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Posts posted by magpie418

  1. Just got the green light to emigrate, so I'm going to be heading over in about 8 weeks time.


    ESP New South Wales, which is broke..


    I'm heading to NSW, so I'll no doubt fit in well. :lol:






    Fifteen pages earlier:



    I can see a few divisions occuring a la The Judean People's Front, The Peoples' Front of Judea, the Judean Popular People's Front and the Popular Front of Judea



    I had already thought of the similarity way before you post son, so ner...





  3. Taylor should play centre forward.


    DMC in Butts role.


    Much better option.


    Aye, if we had some decent forwards, otherwise stick the lad up front.


    At the same time, we need to off load the butt.


    we need all the experience we have just now.




    Giving away fee kicks and penalties is not what I would consider to be a useful contribution.




  4. Taylor should play centre forward.


    DMC in Butts role.


    Much better option.


    Aye, if we had some decent forwards, otherwise stick the lad up front.


    At the same time, we need to off load the butt.

  5. I couldn't give less of a f*** what Joe The Fantasist Kinnear says. Not about my club, the press, the players, the owner, or anything esle.


    He's a f***ing idiot who shoudl be nowhere near our club, and i don't for one second prescribe to the "he's here so lump it" mentality. The arseholes who spouted that did the same for wankers like Souness and Roeder.


    f*** off Kinnear, you useless, lying cretin.



  6. What also makes this situation even worse is that it looked as if, at long last, we had started to recover from the drift and were going to make progress with Ashley & KK, only to have the whole thing collapse through lack of good management and inefficiency.



    Spot on, I've had all to many bad times, but there is something sickeningly desperate about the club now, and how all to quick we have collapsed.  A sheep in wolves clothing.


    [optimist]Still, you never know whats around the corner eh?[/optimist]

  7. Can I be the first to say that whoever takes over will be s***, the manager they appoint will be s*** and the players he buys will also be s***


    I think I've covered all the bases there


    Aye "Nigerian Mafia OOT"


    People will find it difficult holding up bed sheets after having their arms macheted off.


    That was Rwanda. Or the Belgian Congo -- where it was Europeans who chopped off Africans' hands, not the other way around.


    I was being mischievous.


    btw, I never knew the Hutu were European.

  8. Can I be the first to say that whoever takes over will be s***, the manager they appoint will be s*** and the players he buys will also be s***


    I think I've covered all the bases there


    Aye "Nigerian Mafia OOT"


    People will find it difficult holding up bed sheets after having their arms macheted off.

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