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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. This farce has now got the same "quietly fizzling out" feel as last year's fakeover. This time last year the big deadline was Rafa's contract expiration date and we all were pinning our hopes on a last minute announcement that the deal had gone through & Rafa was staying. Instead, what we got was the shell shock of no takeover, Ashley remaining & Rafa gone.


    This year the big deadline is now awaiting the decision of some ludicrous WTO report & whether the buyers will pass the piracy examination. I can see us getting the exact same kind of shock this month with no takeover allowed & Ashley here for a very long time. Grim.

  2. I'm just trying to imagine the scene. The PL have completed their checks and are now on the video link to Yasir Al-Rumayyan... "Hello Mr Al-Rumayyan, we have concluded our investigation and looked at your proposal for NUFC and it is certainly very impressive. However, as you know, there have been several instances of televised PL games being pirated by an organisation in Saudi Arabia. We have consulted our legal team with regards to this matter and they can find no legal evidence that proves that you or anyone involved with the Saudi PIF contributed to this piracy. However, in our considered opinion, we believe there is no smoke without fire and on those grounds we regret to inform you that we cannot allow your purchase of NUFC. Many thanks for your interest though"


    Aye, righto.  :lol:

  3. for the PL to outright say you can't own this club because of piracy in SA would be astonishing. It's why I still think it'll go through.


    Why would it be astonishing for a deal to fail on one of the reasons listed in the test itself for the deal to fail? Especially given that the test says they only need to believe that in their reasonable opinion?


    I'd be more astonished if it passed. :lol:


    I find it incredible that a group of people could go to so much trouble negotiating a deal to buy a club, investing countless hours of manpower  - at a considerable financial cost - to strike a deal with the seller, and then risk a deposit of several millions of pounds not being refunded. All in the full knowledge that the deal could be scupppered and all of that invested money lost simply because the people running the PL can turn you away based on their "opinion". Then again, this is the world of football, completely out of kilter with the real world, so it is probably true.

  4. Are you seriously saying that nobody can have a reasonable opinion on anything without evidence? :lol:


    I reasonably believe many things with no evidence whatsoever.


    Again, I'm not saying this will fail, I'm just saying it's ridiculous to suggest it cannot. There's too many people in this thread who seem so utterly convinced that this cannot in any way be stopped. You might be in for a shock.


    Are you really saying you can knock a multi-million pound deal back, based on a reasonable opinion without evidence  :lol:


    Well thats exactly what the rules say so yeah :lol:


    The Saudi reaction to a knock back based specifically on piracy would be interesting mind. The PL would essentially be saying that the Crown Prince of a sovereign state is Del Boy Trotter.


    I'd be amazed if they took that lying down tbh.


    I don't think they would take it lying down but doubt that any appeal would involve them still trying to buy us either. They would just want compensation for the embarrasment of it all.


    If this doesnt happen at the first attempt there wont be a 2nd attempt IMO. The whole future of NUFC is on a knife edge.

  5. The strange thing about Keys is that in the 90s he was very enthusiastic about us, and it was him that tagged us with the "Entertainers" label. Pretty sure it was after the Oldham away game in November 1993 where we won 3-1 live on Sky. He was actually likeable back then when he was Sky's frontman.

    The strange thing about Keys is that in the 90s he was very enthusiastic about us, and it was him that tagged us with the "Entertainers" label. Pretty sure it was after the Oldham away game in November 1993 where we won 3-1 live on Sky. He was actually likeable back then when he was Sky's frontman.



    I always remember Keys on a prime-time evening, weekly Sky programme called "The Footballers Football Show", where there were footballer guests and a studio audience, after NUFC had done something, or bought someone (can't remember what) Keys said (with belief) "Are Newcastle United now the biggest football club in the land, even bigger than Manchester United".


    He has sunk since then !!




    I always remember Keys on a prime-time evening, weekly Sky programme called "The Footballers Football Show", where there were footballer guests and a studio audience, after NUFC had done something, or bought someone (can't remember what) Keys said (with belief) "Are Newcastle United now the biggest football club in the land, even bigger than Manchester United".


    He has sunk since then !!


    Definitely. He really was a fan of us back then. Which makes his current u-turn even harder to fathom.

  6. The strange thing about Keys is that in the 90s he was very enthusiastic about us, and it was him that tagged us with the "Entertainers" label. Pretty sure it was after the Oldham away game in November 1993 where we won 3-1 live on Sky. He was actually likeable back then when he was Sky's frontman.


    I always thought it was Andy Gray.


    My memory might be playing tricks on me but I always remember it being after that Oldham match, when we beat them in style and Andy Cole truly introduced himself as a top class striker. When Keys was doing his summing up towards the end of the programme he just came up with the tag "The Entertainers", mainly due to the rip-roaring way we had been playing in that first part of the 93/94 season and especially in that game.

  7. Their Mackematics are incredible. Apparantly "The River Tyne is a natural geographical barrier".... hence the excuse given for their lack of support north of the Tyne. So why is it then that NUFC have so many supporters south of the Tyne? Pretty much all of Gateshead is black and white, together with half of Durham and significant numbers from Darlington & Hartlepool. Also, their claim that South Tyneside is 50/50 is a total fantasy. It's at least 65/35 in our favour, and that is being generous to them.


    They just can't accept that both clubs have access to the same catchment areas, but we are simply more of a draw than them.


    Love too how they say that the takeover won't have a big effect on our fortunes as the top players "won't want to come to Newcastle", then in the same breath say that we get better crowds because "newcastle is a major city that has the pulling power of any other major city".


    They really are all over the place. Can't wait for them to invent the "2020-er" phrase soon.  :lol:

  8. Link me it?


    Ha. Wow. That’s your shortest post today. I’m claiming that as inspired by me. I know you know it’s on last page and many times before. So I’ll make you a counter offer, just to you...


    I’ll give £1,000 to the food bank if we get taken over before 15/6. You give £500 if we don’t. That’s only half a fixture in your new box ;-)


    Out of interest, why do you think it will not go through before then? And does this mean you don’t think it will happen at all?

  9. Nobody commenting on NUFC.com’s latest update? Apparently the leaked document that has put this thing back highlighted a possible breach of the rule that says a club should not provide false, misleading or inaccurate information....



    A club as opposed to prospective owner or director?


    Yeah sorry, that should have said buyer...not the club.


    I guess this is the only thing that can stop it now.

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