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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Potential for collateral damage.
  2. Takes a brave* man to vote stay! */stupid
  3. Doesn't even feel like he is one of our players yet. So does not feel like a loss.
  4. TooonDoom

    Andy Cole

    Go go peter Beardsley... Andy cole, Andy cole... Good times. Daft to sing the song but still have lots of respect due to the memories.
  5. Great great player but will never be a good manager. Lacking in charisma.
  6. Sky sport reporter with a dildo in the ear. That'll be a first I guess.
  7. I thought he did ok. He was always looking for the ball. Spread it well. Also did not shoot when the crowd screamed shoot.
  8. Bottom of the league. Pardew out.
  9. I've got to say... I've got to say... I've got to say... I've got to say... I want to kill waddle.
  10. TooonDoom


    He did aye. Should have booked him for kicking ball away.
  11. TooonDoom

    Alan Pardew

    I don't think pardew will be too bothered regarding the lack of transfers. It puts him in a no lose situation. He has the perfect excuse ready if things go bad. If we do ok he can take all the credit. In terms of the power struggle between him and JFK he's just scored a good few points with JFK failing so badly. He's been setting him up for failure all summer by reiterating that jfks only job is to get the players signed that he and/or Carr identify.
  12. Pretty much confirms that our entire existence is just a soap opera for a parallel universe.
  13. TooonDoom

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    "At least" 20 million. Nonsensical.
  14. TooonDoom


    Good to see Sky are finally recognising the significance of NETD with their live matches on Sunday.
  15. TooonDoom

    Alan Pardew

    Based on results and issues out of his control, maybe? Based on performances, tactics, substitutions, team ethos, etc... Not a f***ing chance! We've got knocked out of Europe marginally by the finalists, we are still in a position to finish top half and this has been a disaster. I understand i'm just papering over the major cracks here however i'm just not one to go over board and start calling for his head when i haven't quickly forgotten how he massively over achieved last season leaving him in a position this year with a far greater job on his hands which nobody really expected and in truth we weren't well equipped enough to cope. If he goes and we bring in someone else fair enough, i wouldn't argue against it, but if we stick with him, i hope we go into the summer with a better plan than our previous visits in this window of opportunity. I'd agree with a lot of that if it wasn't for the quality of the football. For two years now we have played s*** football. Look at the way villa and Wigan play the game. Even the games we've won I've not enjoyed the actual game.
  16. The second lot near me were dopey as hell. They watched 8 lads get thrown out after the penalty then immediately celebrated the next goal and got removed! There were still loads of newcastle fans around just a little more discreet!
  17. When I have my negative hat on I just can't see us beating qpr. We've won 1 in 17 away games this year. We don't look like scoring and all luck is firmly against us. We could not even beat a west ham team with nothing to play for with two of their players wearing toon kegs. With the positive hat on qpr have worst home record, nothing to play for. If anything it's in their interest to lose. Do they really want to drag us into the championship when they are going for promotion next year?
  18. You think Norwich will beat West Brom and Man City? i don't. Thats what its going to come down to. Can we beat QPR by more than Norwich beat West brom and lose to arsenal by less than they lose to Man city.
  19. another muther fucking week to wait hoping that it will be the day we fucking win a game. To be disappointed again. Wish we could just play all the games over the next couple days and get the fucking torture over with.
  20. One can wish.... 0-1 Carroll o.g. Never buys a drink in newcastle again. Reality... We never seem to get an easy game when the opposition should already be on holiday. Don't know what it is. Maybe the decent away support gets the home support going that in turn gets their players going. I can't see us getting anything out of this match. Hope to fuck I'm wrong.
  21. 6 days until the next game. He should only go if they can have new manager at the training ground tomorrow. Hope to fuck that they are sorting that as we speak. Reality is they tried that last time and failed, I think they will stick with pardew. We will get at most 1 more point and our fate is in wigans hands.
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