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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. you can but you won't make much sense. So basically going with the same theme as his other posts? don't say anyone else complaining blueyes.gif
  2. you can but you won't make much sense. i can say its a chain of wrong decisons made by one person that will get everyone behind my back..
  3. voted this one too one u have something that is good,DON'T CHANGE IT.. we should 0 faith in robson and sacked him at his first run of bad results.. and now we are struggling to hold a mid table place..,just hope roeder dosn't become the next souness..
  4. Newcastle Fan

    Butt Out?

    trust me,if luque could play 5 min in any formation,roeder won't play with it.. what makes me sick is that roeder said he never gives up on his players,that will be POOR MANAGMENT!! then he is more willing to give ANY player a chance besides luque,so u can't see troisi,carroll,or anyone getting their debuts tommorw..
  5. Newcastle Fan

    Butt Out?

    thank god he will play i can't bare to see lee clark again
  6. i am like you in a way (...) i think we should sack him,but shouldnt sack him! so i think we should just make him the assistent of a new manager we bring in charge..
  7. have to say yes i used to sign him in games from monaco,thats b4 he even went to juve!! but when he played as a winger i thought he was shite,a winger who never pass's or cross's,then when he became a striker he turned to,well..theiry henry: )
  8. yea but that dosn't mean roeder will use him from what i saw,luque getting a start vs chelsea is almost impossible,heck him getting 15 min will be something roeder won't dream of doing.. he willl be happy starting pattison as LW..
  9. Newcastle Fan


    i would rather play fraser forster as RB then carr..
  10. won't anyone think of using luque (yes,i never give up..) i mean we got nothing to lose (besides the game of coure..) so why not throw him on
  11. Newcastle Fan


    Luque WHO THE ****!! even i wouldnt say that... regarding to topic,i think butt,parker (at his best),given,n'zogbia..
  12. Newcastle Fan


    well,to be honest... i don't think mourinho said anything wrong,in the current form of both teams,i think he have the right to say he expects a win,if he said he expects them to win by more then 3 goals i can't blame him either.. unlike other managers he won't praise roeder for the fantastic job he did with our team and think we should be in the top half of the table..
  13. anyone but carr will do..
  14. Oh so that stat only applies if its Luque? yep ,he starts those matchs..
  15. he was/is horrible.. the fact is roeder only brings him on when we are winning/or to make luque angry dosn't make him a good player
  16. i think he is the new ashley cole..but can cross aswell
  17. shouldve given luque a chance,but then again sir alex is mad at us..
  18. well,if we do get a result,it might restore some pride...
  19. i love pearce.. for the fact that he speaks his mind,and most of the time he end up saying something that ends in skysports back of the net.. think he is a great manager,we need more like him..(less martin jol's for that matter)
  20. Newcastle Fan


    yea thought he was full of confidence dono why roeder delayed giving him a shot...our defenders were poor all season i think we should try him at the first team more often taylor-huntington for england 2014?
  21. to be honest,don't care if luque plays or not,just give me a decent result and i will be more then happy yet the thought of one of our reserve wingers/strikers face the like's of Terry,Cole,etc.. is scary yet somehow i feel roeder will be tempted the make it a reality..
  22. aha,anything BUT luque i see trust me it could happen.. blueeek.gif
  23. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,33576.0.html
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