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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. If a moderator sets a rule that this thread can only be positive happy to oblige. Otherwise I’ll post where I like ??
  2. Personally I don’t believe any of it. Twitter will get bored and news will just stop coming. Spend your energy trying to get the press to report the shit show that the club is rather than this bullshit.
  3. TooonDoom


    Such a bad decision in hindsight and at the time for most. They’d have almost for sure gone up with him.
  4. Of course it isn't down to other staff members to pay other's wages, but if you're earning the average annual salary, weekly, then you can afford to do without for a year. It's not as if they're earning their wage. They have expenses too and again why should they go without a years salary? The onus is on the club to pay for staff and if it can’t, then the onus is on the government provide some relief and after that... government == us (through tax) on a company maying a profit (2019 overall profit after tax of £18.6m). Owned by a billionaire. NUFC using the bailout is completely humiliating. It is morally corrupt. I don't want to associated with a company that does this. I agree, my point is, the players themselves shouldn’t have to bail out staff. Now if they took a pay cut so the club could pay others, great, but we know that won’t happen. Yeah agree. The two things are not linked in my mind. I do think that: 1. The players should get paid less - this is just a moral thing again. 2. The club should spend less on transfers - to cover the cost of the employees wages.
  5. Of course it isn't down to other staff members to pay other's wages, but if you're earning the average annual salary, weekly, then you can afford to do without for a year. It's not as if they're earning their wage. They have expenses too and again why should they go without a years salary? The onus is on the club to pay for staff and if it can’t, then the onus is on the government provide some relief and after that... government == us (through tax) on a company maying a profit (2019 overall profit after tax of £18.6m). Owned by a billionaire. NUFC using the bailout is completely humiliating. It is morally corrupt. I don't want to associated with a company that does this.
  6. The filling paper work news is being watered down, there is no bid again. It's all just the standard bullshit as always. As usual our name is dragged through the mud by being associated with the fat cunt.
  7. It is almost definitely bull shit. Don’t let the glimmer of hope drag you into trawling Twitter, looking for news, watching planes, etc. A lot of us have more time on our hands and that crap does no good. What will be will be. Any good news would still be weeks off and will find you.
  8. He missed a trick not showing the working conditions mind.
  9. I fucking hate it when people sit on the fence.
  10. TooonDoom


    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8140497/Sunderland-Til-die-series-two-Netflix-tragicomic-classic.html Sounds like it could be better than the first.
  11. quite possibly but it would open a huge can or worms. It would have to be coupled with the cancellation of the season.
  12. TooonDoom


    In theory I'd say yes. Even before the current issues I'd like to see us giving them first choice for loans for example. We have far more in common with each other as a region than we have with people say from London. Both us and Sunderland have an element of idiots who support them. Each of us sees these knobs on the other side and brushes them all with the same brush and feel some how supperiour. I think the current situation of hatred is frankly quite sad. I've fallen into the trap myself due to being on the receiving end of shit over the top banter. It is just self perpetuating now. If it was possible to get back to the days where you'd support one team but potentially be able to watch the other on away weekends that would be great. My dad tells my stories of him and his cousin doing that every week when they were kids (60 years ago). This was very common at the time.
  13. That’s really heart warming. Nice result for her.
  14. There was just a clip of him on sky losing his head with a reporter “you calling me a liar!”
  15. Feels like a matter of time until they score at the minute.
  16. Longstaffs shooting is getting worse. He looked so confident when he first started.
  17. TooonDoom


    Disappeared when they got really shit. Reappeared when they thought dell was buying them (with comments like it is a coincidence I have come back now) Disappeared when dell disappeared. They won't be on here until a relegation/promotion/take over happens .
  18. ah yes "Steve will address that in the summer". Like the guys he brought in during the winter making the difference.
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