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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Why exactly shouldn't he say he's going to be our first choice left-back?

    Because if he says it and he barely plays, then he will look like a twat?

  2. "Moreover, I?d be a first-team player at Newcastle.?


    Where does that leave Enrique?

    Doubt he would say that as everybody raves about Enrique in Spain, therefore he should know that if Enrique shares the same position as him and Enrique is much more rated then he won't be in the first team. I think he meant in the squad.

  3. Given is by far the best keeper we have, just because Harper has made some decent saves it still doesn't rub out any of the memories of his absolutely shocking mistakes that have cost us points, like Liverpool etc, he has made far more than Given. He takes far too long with his kicking but to be fair both have shite kicking. I think though that Given is not as confident now as he was before, but think of all the points he has won for us over the years shouldn't be forgotten because of one mistake that he has made and confidence will return in him.

  4. Without pace we are woeful side. All the best teams have lots of pace. Arsenal, Liverpool, Man City, Chelsea and Man united. It's not a coincedence at all, Pace is major factor in players and in a team.




    I wouldn't say Chelsea nor Liverpool are exactly a pacey side, and neither are Man Utd although they do attack with pace. Arsenal obviously are but I'd say they were more of an exception. Not many teams have as many quick players as they do, certainly not with mentally strong quick players with great technique. That's why they are such a good team, they have the lot.


    PS added my reply to your own post by wrongly pressing modify and not quote, hence why it says modified, sorry.

    Liverpool have some very fast players in their side. Torres, Babel, Pennant, Gerrard to an extent, Riise, Benayoun and Voronin that are quick players.

    Chelsea aren't as pacey but they still have players like Wright - Phillips, Cole, Drogba, Kalou, Malouda, Belleti and Essien who have plenty to burn.

    Those players are also in teh first team.

  5. He just captained a side that got in to the champions league and was their best player for two of those 4 years as captain. He is hugely rated in France, and in international football. Consistancy isn't the problem its getting used to this league. He was poor against Man City yes, but so is eveeryone at the minute. Apart from that he has been solid to say the least. Today neither of the goals were his fault, Zoggy left his man today not Beye and for the second goal, can't see how thats his fault at all.

  6. just got back, enrique was solid enough, looks hard to beat, although he had a few 'continental' moments where he wanted to much time but thats to be expected. faye was f****** class, i dont care what people say about free kicks, it was 50-50 all day and he won more of them, smith had a good game, put himself about and held the ball up well at times, most importantly, if owen is fit, owen plays, i'm a fan of martins but i'm sorry like, they are worlds apart in quality, owen created more in 15 minutes than oba did in 75, his build up play is superb and i just cant understand people who say anything else, i can only comment on what i see on the pitch and consistently that is owen finding good positions, keeping the ball and finding an opponent, f*** the haters

    Its been the total opposite the last few games though, Owen had been s*** all game then oba came on and set up winners and scored goals, but i don't agree with the statement as oba was dangerous today.

    As for Owen today he was ok but he made no effort to run had sokme dodgy touches etc, he is good but his intentions are questionnable, for me it was all emre when he came on. But oba was a danger all game, and they didn't really have much of an answer to his pace, (what was with the booing when he came off???)


    no effort to run? what on earth does that mean? are you suggesting that he never moved quicker than a walking pace? what about when he chased hard into the corner to prevent a goal kick, doesnt that count? his movement looked great to me, he'd only been on 2 minutes before he'd slotted a lovely ball in for milner on the left and linked up well with emre and put him through on goal. and martins, a danger, you reckon? in my book a bloke that misses three 1 on 1's in 3 games is anything but a danger, as i've already said i'm a fan of martins but as an all round player he's nowhere near owen.

    He was jogging around for alot of the time doesn't harry very much, yeah he's missed three one one ones, i think a player that can get into those situations at any level as many times as Martins does is classed as a danger, how could it not be?

    Also i was massively impressed by Lescott today an absolute jugernaught, he was absolutely birlliant for everton, he is alot like Faye just alot more subtle about his holding and shirt pulling.

  7. just got back, enrique was solid enough, looks hard to beat, although he had a few 'continental' moments where he wanted to much time but thats to be expected. faye was f****** class, i dont care what people say about free kicks, it was 50-50 all day and he won more of them, smith had a good game, put himself about and held the ball up well at times, most importantly, if owen is fit, owen plays, i'm a fan of martins but i'm sorry like, they are worlds apart in quality, owen created more in 15 minutes than oba did in 75, his build up play is superb and i just cant understand people who say anything else, i can only comment on what i see on the pitch and consistently that is owen finding good positions, keeping the ball and finding an opponent, f*** the haters

    Its been the total opposite the last few games though, Owen had been s*** all game then oba came on and set up winners and scored goals, but i don't agree with the statement as oba was dangerous today.

    As for Owen today he was ok but he made no effort to run had sokme dodgy touches etc, he is good but his intentions are questionnable, for me it was all emre when he came on. But oba was a danger all game, and they didn't really have much of an answer to his pace, (what was with the booing when he came off???)

  8. Amazingly the fan managed to get out of the game last night without being arrested, finally gave himself up to the police today.

    They couldn't even see his face barely, nobody saw him what was the point in turning himself in.

    I think its fair that they get a ban, and perhaps some games behind closed doors. To be honest though Dida went down like he'd been hit by a grizzly bear, how embaressing if his kids see that. No doubt he will have the piss taken out of him at training for being such a wuss.

  9. Will still take all of that with a 17 goal return and a potential to improve as he grows.


    Of that often quoted 17 goals there were alot against poor sides


    I'm shocked at this thread he was canny in the first half and took his goal very very well but was poor in the second as was the team but he misplaced several easy passes in the second half and his touch was shocking

    Really doesn't matter who you score against they all count, and about 3/4 of his goals were against decent sides. I wonder how many Michael Owen has scored against shit teams in the Fa cup etc to get to some of his goal tally's.

  10. Apart from his goal, I actually thought he produced little. He wasted a good opportunity in the second half with a very poor shot into the side netting. You don't mind a miss if it's a reasonable attempt, but he was well wide. His link up play wasn't great.


    I mean, we now know what we'll get from him, so I don't really want to complain. He's quick and strong and that will sometimes enable him to score from a not very promising situation. Most of the time though, his ball control is poor and he doesn't read the game well.

    I think the touch thing is a little unfair now as i think he has improved it quite alot, its not like he miscontrols a lot compared to other players, now its nowhere near as good as vidukas but its a lot better this season than last season. It looks like he has worked alot harder over the summer to improve many things and i think he deserves praise for what he has done.

  11. I'm not worried about City beating us at this time of the season but i think we are better than them so i am a little disappointed that we lost, we will have the last laugh at the end of the season, and i don't think that they are the team to challenge the top 4, i actually think that we have a better chance of breaking into the top 4. I doubt that city will be able to hold this run of form, and its highly probable that their season will fade out, Sven has been lucky that his team has hit the ground running, Big Sam hasn't been so fortunate. I think that we have a better team than City overall, the only player that they have that is better than ours is Elano. Petrov isn't really that good, he was lucky to be against Beye, a playing settling in to a new league etc. Also their strikers aren't as high class as ours. Mpenza is certainly not as good as Martins, Viduka is better than Bianchi and Owen is certainly better than samaras, in fact even Ameobi is better than Samaras. The defence is evenly matched but individually we have better defenders Cacapa being the perfect example. In midfield they lack alot of steel but they make up for it in sheer creativity, our team is currently very powerful but very uninspiring this is the difference between us and them atm. Sam will figure it out, when we get the midfield back then we'll see how good we really are, and how good sam is. Can't wait for them to come to SJP, get some revenge.


  12. Knee-jerk-tastic. We didn't play that bad. City were the better team, yes, but there were positives. Martins and Viduka looks threatening together and we'll have Barton soon. Also, nice to see Smith having a good game. Nothing wrong with the formation either, tbh, we looked good til they scored they're second, at which point they started defending.

    We said before the season that as long as we improved on last season we'd be happy. This was a clear improvement, even though we lost


    God bless you dude. Yet another person who sees things clearly.



    are you turning into a preacher?

  13. Allardyce is to blame for tha lineup but he's still a good manager, Enrique has now had enough time to intergrate and has to be brought in, he must know now after the end of the West Ham game that when we have width we are a threat. Also Faye should start not Taylor, he's an arrogant young player who has to earn his place in the team not be ahead of a much more experienced defender like Faye. Finally Butt is 32/33 now Speed may have been a revolution under Allardyce, but Butt isn't Gary Speed and Nicky is way past his best now. Still fickle footy fans need a kick up the arse, its fantastic to see how the attitudes of many on this forum change within a few days. One day its Big Sam you are a god next week its Sam knows nothing about football, and he should be tossed out SJP. ffs get real.

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