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Everything posted by RR15

  1. Great song, WBCP. Would be class everyone bouncing to that one.
  2. Bradford V Swansea final? :lol:
  3. For some reason made me think back to when Steve Watson did his forward roll, then chucked it in the box
  4. RR15

    Loïc Remy

    *Smashes F5 button*
  5. RR15

    Loïc Remy

    He's here alright, I can smell Remy.
  6. Liverpool through after Suarez scores with his arm.
  7. http://i50.tinypic.com/b7b8l5.jpg
  8. Looks way to heavy to be lynx? Lube, or some baby wipes.
  9. RR15

    Loïc Remy

    Clearly a penalty. Did you see how he appeal the ball ? He's superb at that centrally, diagonally and laterally Great run through past the defender, very strong. And then get's pulled back like this... http://i45.tinypic.com/fypkxv.jpg
  10. RR15

    Loïc Remy

    And he'd down, holding his knee.
  11. RR15

    Loïc Remy

    Just been through on goal, got pulled back, no penalty.
  12. RR15

    NUFC Songbook

    Loved this being belted out in Level 7.
  13. Charlton let me down for £214, terrible day.
  14. Woke up excited about this, love the FA cup. Beat these today, and get a lower league club at home next round
  15. Debuch, Debuch, Debuch is on fire! Not that's he's our right back conceeding goals are no cocern!
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