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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Stop being so relentlessly thick for the love of god. Citizen = a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized. Being a citizen of a country is different to running it. Seems you missed my point. Note how I did that without in insulting you? This place is going down hill fast. You said you could come up with a decent argument then didn't. People are so desperate for Ashley to go they are prepared to overlook the fact that we will be owned by people responsible for a hell of a lot of deaths. Ashley was a greedy capitalist fuck who is responsible for terrible working practices in his businesses. Replacing him with people who are morally worse because they might make us competitive is not cause for celebration. They were stupid arguments deliberately. Ok so how about Ashley ignoring social distancing rules at sports direct warehouses (proven with photographic evidence) which put us all at risk, especially all of our elder relatives? Why did he do this? For profit.
  2. Stop being so relentlessly thick for the love of god. Citizen = a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized. Being a citizen of a country is different to running it. Seems you missed my point. Note how I did that without in insulting you? This place is going down hill fast.
  3. Stop being so relentlessly thick for the love of god. Citizen = a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized. Being a citizen of a country is different to running it. Seems you missed my point.
  4. I could come up with a decent argument about every owner. Easy picking : Russians owners - committed assassination in our country. Putting countless lives at risk. Is Chelsea’s owner even allowed in Britain yet? Chinese owners - caused a global pandemic by covering up issue at their laboratory’s Capitalist billionaire owners - bleeding their companies dry then furloughing staff and government bail outs Etc etc IMO it is all crap what I’ve written above is crap. It’s just that for what ever reason e seem to get more abuse when other teams are owned by questionable people too
  5. I tried that argument a few pages back and even I realise how stupid it is. I agree it is stupid. But so is the hypocrisy we see against Newcastle. Meet people at their level. Edit : removed the large tweet from quote
  6. To all the haters posting about the sports washing etc this should just be spammed on their tweets:
  7. Agreed. And as nice as that would be what other teams supporters don’t seem to understand is that is not the biggest thing we want.
  8. Sorry replying to myself? here is a list of articles I expect to come out: - premier league checks failed - Shelvey is trying change the price due to corona - Ashley is trying to change the price as he is a cunt - Ashley still believes they are tire kickers - the Saudis are still interested in Man Utd - there are disagreements in the buyers consortium Basically just use your imagination. All the news sites are competing for clicks so will just make shit up with no sources to get them. I’m not saying I expect the sale to go through or not I just don’t think what comes out in the press is any indicator of it either way. We need to wait until there are statements direct from either side.
  9. Even if the process is 100% nailed on an article like that was guaranteed to come out. We will also see an article stating that the premier league checks are stuttering/failed in the next week or so. We will see articles on every angle from each “journalist” saying we will spend like Man City to we will continue with current structure. All of it is just trying to get clicks. Just ignore it all. Keep your fingers crossed that in 2-4 weeks it all gets signed. Then listen to what the owners have to say about their plans.
  10. It’s going to be a long 2-4 weeks. Please nobody print any T-shirt’s.
  11. Depends when checks started. Depends how much PL have got on atm. Fuck knows. True. Interesting tweet in that “they’ve been told”
  12. So in theory we’re in the premier league checks stage? If so about a month until it’s announced. A few people over the last week have been saying early may for an announcement.
  13. I swore I would not get drawn in until it was done. Today makes that a lot harder! ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  14. Please don’t tell me to fuck off. Don’t spoil it for the rest of us then....we probably know it’s bollocks but at least let us have a few weeks/months of positivity before the inevitable happens.... Happy to observe and not be negative. Not happy to be told to fuck off. I find that quite negative. That’s better...see positive vibes have mellowed your feelings.....we’ll get you onboard or suicidal before the end..Te he Honestly I found the thread amusing. I thought this was tongue in cheek and really just the takeover thread that allowed twitter crap and some debate around it. Was just posting my thoughts on it. I won’t repeat them. Some positives: Silence No denials from the buyer side Couple of the journalists articles
  15. About the only thing that gives me some positivity is the silence from the press. The press are not giving Ashley a lot of abuse about the silence on the furlough or the no comment on it. Maybe they know something is coming.
  16. Please don’t tell me to fuck off. Just like you, I’ll do as I like. Got a problem, IM me. . Happy to discuss in public cheers. And yes I have a problem. This place is friendly. Members telling each other to fuck off makes the place less positive. No need.
  17. Please don’t tell me to fuck off. Just like you, I’ll do as I like. Got a problem, IM me. . Happy to discuss in public cheers.
  18. Please don’t tell me to fuck off. Don’t spoil it for the rest of us then....we probably know it’s bollocks but at least let us have a few weeks/months of positivity before the inevitable happens.... Happy to observe and not be negative. Not happy to be told to fuck off. I find that quite negative.
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