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Felling Mag

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Everything posted by Felling Mag

  1. Finished 0-1 Top of the league again! Howay the Heed
  2. Looking forward to some good league cup encounters next season!
  3. Fulham match.....What was it like? I was at work and couldnt get to the game.
  4. Didnt cost me when I changed seats a few years ago. I've just moved down from L7 to the 'Corner' and i'm not entirely happy. I loved my old seat on the balcony where I could stand without hassle. Now i'm stuck sitting down in a fucking uncomfortable seat and a worse view imo. What pisses me off even more is the fact that L7 is no where near full. If the FCB had sold out up there i could see some logic behind his decision to move people. On the plus side the atmosphere in the corner wasnt awful and I can definately see it improving.
  5. Anyone who annoys Man United players as much as him is a man i admire.
  6. Not to mention Ben Arfa, Albeid and Vukcic
  7. Same here, I'd rather we gambled on Obertan who many turn out to be a good Premier League player, rather than persist with Routledge who has proven with several clubs that he's not cut out to do it consistently at the top level. As I mentioned though, my main concern is that I can really see Jonas departing. I've been worried about this since the signing of Marveaux. I'm looking forward to seeing Jonas in a team where he isnt the sole creative element. He's been over relied on for too long.
  8. Personally i'm happy we have signed someone with a bit of pace. I view him as an improvement on Routledge.
  9. Skirge I'm a fan of your signature picture.
  10. Finished 1-3 Sammy played well, scoring twice!
  11. Im gonna go along tonight. Nice to see Newcastle sending a few better players this time.
  12. Felling Mag

    Season Tickets

    What is the back row in the SE corner? Im row P block F. Good chance of standing?
  13. The thought of Nobby teaching the kids about footballing technique makes me happy....sign him up!
  14. Felling Mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I wouldnt be suprised at all
  15. Im going, howay the heed!
  16. Felling Mag

    Season Tickets

    Didnt know that about the slope....very interesting.
  17. Felling Mag

    Season Tickets

    I've sat in L7 for the last 5 seasons and ive never had a season ticket in a different stand. However, its obivious as far as singing sections go the best place to relocate is the Gallowgate. It is perfectly designed for a brilliant atmosphere unlike L4....which is not and also has a low number of current ST holders. Plus, theres no difference in price. I love the Leazes, but would support a move to the Gallowgate more than L4.
  18. Felling Mag


    Get the fucker in!
  19. Felling Mag

    Season Tickets

    Good email/letter. But i dont think it should mention standing, like someone has already said its not actually the club who implements the no standing rule. I currently sit in L7 and im getting evicted. So fair play to those trying to organise a new 'section'!
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