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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. This club never cease to amaze me. After 26 minutes and at 4-0 down, i began to think of the biggest toon defeat i'd ever seen. Surely this would surpass that. Arsenal and the media were going to destroy us. It was just a matter of how embarrassing it would turn out.

    To pull 1 or 2 back made me think the score would end up more respectable at least. To get a 3rd made me think that there was no reason why we shouldnt get something out of the game now, but that seemed to good to be true. I could not believe what had happened when our 4th went in. Even then i had visions of Arsenal going up the other end and grabbing a winner, because that's the way we do things sometimes. Until i saw the final score on the concourse tele, i couldn't quite believe it.

    At about 3 down, my Daughter said she wondered why we bothered, after the week we'd had up until that point. Now she knows.

    An astonishing game, made funnier by Arsenal chants of "you might as well go home" in typical "big club" arrogant fashion. Oh how we laughed at the end.

  2. Probably when it was confirmed KK was leaving in his last spell here, but a couple more spring to mind, although i wasn't at either game. Firstly, when Fenton scored those 2 for Blackburn against us, that played a massive part in us not winning the league that year. Then the game at Sporting Lisbon when we went 2-0 up on agg' and i started believing we were going to win the UEFA cup, only for us to blow it in true toon style.

  3. Remember that little allegiance the mackems formed with Villa, when Villa beat us to send us down? I can remember images of a badge incorporating the club crests of both of the 2 horrible clubs being posted somewhere on here. Well, i think thats over now.  ;D

    Funny that Bents' left the mackems, but i would love Villa to go down.

  4. Steve Bruce reckons OUR club has no etiquette. Very classy having your fans on the pitch attacking the opposing teams players. A bad day for SAFC. 1st a poor team performance after promising to exact revenge, then they're shamed by their "fans".

  5. Not a player, but referee Graham Poll in burger king, Stevenage yesterday. Mate asked if he was reffing the game, to which poll joked "Don't be stupid, i wouldn't be in here would i? I'd be in the pub."

    Then as he left and we had debated wether or not he had retired, the same lad asked if he was still a referee. Poll said he had packed in, to which the reply was a very quick, "Thank god for that." while we chuckled. He said he had to pack in as he was getting "too much stick of your lot."

    He seemed decent enough, if not a good referee.

  6. Not happy with what's happened this week, but if we give Pardew stick for benefiting from Hughtons departure then any futre managers will see that and steer well clear of this club.

    Having said that, Ashleys actions have already made many managers see this club as a no go zone.

    I just think we should see how he actually performs as boss before we get on his back, despite the circumstances of his appointment.

  7. CH has to have a word about this indiscipline. First Bartons' punch and now Coloccinis' elbow. Players banned needlessly, which we can't afford. It's just the toon way to constanlty shoot ourselves in the foot.

  8. Most of the mugs on the legends seem to think they've got one over us somehow with the Chelsea result. They could hammer every other team in the league this season, but at the end of the day, the derby defeat must stick in their throats.

  9. Most are bad, but one who stands out in particular is Martin Atkinson. If i remember rightly he made a mess of our game at Man City and had a 'mare in the mackems/Stoke game. The thing is, how can 3 officials regularly not see major incidents between them?


    I never understand how people can ask questions like this.


    It happened, they missed it. It happens all the time, so how is it in any way surprising?


    It's like we're judging referees against a non-existent ideal standard that has never ever been met.

    True, it happens all the time, and that's the annoying thing. You could understand if the ref misses something, but we have so called "assistant referees" who simply bottle out of getting involved and don't assist the referee.

  10. Most are bad, but one who stands out in particular is Martin Atkinson. If i remember rightly he made a mess of our game at Man City and had a 'mare in the mackems/Stoke game. The thing is, how can 3 officials regularly not see major incidents between them?

  11. A dream result and up there with the most memorable of games, the 5-0 v Man u and beating Barcelona. I just feel so content today. Come January, who knows what will happen in the return, the mackems might edge it, but i'm pretty confident we wont let 5 in. They'll be wounded for years by this result. As for their fans, let any mackem tell me how they're the best fans in the land, after they hid in the concourse as the goal count piled up. They were like rats running down into the sewers after the 4th and 5th.

  12. After going behind, we seemed to wake up and knocked the ball about well IMO. Particularly impressed with Tiote, strong and composed. Simpson looked a more confident replacement for Perch, and i think it spread throughout the side.

    Off the pitch, i witnessed some of the worst stewarding i've ever seen when they took that Toon fan out for seemingly getting over the boards at the front. For those that didn't see it, the stewards grabbed a lad to throw him out and his jeans fell down as it happened. Apart from not letting him pull his pants up, they then took him out of an exit in the West Ham end, despite having the whole stadium to choose from. As you can imagine the W Ham fans gave him some abuse and their fans in the upper tier joined in by throwing missiles towards us, to which some of our fans reacted and spilled towards the front of the away end. Now mabe the lad deserved to get thrown out, but no matter what you've done, you should be able to go out with your dignity intact. The stewards turned the atmosphere hostile, and caused more trouble than the offence they were dealing with.

    Back to the game, and it's amazing the difference 3 points make. We're probably as close to the top 6 as the relegation zone.

  13. Newcastle 2-1 Derby


    Scrappy, long route one football.


    In attendance NOFC's Greg. Not in attendance NUFC's Adam Campbell (played for U16s instead who were beaten). Seemed to be a random unknown on the bench.

    I was there too. Good winning goal at the death. Thought the blond number 8 done alright, Ben Sayer? Cold and windswept conditions, as ever it seems.

  14. I hate derby games and the tension that goes with them. Would much rather sunderland fell in to the blue square league so we just didn't have to play them. Having said that, i think winning means more to them than us. They could probably go down and consider it a good season if they had beat us. They've lived in the shadow of the Toon for years and are desperate to step out of that shadow. Even though they think they are the strongest they've been since the days of Quinn and Phillips, they are still only average at best.

    God help any trick or treaters at my door on Halloween if we do lose. There'll be turnips being kicked all over the garden. :angry:

  15. No need for panic just yet. Someone at work said we were relegation fodder today, but for me you've got to be losing week in week out for that. Another quote was "its a waste of time beating Everton if you lose to Stoke". Well, they don't take 3 points back off you for losing after a win. The points all add up at the end of the season. Really, you only need average a point per game and you should stay up, so we're on course for that.

    I also think we have a better squad than in our relegation season. I just hope Hughton makes best use of that squad.

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