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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. I keep switching between being 100% confident and then having horrible "it's definitely not happening, this is NUFC" thoughts.  Although the positive/optimistic thoughts massively outweigh the pangs of negativity.


    When I'm feeling optimistic I tend to think that this is investment that the government/PL will want in to the North East and in to Newcastle United. I do think that there will be certain people within the PL who feel queasy about this deal at the end of the day money talks. Surely the best way to start to offer reform in countries like SA is to invite them in to the fold with certain expectations of them? Surely there will be some kind of conversation about proper TV rights and the need for SA to invest properly in terms of these rights? Realistically, other PL clubs can not influence this - the legal challenge would be huge. If they cannot link any of our new directors to anything within the test, coupled with the financial potential for the league, I really do not see this not being approved. It's a hugely complex deal and will take time especially in the current climate.


    On a personal footing I am 27 and my main memories of NUFC are Mike Ashley. I vaguely remember the Champions League nights with my old man. I vaguely remember going to Cardiff in 2005 for the semi final and I vaguely remember the likes of Rob Lee and Gary Speed. Sadly, I vividly remember being at Hull when Pardew headbutted Myler. I vividly remember being on the bus to West Brom when the news of Kinnear having a heart attack came through. I vividly remember two relegations and the horrific treatment of people like Shearer, Hughton and Rafa.


    My partner is pregnant and we are due our first child in 7 weeks time. I want to be able to bring our child up to support a football team they are proud of. I want them to be excited to go to the match. I want them to pester me for the new kits as soon as they come out and I want them to lie under NUFC bed covers dreaming of playing for NUFC. I want them to clutch my hand walking up the stadium steps and as Bobby said, fall in love without being able to do a thing about it.


    I don't for one second condone what SA are or what they do or have done but I want my football club back and this is the biggest ever opportunity we'll have to do that. Please let it happen.


    Great post, and sums up where I am at too. Only difference is that I am 48 and therefore was lucky enough to experience the highs of the 90s. On the flipside though I also experienced the heartbreak of that era too and the feeling that it wasnt NUFC's destiny to be a top class club. That nagging feeling has remained throughout ever since, that somehow the footballing gods are against us, which is why...even in the face of logic...its impossible to escape simply assuming the worst will happen and this takeover will all turn to dust again.

  2. I still think this has to go through, there will be too many legal repercussions if the PL suddenly move the goalposts.


    This line of thinking keeps being peddled but where is the evidence that there would be legal ramifications if the deal is blocked? It just seems like the whole legal thing is something that was mentioned by one person and everyone else has gone along with it because it sounds very reassuring. Even if its true I dont see how it helps us as fans as it would merely be a compensation battle between the PL and the buyers. Meanwhile the deal would still be in tatters and we would still be stuck with Ashley.

  3. Pages and pages of s****.

    I thought me posting less would help but obviously not  :lol:

    What are fans of other football clubs talking about on their forums? At least we have the takeover to discuss.


    Everton fans are talking about our takeover a lot and, my word, they absolutely f***ing hate us.


    If it goes through then, with the Mackems out of the picture, we have a new enemy. In fact their board members on Grand Old Team are uncannily similar to those on RTG. Bitter doesnt even come close.


    Do you have a link?




    We are always near the top. You will need to register an account to view the thread though.

  4. Pages and pages of shite.

    I thought me posting less would help but obviously not  :lol:

    What are fans of other football clubs talking about on their forums? At least we have the takeover to discuss.


    Everton fans are talking about our takeover a lot and, my word, they absolutely fucking hate us.


    If it goes through then, with the Mackems out of the picture, we have a new enemy. In fact their board members on Grand Old Team are uncannily similar to those on RTG. Bitter doesnt even come close.

  5. If this new evidence has come from Sky then I think we are screwed. I have a really bad feeling about this now.


    Christ, you are relentlessly pessimistic


    LOL, only over the last few days bud. I was actually super-optimistic until this latest story broke. Could be paranoia of course but 35 years of NUFC near-misses & disappointment tends to take it's toll. I'd imagine a lot of my generation are feeling something similar right now after this latest twist.

  6. The PL are going to do me a huge favour one way or the other in all of this bullshit


    1. They allow the takeover and I can enjoy my football again


    2. They deny it and I'm completely finished with any football whatsoever, I won't watch another minute and I certainly won't pay any subscriptions for it. It won't just be Ashley that doesn't get another penny from me, it'll be the Premier League aswell. Fuck then all


    Exactly where I am at. Can feel the anger starting to rear it's ugly head again tbh.

  7. Released a statement denying everything about the Don.


    They seem rather rattled there. Best batten down the hatches then cos if they think this week is bad, next week will feel like The Alamo.



  8. Mad bob on RTG is quaking in his boots about this takeover


    The bitter auld bastard


    According to him a SAFC takeover will happen before ours as we wont be confirmed before well into June.


    I honestly think he might be one of ours on a wind-up.



  9. I think they will get their Dell takeover eventually but might have to wait a couple of years for it to happen in the current and near-future footballing environment. That will be the beginning of their upturn. In the meantime I hope they suffer as much footballing misery as possible. Starting from next week.

  10. I mean, it's perfectly plausible for the PL to think that MBS may one day do something like that. But are they really within their rights to say this is enough reason to block it? It's a sort of bizarre "pre-crime" situation that would surely hold no water if legally challenged. And if this was so important to the PL, why dont they just point blank refuse to let someone own a club if another family member has already beaten them to it?

  11. I just want today's kids in the 18-30 bracket to experience what we did from 92 to 97, where NUFC exploded onto the scene, coming from nowhere to becoming one of the highest profile clubs in the country. The buzz in the city was just fantastic.


    I feel sorry for the poor sods who have grown up in the Ashley era. An utterly depressing experience throughout. It's time for them to see what this club is really about.

    We'll not be exploding in the same way, it will be expected.


    Not sure I agree with that. When we got promoted in 93 there was a definite feeling amongst the support that we were going to take the Premier League by storm in our first season. And we did.





  12. I'm so glad I witnessed the Robson era as a teenager. Couldn't imagine going through 12 to 18 supporting a Mike Ashley version of the club.


    The Keegan era was even better. Absolutely magical, even though I rate Robson as a better manager. I think Keegan sold Newcastle to the whole world, beyond winning titles. It probably has a lot to do with the likes of Stavely and the Saudis seeing our potential with this current takeover.


    Oy yeah, great post Theregulars, agree 100%.


    Kevin Keegan created the modern-day NUFC and it's his work alone that has allowed the club to remain high profile & still be seen as a big club, despite all of the disgrace of the last 13 years. The fact that mid 1990s NUFC is still long remembered by football fans is a testament to how much good KK did for this club. Anyone who was following the club pre-1992 knows the profound change Keegan brought to Newcastle United. He's probably the most important person in the club's entire history.

  13. I just want today's kids in the 18-30 bracket to experience what we did from 92 to 97, where NUFC exploded onto the scene, coming from nowhere to becoming one of the highest profile clubs in the country. The buzz in the city was just fantastic.


    I feel sorry for the poor sods who have grown up in the Ashley era. An utterly depressing experience throughout. It's time for them to see what this club is really about.


    Just put into context that all I've know between the ages of 15 & 28 is Ashley. Utterly grim. :lol:


    My condolences.  :lol:

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