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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. i hear Krul is fit again,lets throw him in
  2. yes i know,but then again we have a good chance of winning here then in those two games,so trying to take all 3 points here will be good,we can play luque-sibreski upfront (wich of course will never going to happen)/trying rossi here won't work because bolton are an extremely physical team and lets face it,he is not the most physical of players,Martins is the type of player that can play back to back matchs,so having him here will be important so with resting players,i say we should start: Pav Solano Taylor Ramage Huntington Milner Parker Emre Duff (if fit) Sibreski Martins But as i said,3 points here seem more realstic,and we should take full advantage of that
  3. they have defenders who are good in the air,so we need to play around them like with did with Dawson and co today,playing with pace might work..
  4. Hi all thought our line up for the spurs match was superb so i would go with it for bolton Given (if fit,if not then god help us) Solano Ramage Taylor Huntington Milner Butt Parker Emre Dyer Martins Subs Fraser Forster/Pav (depending on given's fitness) Luque Sibreski Rossi Edgar and i wouldnt bring anyone from the injured players back,unless its Owen or zoggy blueyes.gif thought?
  5. my worst week since and i started,and what fantastic timing.. i am out of the fantasy cup at least it was a newcastle fan who defeated me,so i have no shame in this defeat
  6. didnt say we play him in goal bluebigeek.gif,watching pav getting his 7 min is enough for me blueyes.gif anyway,...,lets hope we get a decent price on him come january..otherwise he might stay bluebigeek.gif
  7. whats funny is that even pav got a some mins while luque is still sitting on the bench
  8. voted for pav,just for the sake of voting for pav
  9. Newcastle Fan


    so he is not so bad after all
  10. not really,rather have him as LW then duff.. (Edit- And we crushed the spuds FFS)
  11. Newcastle Fan


    sadly no,not today..
  12. Of course they did. They were the richest club. That's what made their complaining about Chelsea's money all the funnier. They were knocked off the top and they didn't like it. It used to be Man U would buy all the good players up. United didnt get their money from a rich russian and started buying ever F***ing player they wanted most of the 1999 team who won the triple was from their own youth systam..
  13. Newcastle Fan


    Weren't you one of them a few weeks back? :own: ? i was/still am, one of them,but have to admit,his tactis today were spot on..
  14. Newcastle Fan


    its a win,against the most hated team for me,so overjoyed i am.. lets just hope we carry this fine form to the bolton match..
  15. What about United dominating the 90's? Chelsea for me. at least they didnt buy their titles..they deserved them..
  16. roeder today was fantastic.. good changes,good formation,i told you ppl in the pre-match thread that playing a dyer-martins partnership will give us a win for sure.. lets just hope he keeps this formation and dosn't ruin it with bringing duff,carr and co back to the team..
  17. UTD,had enough of chelsea winning,two times is enough for them..
  18. after today i am optimistc but bolton is a must win game,if we win it we might have a decent chance of europe next season and shouldn't the intertoto champions defend their title,we should do what liverpool did
  19. injured,it seems Pav (might) get a full game afterall
  20. F**KING BRILLIANT!! lets just hope carr,babayaro,moore,bramble,duf all stay injured,the rest of the lads are fantastic!! NUFC 3-1 F**KERS bluecool.gif
  21. i won't watch it,got a test at 4:00 today ,just hope we beat those f***ers
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