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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Tsylor is the only CB so far this season to make a mistake that cost us, against boro. he isn't as good as faye, his positioning and reading of the game are quite poor, however his recovery, and heading are good. Faye is as good as taylor at heading recovering and tackling, and much better at positioning and reading of the game. He is a superior player at the minute to Taylor, however i do think that Taylor will be great one day, but at the moment taylor is our 4th choice centre back and definately not a captain.


    Ouch, thats pretty wrong. imho.

    Not really. Faye was leading CB last year for Bolton who finished 7th and conceded alot less goals than we did. i know taylor didn't play every game, and wasn't leading CB but even when he was in the team we conceded alot of goals.


    Bolton conceded more than us in the league...

    surely not, we had titus in the team ffs, we were awful in defence.

  2. Tsylor is the only CB so far this season to make a mistake that cost us, against boro. he isn't as good as faye, his positioning and reading of the game are quite poor, however his recovery, and heading are good. Faye is as good as taylor at heading recovering and tackling, and much better at positioning and reading of the game. He is a superior player at the minute to Taylor, however i do think that Taylor will be great one day, but at the moment taylor is our 4th choice centre back and definately not a captain.


    Ouch, thats pretty wrong. imho.

    Not really. Faye was leading CB last year for Bolton who finished 7th and conceded less goals than we did. i know taylor didn't play every game, and wasn't leading CB but even when he was in the team we conceded alot of goals.

  3. He even laughed in the interview when it was mentioned about how many of the new signings speak French. :D

    He is happy here now but Roeder and Souness very nearly lost him for us..

    We were exceptionally close actually. He had signed a deal to go to Spain and he was ready to go. not sure what stopped the deal going through, since it was meant to have been signed.

  4. Tsylor is the only CB so far this season to make a mistake that cost us, against boro. he isn't as good as faye, his positioning and reading of the game are quite poor, however his recovery, and heading are good. Faye is as good as taylor at heading recovering and tackling, and much better at positioning and reading of the game. He is a superior player at the minute to Taylor, however i do think that Taylor will be great one day, but at the moment taylor is our 4th choice centre back and definately not a captain.

  5. Shows nerve to stick to your guns when the other team go down to ten men. Must be so tempting to sacrifice a defensive player for another forward, especially when you haven't broke the deadlock with nearly five minutes to go, and you've got a sub left. Butt was a liability though and wouldn't have been missed.

    butt was making the forward runs (like when he first came here) geremi and smith were poor,how many balls did geremi play to n,zogbia ?

    Geremi was excellent today, he was everywhere he covered every position on the pitch and his passing was brilliant, Smith however wasn't but i think the criticism on geremi is harsh, his vision is what we need and with him and Barton in the middle we will be a much more creative side. Butt holds him back because he rarely makes runs he just sits, Barton however does make lots of runs and drives through the defence (not literally) he and geremi are perfect foil for eachother, we will be alot more creative with those 2 in the middle of the park.

  6. Not Owen, because he might score the goals but he can't create them for himself. He's not the kind of player to take a game into his own hands. Barton or Solano because they can produce something when the team is playing shit, Owen can't. Martins can on the occasion as he showed vs tottenham etc but hes too inconsistant.

  7. Aye funny thing to say that about him, did'nt he play at RB for for Lyon many times???

    Played at CB more, his best position by miles, no point in wasting him at RB, Taylor is the worst CB out of Roz, Cacapa and himself, so i think its right Taylor plays RB not cacapa. I would rather play Solano as home RB and Taylor as the away RB though.

  8. I am worried that if Man Ure or another "big" club do bid for him then he may be off, if Sam is going to keep on taking him off to play Owen then Oba is going to be thinking "well thats me dropped as soon as Owen if fit."

    I am just hoping no one makes a bid for him..

    But Owen won't stay fit so he will play alot of games.

  9. After this and the villa game, if we don't inject any real pace into that midfield! We can say bye bye to 6th place at the very least!


    2 games i've watched on setanta and to of the most mind boggling boring football i've witnessed!


    We looked a joke against villa and a f****** joke against so called strugglers!


    Nothing has changed! Apart from maybe drawing as opposed to losing, but who in there right mind would even consider putting Ramage on?  :idiot2:


    We are f***** if we don't sign anyone creative!  Smith was as shocking as i'd thought he'd turn out to be, when we signed him!


    Was better watching football under roeder, FACT! i've never been as bored or less optimistic as i am right now, f****** 4-3-3 again? What did he think would happen!



    Bit OTT there don't tou think since its only our 3rd game of the season.

  10. I'd hazard a guess that his strengths are he's huge and never shanks a tackle...

    haha yes true but thats all ive been hearing about him, hes a beast and is vicious thats it, does anybody know what his other strengths are?

  11. Not many Spaniards make it in the Prem though.Don't wanna piss on anyones chips like.

    He's not a typical fancy dancy spaniard though, he's huge and never shanks a tackle apparently.

    Does anybody know what his strengths are?

  12. Martins is like a statue at time with his first touch, he has at times shown great skill but most of the time the ball just bounces of him.

    Once he gets his first touch sorted he will be a much more effective player for us.


    It's no gaurantee he'll ever get his first touch "sorted" though, it's generally an innate thing. He can improve it, no doubt, but I doubt his first touch will ever be top class.


    Then, he has enough other qualities to his game that he can get away with his first touch only being alright.

    Oh no doubt he is a class player but at times his first touch is such a let down, it is a part of his game he can work on and I am sure is something Big Sam will look at with him.


    His first touch has looked alot better in pre-season i have to say.


    But Viduka, Solano and Cacapa.

  13. Given - 6 - had nothing to do, shame about his injury.

    Carr - 5 - caught out of position way too much offered nothing.

    Roz - 7 - 1 fantastic tackle stands out, his reading of the game is something else.

    Taylor - 7 - solid, some good headers.

    Zoggy - 7 - Was decent at LB but when he was moved further up he made some great runs and looks much better.

    Milner - 7 - The usual good shift some nice skills.

    Butt - 7 - Was a bit of a headless chicken at times, just aimlessly running around, but he gives his all and doesn't shank a tackle, spread the ball well.

    Geremi - 7.5 - A couple of bad touches but his effort and tackles were really good, has brilliant vision and always spreads it wide, nice corner for the goal.

    Solano - 6 - Was a bit quiet at times but his class is still evident.

    Smith - 8 - MOTM, was average up front but was class in midfield, nice touches, good tackles, and a classy header after a surging run.

    Viduka - 6.5 - His control is absolutely brilliant, slow but he shields the ball well and is a very intelligent player, has to start upfront as much as possible this season with either Owen or Martins.


    Ameobi - 6 - Quite lazy at times but did some good flick ons and looked lively enough.

    Martins - 7 - Played well on the wing but its obvious it doesn't suit him, had good control, got back to defend, and tried hard, but he is a striker that is obvious. His chance was not as easy as it looked as the ball was cannoned at him but he caught it a little late so it hit the outside of his foot and went up and hit the bar, still should have scored.

    Ramage - 6 - Solid enough but he is still s***.

    Harper - 7 - had to make a few decent saves but again didn't have alot to do.


  14. Honestly the unluckiest footballer around.


    Whats happening to him is NOTHING compared to Albert (un)Luque :lol:


    Anyway, f*** him, we got enough strikers to cover for him and more.


    :lol: yeah, f*** him, he's only the best player we've got


    Correction: he's the best NAME we got, we haven't seen him enough on the pitch to determine if he can actually play and do something for NUFC.


    Correction? Name a better player we've got. There isn't one.


    Nobby Solano is a much better player then Owen, infact most of the team are better players than Owen, compared to many his general game is poor, so he isn't the best player.

  15. Honestly the unluckiest footballer around.


    Whats happening to him is NOTHING compared to Albert (un)Luque :lol:


    Anyway, f*** him, we got enough strikers to cover for him and more.


    :lol: yeah, f*** him, he's only the best player we've got


    Nah he realy isn't.

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