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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. probably Rory Jennings? All their online fans are odious IMO except this one - Johnny Minerals. Proper entertainment.
  2. Think Spurs are nailed on to finish top four. Loving the destruction of Chelsea a lot more.
  3. More of a Man U player than an Everton one. Also Arteta was the final piece of the jigsaw that saw Everton solidified as the fifth-sixth place team of that era.
  4. Had to. Was born in 90. Know Everton were winning things in the 80s and had players like Andy Gray and Tony Cottee but in my lifetime, they’ve been a middle of the road club.
  5. He was definitely not like that as a player. Think he’s learned all these antics from Pep. The short press conferences, the talking in extremes, the way he jolts out of interviews the moment they’re over as if he has something extremely important to do and you’ve just wasted his time.
  6. Think he was the best player Everton ever had(in my lifetime anyway). Could argue Lukaku but Arteta was everything to Everton during that time.
  7. Ball didn't go out. Wasn't offside Gabriel was already going down to head the ball. Joelinton was only attacking the ball and not committing a foul.
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