because if he hadn't they would have been in administration by now.


    The problem with this lot is their flat refusal to accept where they currently are as a club since ending up in the 3rd tier. In their arrogance since being unburdened by the debt they believed that they should piss the league and every other team in that league should feel blessed by just getting to play them. When that didnt happen they turned on a manager who is no great shakes but would probably have got them into the Championship, given time. They lack the self awareness to see that it's their impatience as a fan base that has been their undoing for years. And now they are doing the same with Parkinson.

  7. Getting way ahead of yourselves changing the headline of this thread mind. Ross might be gone but it's only speculation that the takeover is off. Sounds to me like there is a lot of brinkmanship going on.


    If it is off though it will probably be the only joy I get out of football this season.  :lol:

  8. They must be looking at Newcastle instead


    Unfortunately the rumour is that they have already tried to buy us but Ashley's fuckwittery drove them away, which is why they decided to have a look 12 miles down the road.

  9. They seemingly are about to have, collectively, the richest owners in the game. Meanwhile NUFC are rapidly disintegrating at the seams. This couldn't be happening at a worse time for us, and if ever there was a time to be nervously looking 12 miles down the road it's now.


    Look at Charlton right now, riding high in the Championship. This time last year they were struggling to maintain a League One play-off place. Sunderland might not even need to spend a fortune to get through the Championship as some decent buys and positive momentum can get you a long way in that league. Then their owners could really start to spend once in the Prem.


    It's a doomsday scenario but not a particularly outlandish one.

  10. What gets me about these is that they were dropping to their natural level (cheap tickets, freebies - turnover akin to Norwich) when Drumville came in.

    Drumville got spent into oblvion and an American billionaire came in to stop them dropping to their natural level.

    When he had enough propping them up they dropped to their natural level and now mega-riches are coming in to stop them staying there.

    All whilst we are held back, deliberately by our owner and slowly dying as a result.


    Exactly. These f*ckers have the brass neck to say they are an unlucky bunch, yet they have now had three multi, multi-million pound takeovers in the last 13 years, with their last rich owner graciously writing off all of their massive debt. They are amongst the jammiest bastards in the game.

  11. Anyone who thinks this is anything other than fantastic news for them is kidding themselves. Its a dream come true for them and if it had happened to us over the summer we would have been having parties. It is exactly the takeover scenario we were pinning our hopes on.


    If we are not rid of Ashley within the next couple of years....and have him replaced by owners with true ambition...then SAFC will eclipse NUFC for the following 5 years and beyond. This could be their Keegan 1982 moment. Grim.

  12. Has anyone else heard the rumour that sales are currently 10K down on this time last year?


    So the word that I got last week was seemingly accurate. To be honest, 10,000 still isn't enough. 15k+ would really be a lot more significant.


    My contact that initially told me about the 10k figure now says that sales are 14k down on this time last year.

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