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Everything posted by timnufc22

  1. Exactly. Why not replace the SD signs with another company? Said company still gets massive exposure while still maintaining the stadium name and can pay a fee for that. It might be a 5m or so less than outright stadium name change but it’s the best compromise. FFS can’t believe we’re here and some are rushing towards accepting this, we would regret it in the future. Do we not want to keep our identity? Isn’t the idea that the NUFC we loved, with all the tradition that came with it before Ashley, comes back to challenge again?
  2. I think Graham Potter ticks the most boxes at the moment - has current prem experience, seems to have done a very good job at Brighton, is well thought of in the game, plays good football... it’s a big jump pressure wise from Brighton, would be the only thing
  3. I’d implore anyone to get involved, the time for talking is done, if your not boycotting you have to show your displeasure in any form and this is a chance to do it.
  4. Says what about him? He's well within his rights to do it, imo. If it winds up the gimps who have booed him in the past, all the better. Most players have their own celebration, why can't this one be his? So what about fans who have supported him? There’s fans inside SJP who would have cringed atvthe booing, but obviously they’re not going to be ‘heard’. I’m sure the fans at the back of the gallowgate have sung his name and offered great support. But he’s just standing there basically saying fuck you to everyone. Once fine, but everytime is childish and disrespectful to genuine supporters.
  5. Is it not completely stupid for Pérez to do this still? I genuinely despise any booing etc, have never done it and while a lot of people in SJP would have got on his back, the fact is there’s also others who like me don’t approve of booing either. So why dosent he focus on that and celebrate the goal for fans who have supported him? Why is he focusing on the negative? It’s pissing in the face of others and says something about him. .
  6. Too early, need to be mid table, needs to be on tele... Anyone would think some fans don't WANT to boycott. I know what your saying, personally I’ve boycotted this season but in an ideal world - to get the maximum amount of people on board as possible - it’d be great if we were out the bottom 3, so are people are more comfortable, with ‘nothing to play for’. But yes, I agree it needs to happen one way or the other at some point over he next few months.
  7. We need to start winning games and get out the bottom 3 for a boycott to be successful imo. Ideally mid table going nowhere with nothing at stake. Easier for potential buyers to come in for the club then too.
  8. Aye you just crack on going to games still I will do thank you very much. When you've done something for 42 years it's not that easy to just stop doing it. Some people seem to be able to, fair enough, but my dislike of the owner and his methods isn't going to stop me going to support the team i love. We need to rid it of this parasite otherwise we will never be able to support the club we love, only a SD subsidiary.
  9. Rafa knows what we think of him. He would know it’s not against him or the team. This is about the club and is bigger than the manager. Would you rather Ashley went now while we still have Rafa or when he is gone? I personally find it frustrating people still going, at least with ST’s, unless it’s taking your kids or seniors. I think what needs to be put to bed is the myth of “it wouldn’t make a difference”. 1. It smears sports direct; the backdrop of empty seats & protests of their brandin is a bad association and not what they’d want. 2. It smears the Premier League brand and one of the selling pints (“50k screaming geordies”). Richard Scudamore would be concerned. He would not want it to continue be asking questions why one of the selling points of the PL is being taken away. 3. It hurts Sky/BT who, like the PL, do not want to be showing games at a half empty stadium. They’d stop showing Newcastle at SJP on tv = less money for Ashley and they’d also be asking why this is asking behind the scenes, seen as though they give the club shit loads of money and this is the result. 4. Catering companies who are outsourced would be threatening to pull out because their sales of pies & drinks would plummet. Another headache. 5. If you want to go one further and people cancelled their direct debits then it’s still a lot of money to lose.
  10. For nufc.com to refuse to report on recent fan unrest and planned protest is effectively censorship, what the hell are they playing at?
  11. Rafa already knows what we think of him and short term vocal support for the players is irrelevant in context of the big picture. They should be publizising SD protests or something. People going to the game and showing support is why Ashley has it easy and can take the piss so much.
  12. Jesus Christ in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t a normal situation, the club has been hi-jacked by a parasite who is abusing it for his own personal (and spiteful) agenda and is relying on us to still go the games to prop up the pretence of us still resembling anything like a ‘football club’. It’s not about negativity, it’s aboit saving the club from destruction! Saving the club from destruction? Are you kidding me? Nee wonder the mackems I know laugh their cock off. What an absolute load of shite. My father in law is 76 and said to me if he didn't go because he wasn't keen on the owner or the transfer policy or the colour of the strip or that we sold Macdonald / Beardley / Gascoiogne (delete as applicable) then he would have went to about 3 seasons in 60 years. What would you say to him? Or my 18 year old who has know nothing other than Ashley? Sorry Son, you can't go? Bollocks. Senior people and kids I understand. But yes, he is destroying the club and if you don’t think that then you haven’t been paying attention. This isn’t a normal situation. This isn’t a ‘poor’ owner. This is systematic abuse of the club. We either accept it or we don’t.
  13. Na people won’t shut the fuck up becusse was here not going to accept the club being destroyed. Sorry but you get what you pay for, your paying for sports direct F.C. so that’s what your going to get. You do realise he’d be in the shit if there were 30K empty seats flr 5 home games in a row? The PL would actually have a big interest to step in and ask what fuck is going on, the last thing they want for their ‘brand’ is an empty stadium, let alone the one that usually has ‘50K screaming Geordies’.
  14. Jesus Christ in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t a normal situation, the club has been hi-jacked by a parasite who is abusing it for his own personal (and spiteful) agenda and is relying on us to still go the games to prop up the pretence of us still resembling anything like a ‘football club’. It’s not about negativity, it’s aboit saving the club from destruction!
  15. Players half-arsed tracking back, nobody willing to take responsibility in the middle of the park, half arsed casual passing, aimless hoofs rather than thinking about it and an obvious lack of movement up top. Those boos are kinda justified imo. A lot of these are not down to not working hard - some ability and many not being able to handle the pressure or not having the balls to take risks. They should be rousing themselves to get over the pressure and should find the balls to take those risks. I’ve been critical of the crowd a lot in the past and Saturday p*ssed me off at times too but I think the players not having it within themselves to shake off such fear was bordering into the lazy department. It’s game of football, not a war zone. If you can’t, at some point, find the courage to take risks and drop any fear of making a mistake in front of a big crowd then why are you in football? But then that’s the problem with the state of the game in regards to average/poor players at this level being on massive money, that then becomes a comfort zone. We have a very young team and it's nothing new, we suffered with the same issues last season. SJP is clearly a hard place to play football for our team when we aren't winning. The mental side of things is very complicated, what you are saying is akin to telling someone with depressing to just man up - it's a lot more complicated than that. Obviously I wouldn’t think of telling someone with depression to man up but I know what your saying. The thing is the support has been good at times this year. Granted not all the time and there’s still that whingey element but I think SJP used to be a lot, lot worse between late SBR era up till 2008. There’s always good support from the Gallowgate end now. A lot of fans are singing there hearts out non-stop and I can’t believe the players can’t hear it, towards that side of the pitch anyway. It’s there to feed off. There wasn’t any disssent at the beginning of the game v Brighton and I thought we looked nervous from the off. The mental side is complicated I agree. But this is what they’ve trained for & strived for. Playing in front of a crowd has been factored into their careers more and more through their development. It’s not like they’ve only just began to play in stadiums. There was too much of an acceptance that we weren’t going to win from the players, to me, whatever the reason.
  16. Players half-arsed tracking back, nobody willing to take responsibility in the middle of the park, half arsed casual passing, aimless hoofs rather than thinking about it and an obvious lack of movement up top. Those boos are kinda justified imo. A lot of these are not down to not working hard - some ability and many not being able to handle the pressure or not having the balls to take risks. They should be rousing themselves to get over the pressure and should find the balls to take those risks. I’ve been critical of the crowd a lot in the past and Saturday pissed me off at times too but I think the players not having it within themselves to shake off such fear was bordering into the lazy department. It’s game of football, not a war zone. If you can’t, at some point, find the courage to take risks and drop any fear of making a mistake in front of a big crowd then why are you in football? But then that’s the problem with the state of the game in regards to average/poor players at this level being on massive money, that then becomes a comfort zone.
  17. I watch other teams and they look to have more spirit about them. More of a spring in their step. It doesn’t help when our players look like they’re playing in lead boots and nervous from the off.
  18. it's the howls when the ball goes back sometimes that does my head in? Some just expect the ball to go forward for the whole game. Yeah, there was a lot of that today. It’s not going to help like and some fans make more noise moaning than supporting. At the same time, I really think the players came out looking like scared kittens from the start and they need to find more from within themselves. They didn’t rouse themselves. There’s good support from the Gallowgate like I said. Playing with fear is only going to bring on anxiety from the crowd. They need to shake this fear from their bloody minds because like I said I think that’s nearly as much of a problem as the quality.
  19. Really? I thought it was canny. The crowd realised what we are and what we had to do as a result that night, I thought. The booing like from today isn't on though. I can understand boos if players are blatantly not trying, but this bunch of players are. They're just not good enough, that's not their fault. Where do you’s sit? It’s a million times better in the Gallowgate end upper and we need all the help we can get.
  20. There’s a good core of fans in the Gallowgate end who sing no matter what’s going on. Karl Darlow had his name belted out at the start of the game. Many other players did. There were sustained spells of strong support. I despite whinging from the crowd as much as anyone, it’s brainless a lot of the time, especially with some back passes. I have to say though, it came to a point where you had to question the players mentality and frankly effort. They were playing with absolute fear. Zero confidence about themselves, running like they had lead in their boots at times. Weak attempts at crosses. It was as if some were resigned that it was too hard and they didn’t was to rouse themselves. I know a lot are poor players but I really think a major factor is what’s going on in their heads. It really needs to be addressed by Benitez, they have to change the way they are thinking. Like I say I know it can be tough when the crowd are getting restless and no doubt there’s some idiots who go purely to have a whinge which is pathetic, but there’s always support bubbling away in te gallowgate end and today they were playing with the weight of the world on their shoulders from the beginning, when there wasn’t any crowd dissent. They should be puffing their chests out walking onto the pitch as a matter of personal pride and ambition. If they find it hard to play in front of a big crowd, what hope and ambition do hey have to progress as a footballer? Would they turn down a move to a top club because it’d too much?
  21. He was moping around sulking last season with his head down showing little enthusiasm. It was a depressing situation to be in last season so I hoped he simply got sucked into that as a young lad, which is still poor. Yet last night - fresh start, positivity from everyone - he was caught on his heels, looked as slow as anything and was only animated when he was complaining to the ref about not getting a foul. I know it's only one game and the odds are he will improve but I do think he needs to give his head a shake and re-asses his attitude. When he first came he was fearless and enthusiastic, buzzing around everywhere and encouraging his teammates playing with a smile on his face. That hasn't been seen for a while now and we can't wait any longer as there's simply no time to waste.
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