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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Edit ignore - fake. appologies. https://twitter.com/timmylabelle_/status/1146059396188819458?s=21
  2. It would be nice if one of the questions was direct at Steve and whether he thinks he is best placed to unite the fans when a lot seem to have such a low opinion of him. Personally I have no clue about the fella. I think he's just the bloke that made a prat of himself going to the ground in a coffin. If the aim of the trust is to unite the fans they have to see that having him heading things up will make that more difficult.
  3. If I was looking for additional backers he’d be near the top of my list He shouldnt be. Hes got nowhere near enough for this level even as a bit player Money wise it could just be a token amount (10-20 million) but having a previous successful owner, with local ties, who keegan still calls boss would just help the worried masses that it’s ashley part 2. Especially if they don’t have the 100’s of millions to invest.
  4. If I was looking for additional backers he’d be near the top of my list
  5. So what Twitter wants us to believe is the club tweeted something AND deleted it AND just a couple people saw it AND twitter notifications didn’t go out. I’m in.
  6. Right now it doesn’t matter whether people actually boycott or not. It’s whether we can get the club to shit themselves over the prospect of it. Them in panic mode ideally pushed Ashley over the edge to sell to avoid the hassle of owning a depreciating asset. Ashley must know getting a decent manager in is going to be very tough and that this season is going to be toxic. Hopefully from the arsenal game but definitely as soon as the results go bad for the new manager stooge. Sunderland in the third tier had to be given away with the owner writing off debts. So worse case in couple years were worth nothing. The way he runs the it’s never going to be worth more than it is today.
  7. ? if you want the illogical one... well.. it starts with Odin infiltrating a message board...
  8. maybe that they have realised Ashley is a cunt negotiator so they are going to go dark. Sabotage the Benitez talks, start boycott groups, target Ashley and his family with threats and physical violence until he accepts an offer of 50 million less. It's the only logical explanation I can come up with.
  9. Who cares. The bloke made a prat of himself then went into hiding. Even when given the chance to put his hands up he continued to lie including direct messages. It was obvious immediately that the image was faked and I tried to give him opportunity to put his hands up but he doubled down with lies. Having said that I don't care whether he's banned or not, I'd say don't bother. There is only a very small minority with this view. The middle ground that more people believe is that Ashley has used the bid as a means of distraction. This is harder to discredit. I think I saw you mention this in your dissertation but I can't see it to quote it... I don't like the aggression on the board or on twitter towards journalists and fans who think that the club will not be sold. Sadly these people are more likely to be correct and for having the opinion that no matter what is reported a sale simply won't happen (most likely due to Ashely) get abuse. Everyone just wanted to believe the happy stories and got aggressive at people who held a more pragmatic line.
  10. He’ll only sell at a price and time where he thinks he’s won. For that reason I think going down would make him less likely to sell. He would probably be even more nasty to the club if we stayed down he’d want to make it suffer forever. I don't see that playing out personally. He likes money too much. He appears pretty stretched (relatively speaking) due to his shopping spree. I think the threat of a boycott should be used to make it as difficult to appoint a decent manager as possible. Ashley and Charnley will be in a position knowing that the season is going to be toxic. We have a difficult start and they know things will only get worse once the season has started. Being in that position vs having Benitez signed on for an additional year weakens his negotiation position significantly. I guess that was why he threw a tantrum and let Rafa know through Sky sports that he was gone. If he doesn't sell there is one potential out of fourteen million, six hundred and five that could be decent for us. Ashley may want to "win" the Benitez situation. What better way than appointing someone half decent giving them the money that Benitez would never have actually seen. Then playing the "look Benitez was a t***" card. Not really. I agree most of your points but not the last one. He did that and we relegated. He won’t do that again. Half decent manager yes (lol, if there is one) but no more spending. Even the sales proceeds may not be allowed to put back to the club. Yours is the most likely outcome it's just really hard to predict a psychopaths reaction. They probably have a list of potential signings already lined up. Not through skill but the list that Rafa rejected as they didn't meet his criteria. They bring in a coach. Then through arrogance sign all the Rafa rejects thinking they know better. To a gambler this may appear as a decent hedge against relegation as even when we go down they will think they'll be able to repeat the Sissoko and Wijnaldum outcome.
  11. He’ll only sell at a price and time where he thinks he’s won. For that reason I think going down would make him less likely to sell. He would probably be even more nasty to the club if we stayed down he’d want to make it suffer forever. I don't see that playing out personally. He likes money too much. He appears pretty stretched (relatively speaking) due to his shopping spree. I think the threat of a boycott should be used to make it as difficult to appoint a decent manager as possible. Ashley and Charnley will be in a position knowing that the season is going to be toxic. We have a difficult start and they know things will only get worse once the season has started. Being in that position vs having Benitez signed on for an additional year weakens his negotiation position significantly. I guess that was why he threw a tantrum and let Rafa know through Sky sports that he was gone. If he doesn't sell there is one potential out of fourteen million, six hundred and five that could be decent for us. Ashley may want to "win" the Benitez situation. What better way than appointing someone half decent giving them the money that Benitez would never have actually seen. Then playing the "look Benitez was a twat" card.
  12. get ready for the takeover to fizzle, the anger of Rafa to dissipate, the boycott Arsenal to see 50K people there. Best case scenario is Ashley sells to someone who is willing to leave sports direct tied to everything for the next decade.
  13. Why are you even discussing whether he faked it or not? It's right there for everyone to see, couldnt even use the right color of white to paint over the text never mind the timestamp that photo of the photoshop was faked man. edit - the smileys on this board are creepy
  14. http://i68.tinypic.com/v3pzxs.png
  15. And the period rather than a colon in that last time (that's slightly larger than the last time).... Full stop man, not period. fair play. I've started translating automatically from talking to many Americans.
  16. And the period rather than a colon in that last time (that's slightly larger than the last time)....
  17. I'd like them to be real. Odin's been posting little positive tidbits though out so a photoshopped conversation basically means the rest is probably crap too. If you look at the time stamp the last time has a period rather than a comma too. Maybe why the first message sent was such bad quality. Ultimately you're right though. What ever people are positing something seems to be going on for real. We'll just have to wait for the announcement after Ashley has blocked it.
  18. how come no date is shown between his last reply and your new message? I deleted my last messages to him from 2 days ago. It wasn’t one of my finest moments.. mine keeps the date separator even if I do this in app. or you mean you photoshopped the above? I don’t know mate. I deleted 3 texts including an image (not my cock) and one of his emojis and then just took a screenshot. The the last two are from today. Fair enough. From my side it makes it very difficult to believe the above is true as that would mean your version of whatsapp behaving differently to mine(maybe someone can explain this). If you are making this up as a wind up (who knows whats going os at the moment) I can recommend a few apps for faking WhatsApp communications. They do a better job than trying to do it your self. Let me know.
  19. how come no date is shown between his last reply and your new message? I deleted my last messages to him from 2 days ago. It wasn’t one of my finest moments.. mine keeps the date separator even if I do this in app. or you mean you photoshopped the above? I don’t know mate. I deleted 3 texts including an image (not my cock) and one of his emojis and then just took a screenshot. The the last two are from today. Fair enough. From my side it makes it very difficult to believe the above is true as that would mean your version of whatsapp behaving differently to mine(maybe someone can explain this).
  20. how come no date is shown between his last reply and your new message? I deleted my last messages to him from 2 days ago. It wasn’t one of my finest moments.. mine keeps the date separator even if I do this in app. or you mean you photoshopped the above?
  21. how come no date is shown between his last reply and your new message?
  22. Me too. It's hard to believe not a single Newcastle psychopath has not stuck one on mike.
  23. If Benítez being let go and finding out via sky isnt a line for people there is no line.
  24. they have a week to spin the story before Benitez can be a bit more open. I'm sure there will be lots of stories like the china one this week.
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