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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Owen and Martins didn't play as a two. Either had Shola or Sib directly behind them. So there was a two, but with a player in the hole To be honest, Shola was a centre-forward, he was far more advanced that Sibierski. And Sibi was just plain s***. Surely more potential in Owen-Martins than Owen-Shola-Martins. Besides, personally i'd like to see Owen and Shola playing together. Martins is wankered and he was s**** against Reading. It's hardly crucial that Owen and Martins start bonding straight away - they could play against Watford and there's the entirety of pre-season to establish an understanding. So will this work? Milner- Dyer- N'Zogbia - Luque Owen Martins Considring no one of the doubtfull players pass's the fitness test.
  2. Cos that was really effective against Reading. It wasn't, it will never will be, but lets give it a go shall we.. Besides, after watching Dyer's peformence in the last 3 or 4 games, dropping him will be a better choice then starting him again
  3. Butt,Parker and Given are doubts for this match, Emre, Sibierski and Duff are out If all are confirmed out,i would like to see us play: Harper Solano Taylor Bramble Carr Milner N'Zogbia Luque Owen Ameobi Martins But i am thinking Roeder would go with Dyer in instead of Luque, and putting a Midfield of Dyer-N'Zogbia- Milner ..or using one of our defenders in the midfield and keeping Zoggy on the bench
  4. He even got the thread saved in his "people to pick on 2 years from now" folder..
  5. I remember when Rafa first came to Liverpool he told the fans to give him 3 years and they will see a major title in Liverpool,he suprised himself by winning the CL in his first year,but this is THE year he was talking about. Its the lesser of two evils to me, and since Milan are my most hated team EVER,i will be a Liverpool fan come the CL final in greece.
  6. Great shout, tbh. Not being sarcastic either, he's a good player who'll get better. Worst the carr IMO, my friends who support Arsenal say he is the worst right back in the team, the only reason he played this season was because of all the injurys they had this season in their back line. Is that really your opinion, then? Well,since half of my family support Arsenal,i have to stay and watch every game the fuckers play, so yes thats actually my opinion backed by many that of many Arsenal fans Edit : who are NOT from my family -just in case someone decides to pick on that line
  7. So he might be just the right man for us..
  8. Great shout, tbh. Not being sarcastic either, he's a good player who'll get better. Worst the carr IMO, my friends who support Arsenal say he is the worst right back in the team, the only reason he played this season was because of all the injurys they had this season in their back line.
  9. Gutted tbh Because if Milan win the champions league that mean Kaka will stay, wich means we won't be able to sign him
  10. f****** s*** Can't believe i am saying that but i am a bit disappointed, not that manure are out but that Milan reached the final They are the top team on my most hated list. That being said, they played fantastic football tonight, Gattuso and Kaka are pure class and I have NEVER seen a player play with more heart then him ever. f***!
  11. Gattuso is a beast!! Fucking killed every United attack. I think that we should send all of our academy players to Scotland for 1 year of rugby as part ot their training.!
  12. Arsenal, without a shadow of a doubt Mainly because they play too many youngsters, and over do their playing style, and the fact that they really lack experince make them the worst out of the top 4, they couldnt defeat us in one of our worst seasons. After them i guess it depends,in the league its Liverpool because Rafa's rotation systam means that sometimes they lose the weaker sides -such as us- But in Cup games its Chelsea, because Liverpool play effective/good football in cup matchs that allow them to defeat almost anyone. Manchester are the best side at the moment, they play fantastic, fast, and effective football, all the need is a top goal scorer and a one or two decent back up players and they will be the strongest side in the world.
  13. Ohh great, NOW the Rodent is looking for experince What happend last season when he only wanted youngsters Hope he gets sacked before the transfer window starts tbh..
  14. Vidic to start for manure, Rio on the bench
  15. http://www.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=293815 I swear to god i feel AC Milan are behind all of this, every time i watch the italian league before and after what happend its clear that all the decsions go their way,and they have the "former" vice president behind them as the owner, the head of FA as their chairman.
  16. Good, Gilardinio is shit The funny thing about Pipo Inzaghi is that he is NOT the man for the big games Gets caught offside 3 or 4 times, misses 3 setters, and before you know it the game is over .your team lost Always thought of him as the kind of play you use to play the likes of Livorno or Ascoli.. But Gilardino is one of the most overated players in the world today
  17. Reading Fan: Our 2nd team is actually: Harper Ramage Moore Oneywu Babayaro Edgar Emre/Butt N'Zogbia Sibreski Ameobi Luque (Or something like that)
  18. Going to be one hell of a game..
  19. Would be hilarious to see Reading play their reserves side in the tournment we are willing to do practicly anything to play in.. Sums up just how low we went so far
  20. See, that the diffrence between Newcastle Fans and Reading Fans Newcastle fans have been through enough shit already this season, so when they see a pile of shit heading their way they simple take one step to the side. While Reading fans get smacked with it in the face..
  21. I can't imagine something worst in the world then getting hit in the face with a bag full of shit
  22. Albert Luque - Barcelona Dyer - Ipswich ( i think)
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