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Everything posted by Ericz

  1. I share the same sentiments about cautiousness. However, I believe that whichever way it goes, we should at minimum try to get into a UEFA spot. Regards Ericz
  2. I'm a result person regardless of the means or manner of obtaining it. Anybody can be good for Newcastle United as long as he or even she can ensure that Newcastle United wins. Attractive football can come later when there is a strong foundation. I think football today is no difference from business to be very honest. Regards, Ericz
  3. Agreed... Most people are just: 1. Shallow 2. Impatient It's probably due to age and maybe other factors as well I guess. Life is like a game of chess.. sometimes you just have to be patient, anticipate, predict before hand in order to checkmate. A pawn may be slow but it has the potential to turn into a queen and change the entire game. Regards, Ericz.
  4. I think this is more about Mclaren than Beckham to be honest. I think we all know that it was a symbolic decision to drop him as apposed to just dropping a poor player. To now re-instate him shows very weak management. Clock must already be ticking on McLaren's time as Manager. Does it not also send a message out to therest of the squad to say "your all s*** without Beckham" Our National Squad is a f****** shambles My thoughts too. In all honesty, McClaren wouldn't even be in my top 10 choices for England manager. People can say English managers are not given a chance to perform, to learn etc etc (club level or international level)... To me.. it's all excuses... If one is really a good manager, everybody will be on his/her trail... A fact is a fact... people gauge each other by their successes... Same thing with demand and supply... if you are good, naturally people will demand you... but it appears English managers, for some reasons are not able to make the cut. This is something the FA should reflect upon. Look around for successful managers who are english today... are you able to find any? Nope. PS: I've nothing against English managers. I just wanted to be objective and state a fact. Regards, Ericz.
  5. Barry can play left mid, centre mid or left back so his versatility alone makes him a better squad player than Jenas. Seconded. I share your sentiments on that.
  6. Why is it a backward step? It is merely one game we are talking about. It's like a trial for Beckham to test how strong his desires are. From a psychological point of view, people with desires are usually stronger... hence they they can be a better tool. If he shows his value, keep him, hitherto, kick him. I mention in my other post that players are merely tools to achieve one's objective. As long as the objective can be achieved, why care about little issues? Honestly, i would have no qualms in calling up a 50 years old if he has the possibility of achieving my objective. Ultimately, it is just one game. I don't see how backward a step it can be. Then again, i don't understand why people are making a fuss over such minor stuffs really... too much time i guess... Regards, Ericz
  7. What is personality to a person if he does not achieve the targeted objectives? Life isn't about personality... people judge one by their successes. Dignity, pride, personality, character, attitude are just constituent elements to success. Without success, without meeting the targeted objectives, no one will care about your dignity, your pride, your personality. This is the real world we are living in. Perhaps in a crude manner, he may be lacking personality... But phrase it in a positive manner, I say he is flexible and know how to adapt to the times. ---> see how words changes so easily? A success will even make this phrase more convincing. Regards, Ericz
  8. It's just only one game. No harm in giving Beckham a chance. It's not as though the rest of England's players are performing internationally. Regrettably, currently most are just flops at international level. For practical sake: If the whole team does improve because of him or he has a good performance, keep him for subsequent game. Hitherto, kick him... Plain and simple rule.. if the person can be made used of... make use of him.. if not, abandon him... Players are just like tools or clothes in your wardrobe in this case to achieve an objective - which is to qualify / win games. Don't really understand what is the fuss here. Regards, Ericz NB: Aye, i do agree Barry deserves a chance though for his efforts.
  9. There's cause for optimism in the signing of Baines. A nice utility squad player who can play in numerous position i can think of is Matthew Taylor. If Baines get injured, I am sure Matthew Taylor will be able to play there. Regards, Ericz
  10. How much money will Newcastle stand to lose if Newcastle breached the employment contract? Will the pros outweigh the cons? Economically, it appears not viable to have a change of manager. Also, it is better for one to appear to be benevolent and not make big decisions that will be detrimental to one's popularity after a recent takeover. In view of some of these factors, a practical and beneficial approach adopted will be to support Sam and see what improvements he may bring in within a certain period of time. Of course, prior to Sam's appointment, in business terms, Newcastle and Sam should and ought to have drawn up a decent proposal on the progression of Newcastle. Failure to meet that would be detrimental to Sam. Personal Rule: 1. Debate only when there is a an objective, hitherto, debate is pointless and a waste of time 2. Debate not for the sake of debating (waste of time... more meaningful things to do, brain cells could be better put into other matters) I am amused by how people like to conjure up unnecessary debates in the forum and the manner of some of the debates are shallow, neither objective nor constructive. If you like to argue, debate for the sake of debating, spend your brain juice in more meaningful stuffs where there can be individual progression rather than waste your time, gaining nothing in return (well maybe they will gain the false sense of superiority? But that is just deluding themselves). Regards, Ericz.
  11. I personally feel that with regards to the issue of our position next season and Mr. Ashley, it's still too early to judge. In my humble opinion, there are too many variables to consider. It is good to be optimistic but for me, I prefer 'calculated optimism'. At the present, everything is abit blurry and vague. Time will tell. Regards, Ericz.
  12. Milan definitely has a better team. They play attractive football as compared to Liverpool. In my opinion, Milan will be the likely team to win but there is no reason to rule out the underdogs too, especially where Benitez is the tactician, and a very astute one at that. Managers are in my opinion the most important part of the team, more important than any other players, which is what Newcastle is truly lacking right now. Hopefully, we get the right person in Sam. Only time will tell I guess. Regards, Ericz
  13. Ericz

    Craig Moore

    I am a rather new member of this forum. Aren't there some kind of rules in this forum? or moderators? Just curious. Regards, Ericz
  14. If we are a club with ambition, then we won't be selling off our younger stars with potential. Period. Regards, Ericz.
  15. Ericz

    Beckham for England

    I think we lack Beckham's maturity in England squad. He offers something different. As for Lampard, I have to admit, only Gerard or Lampard can play in the first 11, they can't play together. I would pick Gerard over Lampard not because Gerard is better but because Gerard's style of play seems to suit England more. I may be wrong though. Just my opinion. Regards, Ericz
  16. Ericz


    I really don't think we should fall prey to media and speculate that much. Imagine what if Owen does really want to stay and all these fan's comments and thoughts of him being disloyal will make him think otherwise. Whether he stays or not depends on us fans (how much we want him) and the manager (how much Sam wants him and how much ambition does Sam has). Speculations, lashing out at him will get us nowhere... imagine he's reading this forum as well. As long as Owen is still our player today, make him feel as though he's at home, he's a family member to us... we care about him and we will support him. That's about what I will say on this issue. Regards, Ericz NB: Don't fall prey to the traps of media.
  17. I think Owen will stay unless the management, the media and the fans force him out. Even if he stays, it is not good being looked upon as a traitor by the management and the fans and will eventually affects his confidence and performance. I think what we should really do is to give him the support and the love that we really want him to stay. Regards, Ericz
  18. That is something I very much agree and have been telling my all my friends all these while. That's perhaps his only flaw.
  19. Samuel Etoo (Heard he had a quarrel with Frank a few months back, I wonder is that resolved? But I doubt he will come) Benni McCarthy (If Blackburn is willing to part & if we can show Benni our ambition) Carlos Tevez (Although Newcastle is one of the biggest club in UK, it's doubtful whether he is willing to come) Theofanis Gekas (Top scorer of the German Bundesliga in 2007 - 20 goals) Kevin Kurányi Lucas Poldoski
  20. Realistically, I share most people sentiments that Butt should be the captain. The attitude/character of the captain is far more important than his techniques and skills. We need someone clean, upright, loyal to the club (not just football) and willing to rant on players. By endorsing a player who has no wish to play for the club, who has often caused controversy would be a backward step in itself and may cause serious repercussions in the future too. Regards, Ericz
  21. I really hope that Big Sam only plays long ball tactics in Bolton due to financial constraints. Is there any slight possibility that Big Sam will play attractive football next season? I really hope so. Regards, Ericz
  22. There are talks of signing so many players... but I really wonder... 1. Do we have so much money? 2. Every club is getting richer in EPL. hence sellers will expect more from us, there will be more competition Ultimately, we seems to be severely lacking in: (of course, please correct me if i am wrong) 1. Center Backs (a big shortage of central defenders) 2. Full backs maybe? 3. Center midfield (we need some backups) 4. Forwards (Even if Owen does stay, we seems to need backups as well) Well, the club shouldn't spend unnecessarily and make radical changes... But i really wonder... is there enough money to make Newcastle a club going for European Glory next season? Any takes on that, anybody? Regards, Ericz
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