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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Arsenal's future looks bright.. who said penaltys effect confidence
  2. Why the F*** would you want Liverpool to beat Barca? 80% of my country are la-liga fans,most of them are glory hunters = barca fans they also think spanish teams are superior..and EPL team come last when compared to la-liga teams.. so i will be delighted if any english team (or any other team tbh) knock Barca,and Madrid out..
  3. fantastic display from arsenals kids Baptista seems fantastic today.. Shocking peformence by Liverpool tbh,i want them to beat barcelona in the champs league but thats not going to happen..
  4. You can change the word Maccarone to Luque and you will have an e-mail to send to your cousin
  5. Hilarious tbh,now i know where Roeders transfer budget went
  6. Nigerians First they said his age is false Then they fake an intrest from a bigger club.. whats next..
  7. dam them tbh if we don't make a move fast,West Ham,Wigan and pompy will take all the good players and we will be left with "Bernards and Moore's" to fix our defence with, more Sibreski's and Rossi's for our attack
  8. bluebigeek.gif And you call urself a football fan.. bluewink.gif
  9. i read the first 3,and before reading the rest,this is bullshit..
  10. Agreed with training methods,the whole concept of "Screaming on the child will make him better" is stupid,its just putting more pressure on him Also,some parents raise their kids to be pro footballers/sports player,and the kid might not want that,so he will simply run away from the sport as soon as he grows kids need their space,but at the same time you can't leave them play football the way the like to play it (even when its clearly wrong),because then you will just be devolping shitty players, so the methods need to change,kids will still be coached by older,more experinced adults,but the method of coaching will change
  11. Knightrider tbh,i don't see anything wrong with "Adults" getting into kids games (sure those people will have to get their own lifes instead of ruining the game for their kids) but i really don't think thats the main reason kids are not playing football in my childhood,we had very little to play with,so most of my family played in the football clubs in my country,some of them even made it it to the national team,but our same family now have just 1 youngster playing club football .and the number of kids not playing any football at all is increaseing,its not because adults ruined the game for them,its just because they would rather play Fifa 2007 then the real thing,most kids these days are born with all kinds of (entertainment devices),so they would rather sit at home and watch a movie or play video games then go outside and play football,and as the times go by the number of kids playing sports will decrease more and more,mainly because they will find more joy and fun in playing video games and watching T.V at home then playing sports
  12. God,what world are we living in when kids don't want to play Football. Kids these days are more then happy sitting at home playing with their PS3,PC,or watever the hell they have..instead of playing some actuall sport.. Hope this campaign does something to fix it.. but something i found intresting is why??
  13. The truth can be painfull sometimes :winking:
  14. I really really hope so.. but i just don't see it coming..
  15. You really think we have a change this season?
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