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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Good peformence today from him,i say we try him for another game..
  2. Apart from the fact that is a completely insane idea, LuaLua got injured playing for the U18's yesterday. If we really got nothing to lose then why not try them,not as starters,but atleast give them 15 mins of premiership football
  3. N'Zogbia,Luque,Carroll,Lua Lua,Huntingtion,Edgar should all start our next 3 games
  4. Kiko Navas Loko (played for PSG)
  5. Albert Luque's,the one we never got to see Peter Crouch's robot Ronaldo (the original one)
  6. It might be,then after 5 mins and two goals by Chelsea i think it will go down a bit.. Edit: And welcome to the fourm..
  7. So it all depends on Chelsea beating us tommorw But not to worry,our brilliant manager and fantastic side will be their biggest test yet this season
  8. Watford play decent football,their problem is that they have Darius Hendrson as their main striker I just hope West Ham,Charlton follow them btw,John Stead,what a player..
  9. ffs the one game i hoped blackburn will keep a clean sheet in Going to sell Brad Friedel in the fantasy league..
  10. To be fair to Adebayor he had a fantastic seconed half Still shit in my books though..
  11. I think he is playing in Salzburg at the moment Still Young,just 29 or 30..
  12. What a shot that was How unlucky are Arsenal
  13. Adebayor Still dosn't make him a good player though
  14. No hard feeling mate,was actually going for that
  15. Adebayor is shit,fact Suprised it took people that long to know that,i've been saying that he is nothing more then average since last year. Eboue and the linesman
  16. My friend is a doctor,mainly sport injurys He told me that he thinks we rushed Given back too soon after his injury,didnt the doctor that treated him say that he only saw these kind of injurys in car crashs? But really,this is Given we are talking about,the only player in our team who plays with real passion and have the abillty to do some week in week out without losing his fantastic form And he is to most consistent keepr in the premiership for ages now,the problem is with the bunch of idiots that playing infront of him..
  17. No. It won't. Never ceases to amaze that people bang on about Parker as a defensive midfielder when he has no attributes of a quality defensive midfielder. There is more to it than effort and sweat. Tbh. Parker's more likely to devlop/adapt* into an attacking centre-mid than he is a defensive midfielder. However he'll do neither under the coaching set up we've got at the moment. *Adapt from whatever the hell he actually is at the moment. Thats the key Most of our players have talent in them,we bought them and they had it,it can't just disapper for no reason i.e look at Duff,the guy has been shit all season,if Luque somehow manages to get two assists in the next two games,he will have better stats (Goals/assists) then Duff all season,while last year under Jose Mourinho's coaching set-up the guy was a premierleague champion Same thing goes for all our players,even the shit ones like Bramble and Luque,under any half decent training set up they can really be usefull to our team,but as long as Glenn Roeder and his bunch of monkeys are in charge we are going no where,neither do i expect any player to give a 100% of what is expected of him..
  18. The Emre-Parker thing will work if Roeder finally give up on trying to turn Parker to "Our Gerrard" Playing Parker as a DMC,Emre As or Attacking Midfielder,might work But whats happening now is that Parker is playing in a free role,same goes for Emre
  19. Bramble is shit,Ramage is shit Bramble might come good under a good manager and a good training set up that help him devolp his game and increase his poor concentration,Ramage is hopeless Don't see what are people debating here..
  20. Good for Chelsea Lets hope that one of those 14 managers is intrested in the NUFC Job altough i can see us keeping Roeder untill the 16th game of next sesaon,before we sack him at the worst possible time and hire another manager..
  21. makes Roeder look stupid imo Good..
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