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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Great day out this, and i saw the lesser spotted away win, after going with the usual attitude of having a good day out, and any sort of good result is a bonus. Fantastic atmosphere, performance and  goal. Had to laugh as we listened to Evertonian moans as we headed back to Lime St. Comments like "How did we lose to them, they're s**te." Also things like "we should be beating teams like that". Bit of a supieriority complex there.

  2. I don't remember too much about the Keegan transfer at the time, but I can understand how much of a coup it was (at the time) for a 2nd division club to sign the England captain, and such an iconic player.


    However, for sensational Transfers involving Newcastle Utd, signing Alan Shearer has to be the biggest, and the one I remember most.


    There we were signing the top English centre forward, for a 'World Record' transfer fee, and he was turning Man Utd down, and reported interest from Italy to join us.


    I remember it was the main headline on the national news at the time, not just a Sports headline.

    I disagree. Granted Shearer was a massive signing, and the top English centre forward, but he signed for us when we looked like being a whisker away from being a trophy winning side. Keegan had been crowned euro footballer of the year twice and signed for us when we were on our arse. Likewise it was national news. For me it was almost unbelievable to sign KK.

  3. So the reserves are playing Liverpool tomorrow at home. I trust LFC TV dont broadcast the away reserve matches?

    Aye, think they do, or if not, they did until recently. I'm sure i've watched us v L'pool from W Park quite recently.

  4. 2nd goal at leicester to avoid relegation.

    This, and said game ending to ensure we were spared the indignation of 3rd tier football. Ask S'land and Boro about that. They've been there.

    Also the realisation that KK had signed for US as a player, then him appearing from the tunnel for his debut v QPR, not forgetting his goal that day too.

  5. Anyone going to the SOS tonight. I missed the Villa game, away on hols. What a game to miss eh? Haven't seen any Toon games this season, so i'm going tonight for a live football fix, as can't wait 'til the Blackpool match.


    Aye I'm heading over with a few lads off here.


    how you's getting there?  me and a couple of lads from work are getting the metro about 6ish

    Metro for me too. Thought about driving, but not sure about traffic volume on the road to hell between 6 and 7pm.

  6. Anyone going to the SOS tonight. I missed the Villa game, away on hols. What a game to miss eh? Haven't seen any Toon games this season, so i'm going tonight for a live football fix, as can't wait 'til the Blackpool match.

  7. Did anyone else get this on e mail last summer?  ;D






    Based on the majestic 'Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh', I give you 'Choose Sunderland'!



    Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a football team. Choose Newcastle Utd. Choose trying to buy the title and blowing a 12 point lead. Choose humiliating yourself live on Sky when Fergie outwitted you. Choose crying on the tele. Choose only remembering football games from 1993 onwards. Choose 52,000 and forget 9,000. Choose genuflecting in front of Shearer, your hero. Choose Shepherd and Hall. Choose the fake sheikh. Choose scandal all over the national newspapers. Choose Geordie women being called dogs. Choose £5 football shirts. Choose a brothel. Choose bridges, so many bridges in fact you may as well concrete over your stench ridden river. Choose Gullit. Choose dropping your star man. Choose losing to your local rivals. Choose the rematch and recalling your hero. Choose him missing a pen in the last minute. Choose wearing your shirt every day on holiday. Choose sweat patches. Choose Keiron Dyer. Choose 7 up. Choose sacking a man like Bobby Robson. Choose Bramble. Choose Guivarch. Choose Fumaca. Choose Boumsong. Choose Cacapa. Choose Smith. Choose 20,000 fans coming to welcome Owen. Choose 52,000 booing him. Choose Allardyce, the Mackem. Choose injuries. Choose mental tactics. Choose Derby County. Twice. Choose Fat Ashley. Choose his shirt. Choose stretch marks. Choose the Bigg Market. Choose him clubbing. Choose one rule for one and one for the other. Choose 10 grand tips so he can dance in his shirt. Choose your airport of which your so inherently proud, even though Sunderland own it too. Choose reappointing Keegan. Choose Special K. Choose the Messiah in January even though he'll be executed at Easter. Choose entertaining football. Choose booing. Choose racial abuse at Mido. Choose racial abuse at Hadji and Chippo. Choose waving cereal boxes at Keegan. Choose no win since December. Choose a European challenge becoming a relegation battle. Choose delusion. Choose spitting the dummy out. Choose blaming Shearer. Choose Shearer undermining your boss on national TV. Choose idiot fans not eating bacon because it's red and white. Choose obesity. Choose Greggs. Choose thrashing after thrashing. Choose being a big club despite winning nowt for God knows how many years. Choose the Fairs cup that no longer exists. Choose the Intertoto Cup. Choose Scott Parker looking proud holding it. Choose debt. Choose a hotch potch stadium. Choose Friends of the Town Moor (FTM) protesting against a new stadium. Choose a 'soccer circus'.


    f*** that! I chose Sunderland. I chose a life!




    Wtf? Berating us because we were in the Intertoto cup, a competition they've never been good enough to qualify for? You could go through half the points on there and ask how a Sunderland fan has the nerve to even attempt to take the piss.

    Exactly. There's a few points in there i'd take issue with. Choose losing to your local rivals. (Something they've experienced a lot more than us in my 43 years on this earth). Choose sacking a man like Bobby Robson. (Is that the same Bobby they respected so much, that they had a song about him p**sing himself when he was alive). Choose the Bigg market. (An area they frequent, cos there's nowt in Sunderland. despite their claim to hate our city). As for the references to us in Europe, they can come back and take the p**s when their rabble have played 100+ games in euro competition. If i'm still alive, i'll be a pensioner at least by then.

  8. What's the reserve derby at the SOS like? Might give it a go this season. Is there usually a decent Toon turnout? I'm guessing we get our own section? Can you park up near the s**thole of a ground ok?

  9. I think football abroad is generally much cheaper to watch. Apart from Toon euro games, i've only ever watched Malaga whilst on holiday. Really good value to watch. Although they seem to quadruple the admission price when Barcelona/Real Madrid visit. I was once in Mallorca when they were at home to Barcelona, so i went to the ground with the intention of seeing the game. When i arrived, they were asking 40 euros to get in, and this is going back years. I thought to myself that i would begrudge paying that to watch the Toon and scrapped the idea.

  10. St Mirren. Saw them play a few times on a visit to the area back in the 80s. Stayed in a village called Bridge of Weir. They're black and white and are a real club, with real fans who resist watching the old firm, despite them both playing on St Mirrens' doorstep.

    Great team, great support and great history.

    An excellent choice.





    I am biased though. My uncle played for them and still lives in Paisley.

    Aye. Noticed you have a connection with the Saints Calimag. Good stuff.

  11. St Mirren. Saw them play a few times on a visit to the area back in the 80s. Stayed in a village called Bridge of Weir. They're black and white and are a real club, with real fans who resist watching the old firm, despite them both playing on St Mirrens' doorstep.

  12. Btw our first two games of the season (Man Utd, Villa) are both live on TV and therefore no 3pm kick offs. (source: nufc.com)

    Away on holiday the day of Villa game if it's moved. Wife will be happy when i no sooner step off the plane and want to watch football.

    As much as i love the games, i quite enjoy the summer too. It's relatively stress free, and i've got more time to do things at weekends. I'll soon get back into it when it comes around.

  13. they are the only noise accompanying the games, and ruining any real atmosphere. The only game i've been able to hear a song at has been the england game...just. I can't understand the fans thinking it's fun or novel to blow them. It's different to someone having an air horn at a british game, for example, because the brief sound of the air horn stands out in the crowd. These are just a constant drone. I wouldn't be surprised if a vuvuzela gets rammed up someones jaksi in rage before the tournament ends.

  14. Carlisle away match confirmed for 1pm Saturday July 17th.


    Might get myself up to this one again, last one was quite enjoyable apart from having to sit in the inbred end. Hope they put more trains on though, wasn't too pleased about having to stand all the way to Carlisle.

    1pm? thought it was 3.


    1pm on police advice.


    Bad news, may have to work that morning.

  15. Funny how the mackems will boycott morrisons and flybe, but you'll still see them shopping, eating and drinking in Newcastle. As for Flybe, the ones unhappy about the KK logo certainly weren't flying to see their team play in european competition when they encountered it. If they're going to boycott Flybe, why not have a real boycott and stop using Newcastle airport while they're on?

    Sunderland! Famous for Newcastle.

  16. Carlisle away match confirmed for 1pm Saturday July 17th.


    Might get myself up to this one again, last one was quite enjoyable apart from having to sit in the inbred end. Hope they put more trains on though, wasn't too pleased about having to stand all the way to Carlisle.

    1pm? thought it was 3.

  17. They might play both anthems. Think they did at the pompey/Cardiff FA cup final. Hope Blackpool get up. At least whoever of these 2 goes up, neither are likely to have spending money either.


  18. Some funny moments from the game. The phantom half-time whistle, when the players thought it was real and just picked the ball up for half-time. The "if Shola moves, we're on the pitch" song. Went down on Sat and it absolutely lashed down most of the weekend. Stayed in Harrow, and there was loads of tube disruption. Bumped into a Geordie couple in the hotel yesterday morning. I asked the bloke if he had found a way of getting to the ground. He delighted in telling me they had a car and that it only took 15 mins to get to loftus road. Despite me telling him of the tube problems and the lengths we had to go to, to get to the match, he never thought of offering us a lift. I must admit that i hoped his wheels would fall off.

    Almost lost my faith in Geordie kind.

  19. Blackpool for me. Don't like fans of any of the others. I've not forgotten that pitch invasion at Leicester in 1992, when they couldn't take defeat as we avoided relegation to the old 3rd division. Having said that we were the same in the play-off defeat to the mackems. Don't like Cardiff and their anti-english hooligan element. Don't like forest because their just horrible. "1-0 to the famous team" eh? well let them be the most famous team in the 2nd tier. So glad we had the last laugh over that lot.

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