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Posts posted by magpie418

  1. I was all for the sale at that price, but a small part of me is petrified that Villa will turn him into the next Ashley Young.


    I don't think even MON can grant Milner a decent turn of pace (or the ability to cross into the box).


    One of their coaches, John Robertson I think, is supposed to be excellent at coaching wingers and is partly responsible for Ashley Young's development as a player.


    This is very true, and Robertson himself was never a speed merchant but he became a crucial cog in Cloughie's Forest team that won the European Cup - do NOT underestimate what MON and Robertson could do to improve Milner's game - I would be willing to have a bet that he will be a full England player within 3 years..


    Fair point, but he would never of become that (if he is ever to) if he had stayed with us, so whatever happens doesn't matter now.

  2. Roman Abramavich has put his coin in as you say more than anyone at any club, but do you see him going on like it..


    I think there are a few people who would disagree with that for a start.


    And can you imagine what that plonker would look like in a chelsea shirt?


    I couldnt agree more i cringe with total embarrasment evry time i see fat mike in his shirt with king kev on the back, FFS be a bit professional put a suit on and sit in the directors box, you would get a lot more respect from people that way, i dont see any other figurehead from any club going on the way this turnip does..i get the impression he was a right loser and billy no mates as a child and now he has money he thinks he can make up for it..the mans a joke and its making our club look a joke too, the sad thing about it is our moronic element of supporters thinks its great...once was a publicity stunt but everytime come on its laughable


    He's not exactly got his tits out, and his shoes off.


    Fair play to the bloke, he put his coin in for the club, he can do what the majority of Newcastle fans do themselves (or should I say 'football' fans do themselves) if he wants.



  4. Totally disagree. If you couldn't see the desire, commitment and willingness to fight for the cause at Manure and the total lack of any of that today, then you are a blind man. How the opposition played has f*** all to do with our desire and will to get a result.


    If we can't hold the midfield then we're fucked, there were 2 or 3 times at the beginning of the second half where we started to do that, but the inability of our forwards to hold the ball up (infact I think it was shola who just gave the ball away), resulted in another Arsenal goal.


    We need to replace Butt asap.

  5. We had nothing going on in the middle of the park, Zog was having a bad day, which left our only attacking option being Jonas, who did as much as he could.  Obviously that alone made it easy for Arsenal and let them control the whole of the midfield to their liking.  Shola was never going to do anything (apart from get in the way of owen).  When Arsenal are playing like that, it makes Butt look like he's aged around 45.



  6. Nobby man, go to bed. You're a canny poster but you're making a fool out of yourself.


    mate. honestly i'm pissed, but i'm so pissed off at the two lads who started on me at the match (supposed to be toon fans) for singing there's only one joey barton. so pissed off


    wasn't these two was it?



  7. Because this person in particular happens to be one of the major representatives of our club and he's portraying us in a thoroughly unprofessional manner.


    Would a prawn sandwich work for you dear?


    I've got no problem with him having a pint and sitting in with the fans, he's just got to be prepared for the banter.

  8. decided im gonna cancel and when they ask what my reason for cancelling is all im gonna say is......Craig 'fuckin' Burley


    That's pretty sad, in my opinion. If it bothers you that much just mute your television and turn the radio on.


    It would be nice in this day and age if it was possible to just turn the commentators off, leave the crowd noise.

  9. I work in the setanta call center and if you think they are going to care your wrong.  + good luck trying to cancel your account need to give the 60 days written notice.


    Also i know they have to be unbasied but if he  thinks that why cant he say it?  you would love it it he said shola is f***ing s*** or arshavin should sign for the toon.


    sticking up for the boss eh? brown nose.

  10. This is what is hacking people off "If i was Michael Owen i wouldnt sign a new contract. they just arent a club moving in the right direction"


    I missed that, probably shouting at the telly at the time.


    Those cunts need stringing up.

  11. We need games like this, especially early in the season.  Arsenals game was sublime at times. 


    If I could have a wish though, it would be to never see Taylor, Butt or Ameobi in a Newcastle shirt again.  I don't hate them, i'm just very tired of them, they give us nothing.  I know Taylor has his fans, but he is too easily put in a panic for my liking.


    Given 8 - Thank god we god not lose him

    Beye 6- Taylor did him no favours today

    Taylor 4 - Showed again how poor he can he and how stupid

    Colo 6 - Not at his best but again Taylor was so weak he did double the work

    Enrique 6 - was doing okay / Bassong 7 - I do like this lad, looks decent

    Jonas 8 - A real star, superb work ethic, maybe tries to do a bit to much at times but who can blame him with the s**** he is playing with.

    Butt 6.- Old legs that won;t carry the heart

    Gutherie 5 - Looked out of his depth today.

    Zoggy 4 - was poor today looked disinterested again

    Ameobi ? - is he really a footballer?

    Owen  6 - Worked hard but had nothing to feed off, will he stay? would you?


    Agree with most of this, although I would give Taylor a 3, Guthrie was ok, a couple of our better balls came from his feet, I think he would benefit by replacing Butt, who is clearly past it.


    Shola's only contribution of note was to get in the way of our best chance, where was the Ranger man?


    And Sultanas commentary... I thought we had numbers on our backs to help them remember our players names... they only seemed to know Owen and Given as they said nada when anyone else had the ball. (unless it was something derogatory)

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