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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. I was drunk, give me some credit, i managed to capitalize all the words in the thread title. Trying to uphold the standards here.
  2. Hey some of these youtubers make good and interesting points. Dunno why fan channels are are despised here. And look, I didn’t put the obvious popular I chose good banter and good insight. I even watched the Minerals one after making the thread and was thinking “wait till the guys get a load of this guy” but oh well. still think it’s a good idea for a thread fan made content that’s not quite up to the par of the “footy videos” thread. and if there are good NUFC fan content, please post it, that’s what the thread was made for. How am I supposed to know what episode is?
  3. Feel free to post your favorite football channel fan videos here. A lot of mine aren't Newcastle cause we don't have any good ones I believe this Chelsea guy to be the smartest in the world. Very funny and entertaining. i love me some Saeed TV. Very passionate fan with good mix guest shows including Errol and Sava. Two very insightful fans, Good banter, lil corny but will def get you through a work day. These two brothers crack me up. Great banter.
  4. Personally wouldn't mind finishing in Europa League spot this season(3rd CL) or next. We’d have a good chance of winning it. Build a squad and two-three years go for the CL. Thats just me.
  5. think we have a much better chance of leapfrogging Villa than Spurs.
  6. Rather Villa drop points than Spurs. Spurs will get top four pretty sure.
  7. Very good till I tore my quad. 1000 kickups, free kicks, pinging a 60 yard ball(my favorite things to do) speed,everything. Used to play centre back but now I have to play as a 10 because you can just float around and pick your spots. But I miss one on ones, picking up the ball early and then Pinging a 60 yarder to the attacker. Hopefully surgery in one year.
  8. Astroblack


    Play Gordon there. Saka can play LB. Gordon tracks back loads plus technically, he’s 9 times the play that Lewis is. Good players can play anywhere. Gordon can play Lw, can’t be that different to Lb.
  9. Astroblack


    There are far more players deserving of a call up for the positions they can play than Lewis.
  10. Astroblack


    Rico Lewis is not ready for the main national team.
  11. Astroblack


    Are you fucking stupid? Saved once against Columbia, nations league seminfinal vs Swizerland and against Jorginho in the Euro 2020 shootout. Jorginho the best penalty taker ive seen in my life.
  12. Astroblack


    Thats four PK saves by Jordan Pickford. Thats why i’ll always want him in goal.
  13. Was checking through the next set of fixtures and Saw Bayern are playing on Friday the 24th of November. I was thinking "that's interesting, Bayern always seem to play on Fridays." Obviously went to see if there were CL fixtures that upcoming week and sure enough, there were, they'll be playing Wednesday that upcoming week. Smartest club in football.
  14. All these basketball terms. My cousin once asked me if they "did screens" in football. Fuck off.
  15. Just think it's a lazy narrative. Was at my non football watching cousin's house during the 1-4 2010 World Cup game and he goes "oh, those efficient Germans" and I was thinking "they're absolutely tearing us apart IN STYLE" Nothing efficient about it. Efficient is the Spanish one nilling their way to the WC final that year recycling the ball around the half way line.
  16. "German efficiency" I've never found the Germans to be efficient. They smash teams to bits. If there was ever a team that was "efficient", it's the Spanish.
  17. I think Palmer’s a good player but we’ve seen the ball hoofed up to Gordon with two or three players around him, evade them all and then bring the entire team back into the game. I don’t think Palmer has that type of ability. Honestly I’m seething. Under 21 player of the tournament(a tournament, Cole Palmer was his teammate), open play goals, assists, holding his own as well as looking like he genuinely belongs in the Champions League, and on the eye test, Gordon is the better footballer. It’s not even about Gordon getting a well deserved break, it’s about the lad getting a well deserved England call up. Just messed up.
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