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Everything posted by Ericz

  1. Spurs for me. I like to support dark horses. Bring it on to them, Spurs !
  2. On paper, we really don't look like a team that will be relegated I reckon. The team just have to get their act together.
  3. Well, I share everyone's disappointment on this. My friends jokingly said that we should get used to it by now lol... In any case, let's hope this result will not come back to haunt us and hope for the best.
  4. How about Slaven Bilić? He springs to my mind because he's young, adventurous, may be available and while Croatia may not have a very renown defence, they did play some decent football under him. In any case, he could always be offered a similar role to that of Guus Hiddink.
  5. As many before me have mentioned in both the media and in this forum, one of this club's biggest flaws is the lack of stability. I feel that in Kevin Keegan, we have a manager with a correct attitude/respect towards football and a winning mentality. Having Keegan with us in the long-run could only be to our benefit compared to his predecessor and his successor. If (which is a big IF) only more trust and compromises can be given to Keegan in order for him to stay, that would be fantastic. To me, it does not seem like Kinnear could be the Sir Alex Ferguson for Manchester or Arsene Wenger for Arsenal or even David Moyes for Everton. Of course, I hope that I will eventually be proven wrong.
  6. -sigh- Why can't sports be civilized and cultured?
  7. Taken over by someone who: ( 1 ) has a genuine passion for football and ( 2 ) is willing to spend significantly and reasonably in the pursuit of the best interests of the club. Also, I am not very sure about Alan Shearer's style of management. Kevin Keegan is still much more proven at this stage. If possible, hopefully, the new owner will be someone who Keegan can work with and we can always welcome Keegan back. Another player I fondly remember for his beautiful game is David Ginola. I often wonder how would he be like if he is a manager/coach. Will the players and the style of play be as flamboyant as the man himself?
  8. There has been news that several clubs have formed an Alliance that they will only sell their rights to a certain newspaper to report about their club matters. Only that newspaper alone will be considered official and credible. Personally, I think if that is true, it will be good for EPL Football and oust those no-quality news-reporters who have no credible information/reporting skills but only negative rumours spinning skills. I think there are too many low-grade reporters around these days.
  9. -getting my sanity back- Frankly, I think Keegan is still the way to go. ( 1 ) He did bring us to a height the first time he took charge. ( 2 ) This time round, he did put us on a upward trend. ( 3 ) He has the support of the fans needed to stabilise the club at this very moment. As such, he is pretty 'trial and tested' (at least at managing Newcastle United) until proven otherwise in the future.
  10. In an ideal situation, one should always think before they represent themselves in words and/or actions substantiated by facts and not hearsays. However, it would be a very tedious and daunting life to lead. Additionally, it is hard for people to have perfect information. Regarding the rule of defamation, there are several limbs to satisfy. It is very hard to get caught by the rule in a forum. Additionally, it is the habit of lawyers to send out such letters even though a case may never be established in an ordinary court of law and it is no surprise that ordinary citizens shudder at receiving these letters.
  11. We will see again how much he sells it for then *lol*
  12. nah, not to me. More for those deluded people still saying how good Ashley is blah ! blah ! blah ! and that he should stay blah ! blah ! blah ! and that fans shouldn't treat him this way blah ! blah ! blah ! Gets on my nerves to be honest. It's so plain and simple to see. (well, it is even clearer now considering how much he wishes to sell the club for)
  13. You are right on that part but it just doesn't go with what he says that he wants the best for the club. Well, at the very least, he wants the best more for himself than for the club. Basically, the business intent is there. It's all about business and business and business only. It just goes to show how much the club meant to him. The club is just a medium, a tool to be honest. Actually, in a more crude form, fans are equally gullible tools from a business perspective, easily manipulated (or so he thought until recently).
  14. Ashley just wants $$$. Look at the price he quotes for sale "According to the sale documents, Ashley wants to recoup his entire investment, plus take a massive profit. - £480m.' http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=572848&sec=england&cc=4716 What he said about loving Newcastle United are all a pack of lies. It is typical PR stuffs to be honest. If they really have money to burn, Ashley should just take back his initial investment or perhaps take back part of it and leave the remainder for us to invest in new players instead of asking a big profit for himself. Big profit = Business mentality = personal profit (It's not going back to Newcastle United in any way or form).
  15. Ashley just wants $$$. Look at the price he quotes for sale "According to the sale documents, Ashley wants to recoup his entire investment, plus take a massive profit. - £480m.' http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=572848&sec=england&cc=4716 What he said about loving Newcastle United are all a pack of lies. It is typical PR stuffs to be honest.
  16. If you can pay his wages, you know Erikson will <3 to be back : ) (not my choice though)
  17. Simple, do things that will appease the fans (even if it's on the surface). Appoint Keegan back (even if it's temporary). Decrease the price of tickets and/or return some of the tickets' prices (even if it's temporary - can always use some excuses to raise it later on when things get better). Sack Wise if that's what the majority of the fans want (even if he feels Wise isn't in the wrong). Appear publicly and speaks more often of what the fans want to hear (even if he doesn't mean what he say). That might calm the situation a bit. And when the situation gets better, sell the club immediately. It doesn't matter who the manager is or who is sacked in the process or what is promised if the final objective is to eventually sell a stable club (which can fetch a higher price upon maturity).
  18. Let see how much he will sell Newcastle United for? That amount will definitely be considered a fact irrespective of the person's (self-called fan of Newcastle United) intentions. If he sell it for less, potential investors will have more capital to invest into us, vice versa.
  19. Parky should tell this to the people managing and have a say at Newcastle United, not us. Everybody has different perspectives and agendas... If all men are born with the same thinking, then there won't be war.
  20. To give him the benefit of the doubt, we should believe what he says... but from a skeptical perspective, it may be merely an act of salvaging the situation and putting on a sympathetic front? ~Shrugs... whatever the true intention is, only he himself will know.
  21. I can understand your uncertainty (maybe it's your head conflicting with your heart), for me it's a clear no. As much as we feel emotionally connected to KK, there are better managers around. We cant afford to have a manager who will spit the dummy everytime there's a disagreement between board and manager. Situation will get worse now coz he will feel he can get his way on almost anything thanks to the fans backing. I won't mind taking that risk if it was managers of Mourinho, Wenger and Fergie calibre but KK is not in their league...not even close. Though he gets lots of decisions right, I don't trust his judgement 100% not even 80% (for the record IF it was his decision to keep Smith and Barton, then I think he is/was dead wrong). A manager is suppose to manage including manage disagreements and dfferences with the board, and that's KK archiles heels. Thanks to our emotional attachment to KK, he has become bigger than the club and no football club should be ruled by one man. Would they even come in the first place? Even if they did come, do you sensibly think Ferguson, Wenger and Mourinho will tolerate all this nonsense?
  22. It is noteworthy that the Official Statement did not state when and under what circumstances did Keegan produce the list? Remember there was a time where Ronaldinho, Henry etc were going to leave Barcelona? - Interested may mean having some negotiations going on and getting them on a cheap price if the selling club is desperate to get rid of them. Similarly, there were times where Woodgate and Beckham were rumoured to be seeking a transfer. Again, Interested may mean having some negotiations going on and getting them on a cheap price if the selling club is desperate to get rid of them. A wish list does not necessarily means that the specified player has a unlimited price tag on him etc. Personally, I think the Official Statement is too vague at the moment. The intention seems to be geared towards placating the crowds and arresting the unrest than anything else.
  23. All in all, time will tell ............ Nothing we say/come up with/assume now will derive a definite answer to the entire situation. Even the Official Club statements etc may not be the total truth. Time will tell ............ Certainly, I hope the management hierarchy proves alot of people wrong.
  24. Nope, apparently Mr. Ashley and co. have other ideas. -sigh-
  25. ( 1 ) Is there any special significance to your name? ( 2 ) What attracted you to Newcastle United? ( 3 ) What is your first impression of the club and its fans? ( 4 ) What other clubs do you support other than Newcastle United? ( 5 ) What is your favourite position and style of play? ( 6 ) Who is your favourite player? ( 7 ) Do you intend to stay at Newcastle United for life (if the situation allows) and be like Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs for Manchester United?
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