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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. He has had plenty of chances :lol: Too true too true. Not going to argue as I hate the t***. But surely after the emotion and joy of to day he must get engaged a bit. Big he does he could make the difference. Nope, he was told to get out there and protect his asset. Those questions were loaded and his answers prepared. Bishop was probably off camera holding up boards for him to read. Not going to argue with you. I'm flying after watching us survive.
  2. He's only had 8 years #WAIT You're right I'm wrong. Just pissed as a wanker and want to be positive.
  3. He has had plenty of chances :lol: Too true too true. Not going to argue as I hate the twat. But surely after the emotion and joy of to day he must get engaged a bit. Big he does he could make the difference.
  4. The thing is he was here today. If he doesn't get want it means after watching us fuck him. I'll give him a chance to back his words pre match.
  5. Souness man. Who the fuck gives that twat a ducking soap box.
  6. Agree but turning up at least shows a tiny bit of bottle
  7. They have probably got whosever our lot think they have lined ip up in the summer.
  8. Press will love it. Last two manager to relegate us Geordies.
  9. Funny you ask that now, it's Pardew! Lol. Ok the one before that?
  10. Who was our last manager to leave due to going to other club and not being sacked?
  11. Only negative is pardews ego will be intact. I suppose sacking him would not have touched it anyhow as it would not have been his fault anyway.
  12. Alan Pardews black and white army! Knew he'd come good.
  13. How can he not put in a decent cross? Or a shot with any power? I refuse to believe that was coached out of him in a couple of months. And Riviere, your views? These two replacements for Cabaye and Remy. What a joke. Aye, this confirms it. You know nothing about modern football, or the type of player that Cabella is. I'm not saying he's been good, in fact he's been s***. However, his lack of crosses isn't even remotely the problem. Honestly, you should be embarrassed. Whether your point is correct or not you are off the scale for condescending.
  14. How do I bet on anyone but pardew being the next premiership manager to be sacked? Apologies for noob question.
  15. Imagine that pardew the first newcastle manager to win a domestic trophy in 60 years.
  16. Our only escape from relegation is the old one - there has got to gone three teams worse. My gut right now tell me despite the s**** that we watch and put up with we will survive... Just.
  17. For me this period is my all time low supporting newcastle. For the last two matched the joy of seeing newcastle score has been robbed from me. I'm wanting the disaster to force change. I read this forum daily and love it (except for the Giggs shite). But why is the general opinion on this forum so disconnected to the feeling of the majority of the home fans?
  18. I thought he came across well in the interview. Its good that he is listening and reading what people are saying about him. He made me laugh with the two people clapping bit. It looks like he has not lost the dressing room as his players backed him today. Problem is his team play shit football and we're going down with him as manager. He some how managed to earn some slack today though dropping two points. It's going to take far too many games to get rid of him now. He may even limp on past this season and we will have to put up with this depressing shit.
  19. Absolute worst case scenario today. Going to be the slow game now pardew stays until we are fucked.
  20. I said to slim, Ashley would sell the sack pardew stuff, he's ruthless Ashley is probably behind sackpardew.com! Maybe he bet his mate a million quid that he could get crowd holding up sports direct branded posters.
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