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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Seems more like, after PL approval, its the legal stuff, ie Barclays and money transfers. When it us all done 100% it will be announced. I would expect Barclays to be notified of a change of owner after it has been approved. Can't think why they would need any of that info if there is still a chance that the sale doesn't go through. You are most likely correct but the loans market is very bespoke. You cannot guarantee what is in that particular agreement. There could be rules in there that effects fee's/rates or ones that even force termination of the loan given ownership changes. Notification can be used to calculate what will change so there are no suprises. edit - my experience is more within the syndicated bank loans space where notifications are more likely to allow participants in the deal to remove their position before the actual change of the agreement so they do not break their own lending rules.
  2. I prefer to take people at their word until proven otherwise so I do believe what you guys are saying. But playing devil’s advocate it can’t be easy being charvey. Most blokes like to play billy big balls a bit and his salary (or lack of) is published. He made out to be a stooge with supporters. I could easily imagine him jumping the gun a bit to get some kudos. Maybe there was unofficial word that it will be signed etc. Barclays could easily be part of the processing the purchases assuming it will be approved. I don’t know the terms of the loan but it could be that they were informed that the transfer of ownership will be happening even before the Premiership approval. On the flip side maybe it has been approved but the league said please no leaks so they have time to get their press in order during the money transfer. No one knows.
  3. Ignore https://twitter.com/delaneymongel/status/1258086915397554176?s=21 Sorry fake account
  4. Because he can’t. And even if he could he'd be mad to. We can't be worth what we were a month ago with no fans potentially next season.
  5. Pretty much my thought. If it was going to be a problem his share in the club would already be gone. Indeed so given he still owns it no influence QED.
  6. I have influence over all the owners. I can quite easily murder one or two of them.
  7. I think this could go on for weeks or months. The premier league is under no obligation to complete the tests in any time scale. They have the perfect excuse to drag their heels right now. When they do make a decision either way they are in for a shit storm. If it happens soon great I’ll be over the moon that I’m wrong but I just don’t see it coming any time soon.
  8. You’re right but depending on how your brain is wired make this harder for some!
  9. The stories from last Thursday were that the piracy was the issue. So assuming that there are not new issues it will boil down to whether the premier league can prove that the owners were involved in this. Given a French court said they were not I guess that will be hard to prove. The takes as long as it takes line makes me far less confident we’ll hear anything this week. Hopefully this is not just delaying tactics. They weren't convicted of direct involvement but the French court agreed that beoutQ was using Arabsat satellites, which could be an issue. They may just want assurances this won't persist or they'll do more to stop it. it's already been shut down and has been for some time The premier league check is whether the owner has been involved in criminal activity. I cannot see how the conversation could be along the lines of ensuring that something does not happen again. As soon as there is anything along these lines it implies that they were involved or have that influence to change it. I’d imagine the conversation is exclusively regarding proof that the actual owners and directors were involved. As some have pointed out previously, it more likely the PL are leveraging this to get the Saudis onboard for the the next TV rights package. There'll not be as much money floating around and the Saudis provide a good source of ready cash and a relatively untapped market. The PL isn't going to cut of it's nose to spite it's face. Wouldn't be surprised if what was actually happening was the basics of the TV deal being thrashed out which is taking the time. The Qataris don't hold much sway other than the TV deal they have. They bought the wrong club in the wrong league. Quite possibly. This way no one has to admit that they have any links to the piracy. It does sound almost like blackmail mind! Either the premier league can prove some thing and it should be blocked or they can’t and holding a threat of this to secure a potential billion pound contract would look corrupt as fuck.
  10. As always pure speculation... if delays do cause an issue with regard to exclusivity or the current signed contracts I cannot see how this would be a positive for Ashley. The value of the club can only have gone done since the contracts have been signed. It looks less likely that this season will be played out, despite project restart. Player, doctor and insurances concerns are being raised. Next season is looking more likely if not near confirmed to be played, at least in part, behind closed doors. Both of these massive financial impacts not to mention the value of players potentially tanking. The news of the new buyer came from Ashley’s side and is a mate of his. Who in their right mind would now pay 350 million for us? This stinks to me of Ashley trying to keep the current bid agreed even if timing allows the buyers to potentially renegotiate. I think the premier league checks are all that matters now. It does not matter how long they take as long as they are eventually passed we will be sold.
  11. The stories from last Thursday were that the piracy was the issue. So assuming that there are not new issues it will boil down to whether the premier league can prove that the owners were involved in this. Given a French court said they were not I guess that will be hard to prove. The takes as long as it takes line makes me far less confident we’ll hear anything this week. Hopefully this is not just delaying tactics. They weren't convicted of direct involvement but the French court agreed that beoutQ was using Arabsat satellites, which could be an issue. They may just want assurances this won't persist or they'll do more to stop it. it's already been shut down and has been for some time The premier league check is whether the owner has been involved in criminal activity. I cannot see how the conversation could be along the lines of ensuring that something does not happen again. As soon as there is anything along these lines it implies that they were involved or have that influence to change it. I’d imagine the conversation is exclusively regarding proof that the actual owners and directors were involved.
  12. The stories from last Thursday were that the piracy was the issue. So assuming that there are not new issues it will boil down to whether the premier league can prove that the owners were involved in this. Given a French court said they were not I guess that will be hard to prove. The takes as long as it takes line makes me far less confident we’ll hear anything this week. Hopefully this is not just delaying tactics.
  13. "overall still positivity on the buyer side, but it will take as long as it takes" - George
  14. He’s just tweeted that he’s looking forward to it yeah I just got that one seconds after posting. I'll take this as a bit of good news.
  15. If George bails from tonight meeting I will be even more worried.
  16. the silence just brings back the PTSD from the previous attempts that ended up with us all looking like mugs.
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