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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. Fucking knew it. Big club bias. Palmer’s ok but Gordon has genuine class. His touch for one thing is up there with the best in the league. Can make something out of nothing and can escape three players with a single body feint. This is a bloody travesty.
  2. I’ve totally changed my mind on The Rest is Football. Thought it was crap at first but I love it now. Some great tales from Gary and Micah. Probably the only place I can stomach Micah. One of Gary’s stories about the 90 World Cup had me quite emotional, not gonna lie. John Obi Mikel has a podcast now and it’s pretty good. Looks studio backed as he had Terry and Lampard as his first guests so he’ll probably be getting some more big names in soon.
  3. Just saw this mad stat - Despite featuring 53 times that season, Rodri was an unsued sub in the 21 Champions League final.
  4. Gusto’s pretty good. Not as good as James but like how Tino is to Trippier
  5. They won’t. Just raise their game for the big guys. Did the same against Arsenal and Liverpool.
  6. They were both holding each other. Ruining a perfectly good game.
  7. Five yellows over the course of however many games equalling a suspension is such a stupid rule.
  8. Five yellows over the course of however many games equalling a suspension is such a stupid rule.
  9. I don’t think I’ve heard a better impression.
  10. We can be here all fucking night, it was never going in.
  11. I am. If they win and we beat Milan, we get Europa.
  12. Can't wait til we can pip their youngsters. Adeyemi is top of the list.
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