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Everything posted by RR15

  1. Massive decision made by Pardew, let's see if he's right at the end of 90 minutes.
  2. Who's going to be the first N-O member to break the teams news? Sitting smashing the F5 button in pitch black darkness.
  3. "Newcastle fans" being interviewed on SSN with strong brummie accents.
  4. http://24.media.tumblr.com/283ba4114f6472639aec79d5fe7e6d52/tumblr_mfznecyUqi1r3ovdbo1_400.gif
  5. RR15


    In total, how much have we spent on French players? (in francs btw) 9-1, even Shakespeare scored. #cut4pennywell
  6. Been said many times before, but he’s been given far too many chances at this club. The bad egg within the dressing room. Get rid, cancel the contract and wave goodbye to him with the middle finger, innit.
  7. RodneyCisse, dat avatar
  8. He has to sign, that song has already been sung over 5 times at work this morning
  9. You had me for a second Kebe, you fast little fucker.
  10. I believe this to be a daft question, this is why I am here. I heard the phrase “recycling the ball” at work today, please somebody explain what this could mean? Cheers.
  11. Site goes down, returns with news like this? Cheers lads.
  12. No news. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2lcqr7QJf1qihztbo1_500.gif
  13. Haidara can play the piano, very well.
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