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Everything posted by Ericz

  1. Well, for a start, Arsenal are well-established, consistent ranked in EPL, has nice and upcoming players available... hence 12 million to Arsenal coupled with the sale of established players or fringe players may work. However, looking at Newcastle and its players... they are not even half of Arsenal yet. 12 million in what is termed the first season of rebuilding seems a tad too little.
  2. Mmmm imagine Andorra scoring first ?
  3. In my humble opinion, I think it is too short a period for an accurate assessment, let alone comparison. Foremost, the squad isn't his to begin with and the lack of opportunities of a pre-season bonding/training session etc etc...
  4. To be honest, I think the crux of the issue is "how Ashley views Newcastle United?" Is it an investment vessel or is it a form of passion? Why Newcastle United? Was it his first love? Even if it is a mix of both, which is the priority? The answer only he himself knows best. What we can achieve is at best speculate and assume... until time proves itself And to be fair, realistically, it is his club... unless a share structure could be drafted in to include the fans holding a certain amount of shares to be able to do an effective veto over major decisions but not undermine his shareholdings. Giving him the benefit of doubt and an innocent until guilty verdict, assuming everything is done in good faith and in the best interests of the club and not himself, it may not really be a bad thing after all. However, if there is indeed selfishness, personal interests in it, then in the long term, it may prove to be in the club's detriment.
  5. Almost as good as your deep analysis on the advantages of booing. But not quite. Regards, Kasper Incidentally, believe it or not, that supposedly deep analysis does not mean I agree with it. Well, unfortunately, having gone down a education path I went down... it is pertinent that all sides of the coins are considered. What is black and what is white? And of course what is grey? People may say that it is philosophical... however, from where I am seeing it... it is reality. Human beings are different... We all have our own way of thinking, different upbringing, different environment, different trials and tribunals in life... What is meat may be the poison chalice to another... See where I am coming from? Even people who adopts a paternalistic approach argues amongst themselves. In reality... it makes one think... Are there really any rights or are there really any wrongs? That is in addition to the fact that, in 99.9% of the cases, we do not have perfect information to everything but mere speculations and assumptions. Philosophical, maybe? But it is the reality. Now what if all great minds really think alike and go for the best solution (if there is ever one)? Critics say that it will be a boring boring world... Again... people are not satisfied.
  6. Men and their prides.... It is true that there may be different philosophies, different perspectives etc etc.... but it doesn't hurt to listen, to understand and to compromise. Apologies etc if needed. Both philosophies, both perspectives ain't wrong from where I am looking unless there are some malicious intentions with bad faith intended which we are not aware of. In fact, listening, understanding, compromising, having to do away with males' prides, egos etc... shows another level of cultured well-being, that being of empathy, flexibility and the likes. What do people in a relationship usually say? "Kiss and make up" That is a sensible solution in essence but surely not in form. I am but a little young insignificant fish swimming in the ocean... in reality... many may not agree with the views above, especially the ones with the decision-making powers (where all it matters).
  7. :: The Law of Nature :: The matter will sort itself out eventually ... It always will ... We can only wait and see ... (No point being too overly worried)
  8. Ericz

    Nile Ranger

    Grrrrrr... Just you wait ! Nile Ranger is going to be the BEST BUY for Newcastle United for decades ! He is our future beacon of light & our nice Captain that might even over-shadow Keegan & Shearer !!! Everyone will wear 'Nile Ranger' on the back of their shirt..... Go Go Nileeeee Ranger!
  9. Personally, I see it as 2 separate issues. ( 1 ) Whether the trio warrant sales? ( 2 ) Whether the manager's authority should be respected? Henceforth, even though the trio warrant sales, the manager's authority / opinions must still be respected. You are right, but what if premise 1 and 2 clashes i.e. what if the manager wants to keep all three but the Board wants rid. Do you then support premise 1 or stick with premise 2 because you can't have both if KK really wants to keep all three. Different people will give you different answers, I'm more leaning twoards selling all three (Milner for 12 million) provided there are replacements ready even if it means KK's authority will be undermine in this particular instance. If KK thinks we should keep the three despite promised of replacements, then I simply think he has got it wrong and seriously question his judgement. If the reason that he wants to keep them is because he has not been promised any replacement, then he is right and I support him. From a corporate point of view, I would say premise 1. But from a more moral point of view, I would say premise 2. Tough choice. Tough choice. Oh well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  10. Personally, I see it as 2 separate issues. ( 1 ) Whether the trio warrant sales? ( 2 ) Whether the manager's authority should be respected? Henceforth, even though the trio warrant sales, the manager's authority / opinions must still be respected.
  11. Just go and sleep instead of commenting / procrastinating after every match that a player isn't any good. Please... ( 1 ) When did he join us? How many games he has had? ( 2 ) What team are we playing against? ( 3 ) Is football a team sport or an individual sport? Have some patience, please.
  12. To be fair, I am fairly certain that if given the choice and the opportunity, every supporter would no doubt like to see a Roman Abramovich like owner/investor splurging lavishingly in the transfer market etc. However, finding such a owner is every club's and every fan's dream. It has to be admitted that football clubs are now being ran like modern corporate organisations in today's modern society. From a business point of view (even business theories differs and there are different variables to determine risks as well), the route that Ashley has chosen to take appears to be a sound one which cannot be faulted at this point in time. In every business, there are always going to be the positives and the negatives. What some supporters have spoken publicly about are negativities. Why not consider the positive aspects and be optimistic. After all, reasonably, we should all give Ashely a reasonable period of time to determine his success or otherwise failure. Three years would be a more than adequate amount of time. Surely, after so many trophyless seasons, we can afford to wait another three years. As for some members saying that since Keegan will leave after three years, we should expect him to provide result as soon as possible. Frankly, Ferguson said countless number of times that he will retire but now he is still staying strong. No doubt, we are all anxious for successes and results, however, it should be achieved gradually and securely instead of rushing through matters, which may produce short-term benefits/results but long-term disbenefits/detriments. If members truly hope to see Keegan stay on after three years, the support is vital and moaning should be kept to the minimum, especially when it comes to 'storm in the teacup' incidents. If you are frustrated and wish to procrastinate, take a deep breadth first and count to 10 or even better, go to sleep instead or ask yourself if your expectation is exceptionally high? As the situation stands, we flirted with relegation last year, this season seems like a good start. To be honest, I do not think we have any reasons to complain. (at least for now). We drew with Manchester United, last year English Premier League Champion and European Champions League Champion, what more do you as fans want? Is it not enough for now?
  13. Its crazy how many do not understand this. prepare yourselves for the "old board attack", it's coming... That Souness did well didn't he? We have forgotten about Leeds United ! Didn't they have a big fruity harvest in the end? - lol -
  14. Most rather than some I would say. Maybe thats a biased view from posters on these forums though. That's like blaming customers of M&S for a fall in their profits, rather than looking at the decision makers at board level at M&S. You don't often get customers in M&S booing your staff when they don't get what they want and don't agree with top level management then forcing the hand of the chairman though do you ? No - that happens at AGMs when major shareholders(and minor ones)make their views crystal clear to the Directors ; failure to improve things means a falling share price, and the sack for those responsible ... M & S fired their Food Div manager this year becauseof falling sales - its the same thing basically. Unfortunately, I hate to say this... we are not major shareholders (or even minor ones). We can be considered as stake holders at best under Corporate Governance, however, how persuasive corporate governance is in this society is anyone's guess. From a cynical albeit pragmatic point of view, profitability comes before corporate governance. Only when desired profit is secured, then comes corporate governance.
  15. no easy answer to that is there? and 10m guarantees nothing as you're fond of pointing out, BUT let's try this: "wherever there is a gaping hole in the team & squad a club the size of NUFC should be doing everything in their power to fill that gap with a quality player regardless (within reason) of cost" how does that do you dave? so for us this season i'd say we needed: CB - check CM - nope FW - nope don't think 3 top quality players is a big ask myself, nor did you at the start of the summer That depends on your definition of quality? Before we get Guthrie and Jonas in, people say that we need 3 top players. After we get Guthrie and Jonas in, people still say we need 3 top players. Human beings are never satisfied aren't they? Or is it just our fans? Let us not forget that there are people who are strong advocates for a new LB, a new RW, a new AM etc etc.... gosh! Whose views to follow! I KNOW I KNOW! FOLLOW THEM ALL, ASHLEY! People, remember we were flirting with relegation just some time ago? Surprised how fast ppl forget about it. Lower expectation = more satisfaction in the end.
  16. Most rather than some I would say. Maybe thats a biased view from posters on these forums though. That's like blaming customers of M&S for a fall in their profits, rather than looking at the decision makers at board level at M&S. Your analysis is correct but that is provided M & S sees -insert subject matter- as a problem / as not going according to their intended plans. If it is the customers (fans) who as a result of high expectations think it is a problem, why should M & S be treating the -insert subject matter- as a problem? If that is the case, there will be problems with every single thing every single day.
  17. Have no fear, because the http://th136.photobucket.com/albums/q166/ashley12-5-04/th_th22e4d479.gif Ranger is here ^^
  18. Too much expectation from fans? When high expectations are not met, disappointments arise and followed by frustrations...
  19. Forget bankrolling the club, at the moment he's not even putting anything like what is generated in revenue back into the development of the club. You seem to know something we don't?
  20. What exactly do you regard as a s*** job? Buying Guthrie, Coloccini, Bassong and Jonas? Negotiating £8m for Dyer, £4m for Shola and possibly £10m for Milner? Seems pretty competent work to me so far. Where did we finish last season? Also, let us not forget that he is the owner not the executive director who is involved in day to day dealing with the club nor is he the manager who runs the game. Would you reckon you could change a below-par company into a hugely successful company in just 1 year? Would you reckon you could make your worst grade (assuming it's a 40/100) into an extremely good grade (assuming it's a 90/100) within a year? - assuming university level? Of course, those aren't necessarily a good comparison. What I am trying to say is he needs to be given time, his own proper structure and his team of players. Have he not said how he intend to do it? or how many years it will take? or what his aims are? For Christ sake... it's been repeated times and times again. How about looking at it like restoring an old car since it seems you are in to this? You could order the parts, one part at a time, and in a couple of years get it road worthy, or you could order the lot in bulk, and get the fuking thing on the road ASAP so its actually some use to you. Both will cost similar, in fact you could save delivery or shop around better if your car is on the road and getting you places. A car isn't a good comparison though but I reckon a company is a better comparison. It is no secret that football clubs are run like corporate organizations in the modern capitalist market. Blame it on capitalism if you wish.
  21. Reminds me of the Fulham owner... big money transfers for a championship club at that time. Now.... mmmmm quiet quiet quiet...
  22. What exactly do you regard as a s*** job? Buying Guthrie, Coloccini, Bassong and Jonas? Negotiating £8m for Dyer, £4m for Shola and possibly £10m for Milner? Seems pretty competent work to me so far. Where did we finish last season? Also, let us not forget that he is the owner not the executive director who is involved in day to day dealing with the club nor is he the manager who runs the game. Would you reckon you could change a below-par company into a hugely successful company in just 1 year? Would you reckon you could make your worst grade (assuming it's a 40/100) into an extremely good grade (assuming it's a 90/100) within a year? - assuming university level? Of course, those aren't necessarily a good comparison. What I am trying to say is he needs to be given time, his own proper structure and his team of management staffs. Have he not said how he intend to do it? or how many years it will take? or what his aims are? For Christ sake... it's been repeated times and times again.
  23. Completely contradicting yourself there. What recent comments btw? Indeed. I am just curious... ( 1 ) Demand of Billionaires outstrip supply of Billionaires ( 2 ) Not all Billionaires will have an interest in football clubs ( 3 ) How many Billionaires will spend that kind of money lavishly? If you could find us a Billionaire that is willing to spend lavishly, maybe not the extreme RA style but something close, I wouldn't mind to be honest... but possibility of finding one? For a start, how about naming one? : P
  24. No wonder why Milner's after an improved contract then! Jokes again... If I have 1/10 the ability of Milner, maybe I will get... 5k quid a week that makes 20k quid a month and 240k quid a year That's not bad for me if you ask me... : D
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