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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. I just want today's kids in the 18-30 bracket to experience what we did from 92 to 97, where NUFC exploded onto the scene, coming from nowhere to becoming one of the highest profile clubs in the country. The buzz in the city was just fantastic.


    I feel sorry for the poor sods who have grown up in the Ashley era. An utterly depressing experience throughout. It's time for them to see what this club is really about.

  2. I think this post belongs here - the big optimism bit comes at the end!


    I have thought about this at length and I now know what makes me the happiest about the takeover. For those here who haven't met me, I am from South London but support Newcastle because I was born there (solely because my parents happened to be in Newcastle when I was born unexpectedly early). So when I became football-conscious I chose Newcastle, and because my football childhood started with the early-mid-90s, I got really into it.


    I liked being into something that nobody else around here knew about, so when I was old enough (the Robson era), I started travelling up on my own to watch games. The unexpected bonus of this was meeting loads of Geordies, and spending time in Newcastle as a city, and not just a place where the stadium is. That's what led to me finding N-O, and making some really great and close personal friends in the process. Newcastle was my first proper solo travel experience, and since the first time I actually looked around the place and spoke to people I have never stopped loving it. The whole place is optimistic, rebellious, always fun, beautiful both in nature and architecture, easy to get around as an outsider and, in my view, culturally unique.


    The stereotypes associated with Geordies are true, I think. Everyone has always been welcoming, cheerful, empathetic, friendly and entirely down-to-earth. But what I really, really like about Geordies are 3 things: (i) the complete intolerance for bullshitters and cheats; (ii) the ability to laugh at themselves and (iii) that they're generally happy people. I think that's what makes me really love the city and region. I've now travelled to many different parts of the world and Newcastle, easily, still remains in my top 5 places.


    So what makes me elated about this takeover is that I can't wait to go back and see my Geordie friends, and lots of other Geordies I can't wait to meet and celebrate with, back to their normal happy state. Anybody would have had their happiness reserves drained by Mike Ashley. Just a place where when I walk about, everyone is smiling, laughing, taking the piss out of one another - not like down here in London where everyone judges each other and is scared of each other now. I just can't wait for my first long weekend up there to see my friends, to watch the match, to get pleasantly mellow talking all things NUFC, to stroll around that beautiful and offbeat city and hear that great accent, to play in another 47-goal N-O meet-up thriller, go and take in the coast etc.


    It's just a lovely thing and I can't wait to get back there and see it and feel it in remission from Ashley.



  3. I honestly can’t see how they would pay the deposit and then possibly risk losing it with something out of their control as the length of the premier league checks. It wouldn’t make sense, I assume still that the only thing that can stop this now is the, failing the checks or failing to pay.


    Exactly. It's all utter bollocks. Other interested parties will be locked out of any chance of buying until the PL checks are complete and the current buyers have then had a short window to make the payment.

  4. from .com, don't really see the point of this other than more fighting between fans.


    The apparently impending sale of Newcastle United will be debated via an online Zoom meeting on Monday night, with all supporters invited to join in.


    Overseen by the Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST), confirmed participants include MP Chi Onwurah, journalist George Caulkin and representatives of human rights organisations.


    The event runs from 7pm to 9pm BST on Monday and pre-registration is open now online here if you wish to participate.


    NB: This is open to everyone, including members and non-members of NUST.


    A good time for such a discussion would be when we have been sold, rather than beforehand. It's absolutely pointless unless the sale goes through.


    Aye, imagine it falls through? We’re already going to look like divvies, even more so after a mass debate about it. :lol:


    Caulkin simply has to know more than even he is letting on by going through with stuff like this when the deal hasn't even been offcially confirmed.

  5. I honestly feel that it's because we are so close to it happening to why people are so nervous.


    Bottom line is that we as fans are now on a knife edge. It's the all or nothing moment for many, many people because if this fails then those people will be done with football. Me being one of them.


    There is also the humiliation factor to consider too though. Because, across all social media platforms all of the major fans representatives are talking about the future of NUFC like this is a done deal. So we might not only have the heartbreak of a collapsed deal to contend with but also having to watch the rest of the football world mocking us once again. Personal and local pride is massively at stake here.

  6. It's what happened last summer with BZG that is making people so twitchy and unconvinced that this is a done deal. And who can blame them? This situation is almost identical to that one last year, where we are relying on our "facts" from the press. Last year neither NUFC nor the buyer made a single official comment on the deal and the same is happening here. Yeah sure, there seems to have been a deposit made by the buyer but that still doesnt mean the deal wont collapse.


    On another note, I'd be absolutely staggered if the buyers have agreed to a period of exclusivity that could allow the PL to scupper the deal simply by taking too long to complete the tests. That just doesnt seem possible IMO.

  7. You’d have to be a daft cunt to be honest to even think this isn’t going to happen soon, never mind actually believe it’s not going to happen at all.


    This represents to the PL itself an investment in them just as much, their brand and promises them increased reach, revenues and potential future deals down the line. The PL let’s not forget is also a business, and is actually no different to our would be new owners in that their business model is very much up for sale, to be bought if not out, into and where the spoils can be shared, as long as they have the bigger cut or their share is at the cost of others, namely us fans who lose our clubs, who the PL really couldn’t actually give a fuck who comes in as long as they have a big wad of money and will spend spend spend and they can tax and use to reach out to more and more markets across the world.


    They need this takeover just as much and more than most, they need an injection of fresh cash into their league, they need fresh blood who will come in and bring with them not just money, but an audience, which they can tap into and sell themselves to. Fresh blood who can expand their grip on the game, strengthen their brand and popularity in Europe which the more their clubs are able to outspend those from other leagues on players and are more able to outcompete everyone in Europe, the stronger the PL becomes. The longer they stay in power, the richer they get, the more powerful they end up.


    That’s what got them there in the first place domestically and keeps them as king of all, even the FA itself who are to the PL what Charnley is to Ashley, their/his bitch. Sit BOOBOO, good dog.


    Others in the PL can piss and moan all they like, but you don’t say no to someone with money to spend, no matter who they are and whether they spunk it all away without a return or if they ruin a club, financially or otherwise.


    Eventually, some other mug will just come in and take over again and again anyway, whose investment one way or another, leads to an investment in the PL either way, the richer the better, the bigger the better, the more the merrier.


    They will be hoping MA with his ‘winnings’ buys another PL club and if not one of theirs, a club they would love to join them when they end up losing someone, but only if that club helps them bring in the money.


    Less NUFCs and Villas making the EFL money while the likes of Norwich bring fuck all in. If only Delia sold her shares to some loony Chinese Bloke. Wanna change the club’s colours, badge, rename the stadium, sell the academy and bring in players your mate is the agent of? You do that son, because that’s none of our business, our business is collecting da rent. If you can’t pay it now, don’t fret, we know you’re good for it and you can always take it out the club and get fans to pay extra for tickets. If they tell you to fuck off, there’s thousands of husbands who would pay anything to get away from shopping with the wife on a Saturday. And on other days, we’ve thought about that and fixed it, Sunday’s, Monday’s, Tuesdays every day they can spend their money with us still.


    Fit and proper persons test... thump, stamped for approval, welcome to the club, you’re now part of the football family.


    All well and good, very logical. However you haven't factored into the equation that this is Newcastle United. The club that doesn't do logic. The club that routinely snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. So with that in mind it's impossible to ignore the nagging feeling that this will end up as another shambles. Are we really about to become the richest club in the game? Becoming a serious player on the world stage? After the last 13 years of torment it's difficult to believe we are on the cusp of such a monumental turnaround. So until it is confirmed there will always be that horrible dread that it will all turn to dust once again.

  8. There are gonna be a helluva lot of people monumentally embarrased...and equally devastated...if this collapses now mind. Pretty much everyone on this forum & toontastic (including me, who has robustly reassured all of my deeply unconvinced & cynical mates that it will happen), George Caulkin, Michael Martin, True Geordie are just some of the ones that immediately come to mind. Because lets face it, practically everyone has been talking in terms of "deal 100% will happen" for at least week now.


    We may be about to give all of our haters their biggest hoot of them all. Doesn't even bear thinking about.  :sad:

  9. I am struggling to understand the “if it’s not the Saudis I’m done” argument? Liverpool are owned by Americans and they’ve done pretty fucking well. What if the American bidders were to invest in the team, the infrastructure, and build us towards a team challenging the top 6? You wouldn’t want that? And we get that without any of the baggage associated with the PCP bid? That attitude seems crazy to me. There are people writing them off as terrible owners and we don’t even know who they are? Seems bizarre to me. Stifler was writing about them aiming for 17th and keeping Bruce, based on essentially nothing.


    Two reasons. Firstly, people are emotionally spent when it comes to this takeover bullshit and are not prepared to invest a shred more of energy on hoping for Ashley to go, hence why people will walk away from NUFC and football altogether if this deal collapses. Especially when there is absolutely no logical or legal reason for this to collapse anyway. If it does collapse it's due to corruption in the echelons of the English game. If we hadnt gone through the last 5 years or so of takeover fiascos then maybe people would still have the will to hold out for another group coming along, but we HAVE had the last 5 years of that and we can take no more of this crap.


    Secondly, it all comes down to hunch/gut feeling. This deal and these owners just feel right. You have Staveley, who has business acumen and first hand experience of the execution of a multi-million pound football takeover. Then you have the Reubens, who already are aquainted with developing this city and therefore have already shown their committment to it. And finally you have the Saudis, who have gargantuan wealth and are looking to diversify and make their country more diverse by engaging with the West on a deeper level.







    You are wrong. Preferable to make use of that land but but not a necessity to extend the Gallowgate.


    How? Explain to me how a Level 7 tier....with the exact same capacity as the opposing Leazes End Level 7 tier...could be added to the Gallowgate Stand when there are office blocks 60 feet away. Even if they could come up with some wizardry that created a floating/hanging tier of that size it would still block out the light for that office block and would thus be objected to by the owner of said office block.

  11. I mean, I want this takeover but I don’t know what it has to do with english football in general. I still like English football, I just can’t face following Newcastle.


    It has everything to do with English football because if the deal is rejected it will be due to corruption within the Premier League. Logically and legally there is simply nothing that should prevent the PIF bid from being accepted. If it is rejected then that is confirmation that the English game is truly bent.

  12. It's the Staveley takover or nothing for me. I am not interested in what any other party have to offer and neither will I put myself through the emotional ringer for yet more weeks and months by checking the internet for "progress" updates of the next farce.


    Before this all kicked off a couple of weeks ago my interest in football was zero and in NUFC very little more than that. I was checking in to this place no more than twice a week and the lockdown had made me realise that I was truly ready to walk away from it all for good. The delirium of the last fortnight has pulled me right back in again but if this falls through then I will be even more bitter than I was just over two weeks ago and that will truly be the final straw. I wont watch a game of English football ever again.


    It's a PIF takeover or bust and I suspect many will be saying the same. I have nothing to prove as a NUFC supporter....been going since 1984 and have had all of the football-related despair that one person can take. This falls through and thats me over the edge and not coming back.

  13. Don't believe everything you read in the papers.


    It will still be possible to extend the Gallowgate if this goes ahead- it will be more complex and more expensive but still possible. There are other big issues at play here as well in terms of metro tunnels and Strawberry Place itself.


    The transfer of the leasehold also hasn't happened yet - due to happen very soon but not there yet.


    Nah, with Ashley Towers in place there is no way that Level 7 can be extended into a horseshoe like the image below. There simply would be no room to do it. And if your talking about some half-arsed expansion to gain a few thousand extra seats that would be pointless. And it still would do nothing for the overall look of the stadium as the Gallowgate would have a completely different roof to the other 3 sides of the ground.


    That entire land behind the Gallowgate is needed to complete the level 7 stand, and allow for a fan-zone and/or new club shop etc.






  14. We should double their money and buy it back.


    Without a doubt. We need that land to extend level 7 to the Gallowgate end and the carpark land to be made into a fanzone.


    I know we as fans are pretty much protested-out but fans groups should be making noises to get this reversed.


    Reading that article is boiling my piss. Claiming the development will "improve the match-day experience". Fucking wankers and it sounds like a final "fuck you" from Ashley.


    "Ashley Towers" right outside SJP forever. Fucking horrendous.

  15. NOT a chance "Nukehasslefan" is one of us  :lol:


    He'll be the one does all the 'X fan in peace' posts no doubt!


    Withoubt a doubt. Imagine going to that much trouble to pour cold water on the future of NUFC. Just shows how rattled some of them are.



    I'm either reading it wrong or he is in no way pretending?


    It's a Newcastle United "fan" painting the takeover in the gloomiest light possible and lauding Ashley as a good owner. Even says NUFC were a "proper club" under Ashley.


    It's either a Mackem pretending to be NUFC fan. Or a NUFC fan, pretending to be a Mackem, pretending to be NUFC  fan. That's what it's like on there.  :lol:

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