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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Indeed. Or their sources are away from Ashley’s inner circle. Edit and either know nothing or are equally being misled. Same end result I guess.
  2. Maybe just maybe all the reporters that have been so negative are right. If you hear something about a bid then it’s bull shit. So bzg are a huge red herring. All the delays in managers, players etc are linked to a takeover but it’s the other silent group that Caulkin has mentioned. Or as Douglas also mentioned our top brass are just simply incompetent and think they are doing the right thing. If i was betting man I’d go for incompetence, invisible bidder then least likely bzg.
  3. On that thread there is a guy who has been consistently saying they not serious bidders. Asked Douglas to dm him. He seems to think he knows something negative. I should really ignore the twitter nonsense but he seems reasonable. Not a teenager in his bedroom.
  4. Most likely a stretch but if the council come somehow get involved and organise some sort of festival day in the city that would nail it. Continuing the theme of support our city. Imagine a buzzing city and an empty ground.
  5. So today is the day again. 1. A barber 2. someone who works in a cake shop 3. Jose odd 5-1 4. There was a flight from Boston 5. Silence from press yesterday so must have been told something (we always double source - if not more) Douglas 6. A DJ 7. A bin man Everyone gets one turn to pretend to be itk in the hope of I’m not sure what but... I have heard it from 7 6... yes 7 6 TRUSTED sources that today is the day.
  6. Yes they’re usually just after clicks so did find it strange.
  7. Sky Keith also seems to think the whole statement is made up bollox. I just don't get why BZG wouldn't come out and discredit it if that was true.
  8. Didn't someone report that Premier rules? I may have dreamt that but I thought it was along the lines of the proof of funds part. I'm probably wrong on this.
  9. I take your point but would the multi-billion corporation not just release a one liner simply saying "the cryptic amateurish statement is not from us."
  10. Sorry replying to myself. If they haven’t managed to iron out these detail in 6 weeks they won’t. Deal is most likely dead.
  11. My take. - Everything has been amicable - ashley not moving goal posts. They have tried to find compromises in negotiation - Bids - they have submitted multiple bids to Ashley, - If there is no deal - none have been 100% agreed by Ashley I think this goes back to the point that he will only sell if he keeps the benefits of what he gets from owning Newcastle without owning it. Buyers are not willing to comprise this much as it would make the deal bad for them. Posted now from them as anything from our side will not be believed so NUFC have asked them to say something to try to reduce the unrest. They agree as they want to try to continue to negotiate as one they want a deal, and they also don’t want to lose face. Obviously pure speculation.
  12. These guys are with you https://twitter.com/insider872/status/1147940724308152321?s=21 (Appologies for positing twitter crap) Hope you’re right it just seems really really unlikely to me now.
  13. And the kicker will be if we ever do get sold it will sell and truly be on his terms. We will be tied up like a kipper for as long is legally possible keeping all of the benefits that sports direct currently have. Premier league rangers.
  14. You’re both more positive than me. I think it’s dead. I think he’ll find some mediocre manager to take the job. We will buy a couple 15 million quid players and a couple 6 million ones. We will sell Longstaff. The support will huff and puff for a while. We will have a relegation battle season. Crowds will dip a bit. When the result matter in terms of survival and relegation fans will get behind the team. We will survive, just. The pr machine will spin ‘it’s a business”, “he doesn’t need to invest his money”, “the buyers were never serious”. It won’t feel as raw as right now in a years time. We will continue in this limbo for another 5 years.
  15. Agreed. There are loads of ways to die through long painful torturous deaths.
  16. The legal set up and rules of the Trust mean that any conflict or interest must be declared. I'll send you a PM on the specifics but happy to take this away and look in more detail. Thank you. I honestly want to see the trust be a success. At the moment it’s getting traction due to the obvious but after this settles down I think this is where the trust can really influence. Not necessarily the big ticket items but the smaller things that can still make a real difference to our club and supporters. It’s so easy for people to throw mud which reduces trust and then makes it more difficult for the trust to achieve this. This transparency would just be another step in helping it achieve this. All just imo obviously ?
  17. https://www.givemesport.com/1488100-jose-mourinho-rejects-88m-offer-to-take-over-at-guangzhou-evergrande?autoplay=on Obviously it’s back on ??‍♂️
  18. We don’t have to all like each other. We do have to at least show a united front.
  19. Sorry read your message again. Fair enough. Kind of on the same page.
  20. He has a large following. He is part of the nust board. He is just one of many in that position that can actually influence a set of our fans. The more that join the better.
  21. Don't move away from here. This is such a good place. It doesn't support Mike Ashley in any way and is a great place to share your frustrations with like minded souls. ??
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